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Fifth Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change
Bonn, Germany; 25 October - 5 November 1999
Negotiations of Thursday, 28 October

Latest update: Environmental NGOs are monitoring the nuclear lobby's strategy at the COP-5 negotiations.
NGOs anticipate that one possible strategy will be to ensure that Parties rule nothing in and nothing out of consideration for CDM projects.

Jose Goldemberg, the Brazilian Chair of the World Energy Assessment, has suggested that countries take a holistic view when considering the possibility of including the nuclear option under the climate regime. Some countries are expected to advocate nuclear power as a suitable technology for CDM and JI projects under the kyoto Protocol.

Mr.Goldemberg recalled that the climate change Convention deals at length with sustainable development and noted that the proliferation of nuclear weapons was not compatable with the goals of sustainability. While conceding that nuclear power qualifies in principle for CDM by virtue of its minimal contribution to GHG emissions, he said there were constraints which are broader than climate concerns. The dangers of nuclear proliferation had nothing to do with the Convention but such considerations were important to consider. "It is going to be difficult for people dealing exclusively with climate change to refuse to consider the nuclear option as a valid one. It is valid. But it creates other complications. People in government will be sensitive to that," he said in an interview.

NEWSBYTE: At the Joint Working Group on compliance, the Worldwide Fund for Nature has called for a role for NGOs and civil society in assisting with implementation. Jennifer Morgan proposed that the Kyoto Protocol compliance regime allow for the submission of NGO reports on non implementation. Reports would go to the UNFCCC Secretariat to ensure that they dealt with valid issues of non-compliance.

Images and RealAudio

     Joint Working Group on Compliance  
Espen Rønneberg, Chair of the Joint Working Group on Compliance

Susan Biniaz, US, said the compliance system should be focused on Article 3 targets

The United States representative discusses the role of the "triggering" Party.

Tuiloma Neroni Slade, Samoa, on behalf of AOSIS, said there should be an eligibility committee to determine mechanisms' eligibility and that there should be an ad hoc appeal body to hear quasi judicial appeals against the imposition of binding penalties
Jennnifer Morgan, WWF, said NGOs should be able to trigger the process through the Secretariat
     Contact groups
The joint contact group on Mechanisms met in the afternoon to review the Secretariat's document setting out the Parties' proposals. Left and below: Kok Kee Chow, Malaysia, chaired the contact group
Delegates in the contact group on Mechanisms
Co-Chairs of the contact group on land-use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF): Halldor Thorgeirsson (center), Iceland, and Philip Gwage, Uganda (right).

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