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First Meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Review of the Implementation of the Convention  


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Highlights for Friday, 9 September 2005

On Friday, 9 September, the first meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Review of Implementation (WGRI) of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) convened in the morning in Sub-Working Group I (SWG-I) to finalize draft recommendations on: communication, education, and public awareness; implementation of the Convention and Strategic Plan; and financial resources and the financial mechanism. After having agreed upon a Chair’s text on outstanding matters in the CRP on the review of the Convention processes, SWG-I adopted its report, with minor amendments. The closing plenary convened in the late morning to adopt the meeting report and its recommendations to COP-8, and hear closing statements. Chair Ramatha gaveled the meeting to a close at 13.47.

Above photo L-R: Closing dais of WGRI with Ahmed Djoghlaf (UNEP), CBD Executive Hamdallah Zedan, Letchumanan Ramatha, Chair WGRI, Arthur Nogueira (CBD), David Cooper (CBD) and Rapporteur Antonio Matamoros (Ecuador)

Sub-Working Group I: 

SWG-I agreed upon draft recommendations on communication, education, and public awareness (UNEP/CBD/WG-RI/1/L.4) and implementation of the Convention and Strategic Plan (UNEP/CBD/WG-RI/1/L.8), without amendments; and financial resources and the financial mechanism (UNEP/CBD/WG-RI/1/L.9), with minor amendments.

Review of the Convention processes:  


SWG-I considered a Chair’s text on outstanding matters in the CRP on the review of the Convention processes. Concerned about its feasibility, the EU and Norway, opposed by Switzerland, Mexico and Argentina, requested deletion of a request to the Executive Secretary to provide information on cost estimates and timeframes for requests for intersessional work. After deciding to bracket this request, SWG-I agreed upon the CRP on review of processes.
SWG-II adopted its report (UNEP/CDB/WG-RI/1/SWG.2/L.1 and Add.1), with minor amendments.

Above photos L-R: SWG-I dais with Dan Ogolla (CBD),  SWG-I Chair Jebb, Bob Kakuyo (CBD), and Marcos Silva (CBD); Hesiquio Benitez-Diaz and Luz Maria Ortiz Ortiz (Mexico)

Closing Plenary: Statements

On Friday morning, WGRI Chair Ramatha convened the closing plenary. SWG-II Chair Shikongo (left) presented the report of SWG-II, which delegates adopted without amendments. SWG-I Chair Jebb (right) presented the report of SWG-I, which delegates adopted with minor amendments.

The African group expressed appreciation for the WGRI outcomes and their substantial contribution to achieving the 2010 target, highlighting the recommendations on the revision of NBSAPs, support to national CHMs, review of financial resources, CEPA, and national reporting. The Group of Latin American and Caribbean Countries noted that the consensus achieved at the meeting is crucial in the shift of the Convention from policy development to implementation, stressing the importance of achieving its three objectives. Central and Eastern Europe commended the excellent spirit of cooperation among participants, and expressed support for the continuation of the WGRI on a standing basis.

Above photos L-R: Dalia Maria Salabarria Fernandez (Cuba); Natalia Tretlyakova (Russian Federation); Rawson Piniel Yonazi (Tanzania)

Asia and the Pacific underscored the role of stakeholders in the achievement of the three objectives of the CBD, and praised the recommendations on: NBSAPs, output-oriented approach to capacity building, support to NFPs, and reduction of intersessional meetings to free resources for national implementation. The EU commended the effective work of WGRI, identifying as key issues for the future of the Convention to focus on national implementation, including protected areas, and streamlining CBD processes. China highlighted the importance of the WGRI recommendations for enhanced implementation, and emphasized the need to prioritize the use of limited resources for implementation at the national level and to improve effectiveness of the financial mechanism.

Above photos L-R: Terei Abete-Reema (Kiribati); Weixue Cheng (China); Glenys Parry (United Kingdom speaking on behalf of the EU), Stefan Leiner (European Community) and Jane Bulmer (United Kingdom)


Brazil reported on the preparations for COP-8. CBD Executive Secretary Zedan congratulated delegates on the progress achieved, as well as for the guidance emerging from the discussions regarding implementation of the Convention and Strategic Plan and achievement of the 2010 target.

Above photos L-R:
CBD Executive Secretary Hamdallah Zedan; Marcela Nicodemos (Brazil)

Left photo: Chair Ramatha (center) thanked the participants for the excellent results, and gaveled the meeting to a close at 13.47.




The ENB WGRI team posing with Abbalache Yesli of the CBD

Left photo L-R: Sabrina Shaw, Elisa Morgera, Stefan Jungcurt, Reem Hajjar, Abbalache Yesli
and Franz Dejon 

This service was prepared in cooperation with the CBD Secretariat


CBD Secretariat
CBD WGRI-1 documents
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