Highlights and images for 26 February 2020



A view of the Eiffel Tower from the UNESCO building on a rainy day

IPCC-52 discussions on the proposed outline of the Synthesis Report (SYR) of the Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) took place throughout the day on Wednesday, 26 February. Following some procedural discussions to ensure clarity on the process going forward, delegates engaged in what many deemed a productive session in which views and suggestions were expressed on all the sections of the SYR outline. Based on these comments, the IPCC Vice-Chairs will revise the outline and present another version for consideration by delegates on Thursday.The Panel also addressed: the organization of a joint workshop with the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) to be held from 12-14 May 2020 in London, UK; and the organization of future IPCC work in light of the UNFCCC Global Stocktake, with views diverging on whether to align the two processes going forward.

Earth Negotiations Bulletin (ENB) has provided daily web updates and a summary and analysis report from IPCC-52. The summary and analysis report is now available in HTML and PDF.

Photos by IISD/ENB | Leila Mead

For photo reprint permissions, please follow instructions at our Attribution Regulations for Meeting Photo Usage Page

A view of the dais during the morning discussions on the outline of the SYR (L-R): IPCC Chair Hoesung Lee, IPCC Secretary Abdallah Mokssit, and IPCC Vice-Chairs Ko Barrett, Thelma Krug and Youba Sokona
Delegates from Zimbabwe consulting during the session
Lindsey Fielder Cook, Friends World Committee for Consultation, intervenes during the plenary
Delegates from Japan
A view of the room during the plenary
Simone Schiele, IPBES
Members of the Technical Support Units
Delegates from Saudi Arabia