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Seventh session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC) for an international legally binding instrument for the application of the Prior Informed Consent
procedure for certain hazardous chemicals and pesticides in international trade

Geneva, Switzerland, 30 October - 3 November 2000


Tuesday, 31 October.

On the second day of INC-7, delegates met in morning and afternoon Plenary sessions. Participants discussed operational procedures for the ICRC, inclusion of chemicals in the interim PIC procedure, location of the permanent Secretariat, support for implementation, illicit trafficking, and status of signature of the Convention. They also began consideration of the discontinuation of the interim PIC procedure.

Jim Willis, UNEP Chemicals, introduced the document on Location of the Permanent Secretariat. Highlighting the document's background and contents, he drew delegates' attention to the Annex which details categories of information that might be requested from countries interested in hosting the permanent Secretariat.


Germany highlight their bid to host the permanent Secretariat Rotterdam Convention.
Italy elaborates their bid to co-host the Secretariat with Switzerland.

Switzerland reiterates their bid to co-host the Secretariat.

Matthias Kern, Germany, summarized discussions on illicit trafficking undertaken at the third session of the IFCS (Forum III) held from 15-20 October 2000. He noted that the starting points for Forum III discussions were the definition of illegal traffic in Chapter 19 of Agenda 21 and the request of PIC INC-6 to discuss this issue.
Senegal, on behalf of the African Group and supported by Sudan, Chad, and Samoa, pointed out health and other problems caused by the considerable movement of substances and requested that consideration of illegal traffic be prioritized.

Across from the International Conference Center and in front of the United Nations building stands Daniel Berset's Broken Chair. A work drawing attention to the devastating effects of landmine warfare.

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List of Documentation for the 7th INC Session
ENB report from PIC-6 (pdf format)
The agenda (pdf format)
Rotterdam Convention (United Nations)

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