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18th Session of the Subsidiary Bodies  
Bonn, June 4 - 13, 2003

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SB-18 Highlights, Thursday, June 5th

Delegates to the Eighteenth Sessions of the Subsidiary Bodies of the UNFCCC (SB-18) convened in morning SBI and afternoon SBSTA sessions.

Contact groups met to consider the IPCC Third Assessment Report (TAR), sinks in the CDM, arrangements for intergovernmental meetings, and Research & Systematic Observation.

SBI panel members, morning plenary


The SBI considered: administrative and financial matters, arrangements for intergovernmental meetings, and non-Annex I financial matters. ORGANIZATIONAL MATTERS: Chair Stoycheva said Parties agreed to consider the issue of non-Annex I national communications under other matters, and the SBI adopted the agenda without amendment.
Listen to Chair Daniela Stoycheva

SBI Chair Daniela Stoycheva and SBI coordinator Luiz Gomez-Echeverri


ADMINISTRATIVE AND FINANCIAL MATTERS: Parties heard remaining statements on the programme and budget for the biennium 2004-2005. JAPAN said conference services should be funded from the UN regular budget. The EU indicated that the budget should be more predictable and sustainable for future periods, and expressed surprise over the distinction between the Protocol and UNFCCC activities in the budget. AUSTRALIA emphasized that budget priorities need to be clarified, and, with BRAZIL, CHINA, the EU, JAPAN, NORWAY, and RUSSIAN FEDERATION, said the budget increase is too high. The RUSSIAN FEDERATION favored a zero growth budget, but would accept budget increases for inflation, and requested clear indication of how its contribution to the budget would be affected by its ratification of the Protocol.

Harald Dovland, Norway (right)



Listen to:





Listen to the Secretariat's introduction of this item

The Secretariat highlighted, inter alia, two scenarios for the programme of work: one for COP-9 and, in the event of entry into force of the Protocol, another for COP/MOP-1 to be convened in conjunction with COP-9.
On the organization of the COP's work, the US, with others, supported convening high-level round tables. AUSTRALIA said COP-9 should build on the Delhi Declaration on Climate Change and Sustainable Development.

Richard Kinley, Secretary of the COP (right)



NORWAY and BURKINA FASO supported holding the high-level ministerial segment at the end of each session, while the US, BRAZIL and SAUDI ARABIA supported holding it at the beginning of the sessions. Several delegates underscored the need to separate work on the UNFCCC and the Protocol. The US, with AUSTRALIA, SLOVENIA, NORWAY, and CANADA, supported the consideration of a multi-year work programme, and the streamlining of each session's agenda. On effective participation, the US objected to the manner in which the CDM Executive Board was implementing the rules relating to the participation of observers. The G-77/CHINA, with SAUDI ARABIA, BURKINA FASO, and the EU, called for increased funding for the participation of delegates from developing countries. Several delegations called for a systematic approach to ensure broad and balanced participation in all bodies, expert groups and workshops. Chair Stoycheva said that a contact group chaired by Karsten Sach (Germany) would facilitate further discussion on these issues.

India intervenes on behalf the G-77/China


Dan Reifsnyder Susan Biniaz, US


Listen to:


The SBSTA addressed: “good practices” in policies and measures (P&Ms), development and transfer of technologies, and research and systematic observation (R&SO).

Listen to the Secretariat present on "good practices"


POLICIES AND MEASURES: Chair Thorgeirsson recalled that implementing decision 13/CP.7 (P&Ms) could include two pathways: strengthening web-based approaches for exchanging information, and engaging in further methodological work to develop and assess P&Ms. In the context of national circumstances, several delegates said that information exchange has been valuable in highlighting the effectiveness of P&Ms.

Listen to SBSTA Chair



SBSTA Chair Halldor Thorgeirsson

SWITZERLAND, with AUSTRALIA and CANADA, supported a standing agenda item on this issue and invited non-Annex I Parties to benefit from information sharing. SAUDI ARABIA said that discussions should be limited to Annex I Parties. The EU called for additional workshops and web-based tools. JAPAN, with AUSTRALIA, said that P&Ms should be self-assessed. Chair Thorgeirsson said Greg Terrill (Australia) and Richard Muyungi (Tanzania) would co-chair consultations on this item and prepare SBSTA conclusions and a draft COP decision.


Saudia Arabia


Jose Romero, Switzerland

Australia and Norway

Listen to:

Paul Fauteux, Canada


Elmer Holt and Susan Wickwire, United States



William Kojo Agyemang-Bonsu, Ghana reports on the EGTT with German delegates in the background

TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER: William Agyemang-Bonsu (Ghana) reported on the work of the Expert Group on Technology Transfer (EGTT). Delegates commended progress made by the EGTT and highlighted the need for broad stakeholder participation in creating enabling environments for technology transfer; transparency in creating enabling environments; concrete actions to implement the outcomes of the EGTT and the technology assessments; and attention to the broader issue of technology development.

Listen to: