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18th Session of the Subsidiary Bodies  
Bonn, June 4 - 13, 2003

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SB-18 Highlights,
Monday, June 9th

On Monday, 9 June, Parties to the UNFCCC SB-18 met in contact groups to continue their deliberations on, inter alia: the programme budget for the biennium 2004-2005; Articles 5, 7 and 8; policies and measures (P&Ms); sinks in the CDM; implementation of UNFCCC Article 4.8 and 4.9 (adverse effects); the IPCC TAR; the SCCF; and arrangements for intergovernmental meetings.




Joke Waller-Hunter, Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC

Chair John Ashe (Antigua and Barbuda)
The Programme Budget Group

Chair John Ashe presented a revised draft decision and detailed breakdown of costs associated with Protocol activities. Parties agreed on text that requires the Secretariat to provide administrative and financial implications, rather than actual costs, of proposed SBSTA and SBI decisions. The US said administrative funding should include staff costs and actual positions for the biennium, and requested clarification on the methodology used to allocate costs for operational and preparatory activities associated with the Protocol.


(Left-right:) Rocio Lichte (UNFCCC Secretariat) and Co-Chairs Helen Plume (New Zealand) and Newton Paciornik (Brazil)


Methodological Issues: issues relating to Articles 5,7 and 8 of the Kyoto Protocol

This contact group met in both morning and evening sessions. In the morning, Parties considered criteria for selecting lead reviewers and discussed whether topics for examination should be included in an annex to the draft COP/MOP decision on the training programme for ERT members on criteria for selecting lead reviewers, annexed to the SBSTA-17 reports. Parties also addressed the appropriate placement of a reference discussing lead reviewers' disclosure of potential conflicts of interest relating to review activities. On desirable criteria, Parties debated language requirements for review team members.

LULUCF Co-Chair Thelma Krug (Brazil) (standing center) talks with special Climate Change Contact Group Co-Chairs


Methodological issues: land use, land-use change and forestry/clean development mechanism

Delegates exchanged views on project evaluation on sinks in the CDM, and discussed textual changes to the consolidated negotiating text. Delegates also addressed additionality, regulations for small scale projects and baseline methodologies.

Co-Chairs Fadel Lari (Kuwait) and Robert Mason (UK) with Youssef Nassef, Secretariat


The implementation of Article 4.8 and 4.9 of the convention

Co-Chair Robert Mason invited general comments on the Co-Chairs' draft conclusions, noting that consultations were on the terms of reference (TOR) for the synergies workshop are ongoing. Co-Chair Mason adjourned the meeting to allow for group consultations.


(Left to right:) Co-Chair David Warrilow (UK), Co-Chair Walid Al-Malik (United Arab Emirates) and Olga Pilisofova (UNFCCC Secretariat)


The Third Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

Parties continued to consider the Co-Chairs' draft conclusions, discussing issues such as establishing a process for considering the TAR in COP and Subsidiary Body agenda items, developing a draft work programme on the TAR, producing an information paper on links between the TAR and other agenda items.

Special Climate Change Contact Group Co-Chairs Rawleston Moore (Barbados) and Jaap Rooimans (the Netherlands) and George Manful (Secretariat)

The Special Climate Change Fund

Delegates continued with their initial views on the SCCF. ARGENTINA, supported by AOSIS, the LDCs, KENYA, COLOMBIA, and NAMBIA, proposed that the Co-Chairs prepare a draft conclusion, as soon as possible. The Co- Chairs agreed to prepare the draft conclusion for the next meeting.



CDM Executive Board Chair Jurgen Stehirhair


Jean-Jacques Becker (France), Methodologies Panel Chair



The discussion during the information session on the CDM Executive Board centered mainly on a question and answer session focusing on methodology proposals and the accreditation of operational entities.

Click here to see a Webcast of the session


Training center participants during a Spanish session led by Ronald de la Cruz Rossi



The UNFCCC Secretariat has organized a series of hands-on sessions, open to all participants, featuring the content of their new multi-volume CD-ROM collection. This collection contains all official documentation issued since 1991 as part of the Convention and Kyoto Protocol processes. In additional to the full text of all the documents in all UN official languages, the CD-ROMs contain interpretive guides, national communications on greenhouse gas emissions trends and policy responses, in-depth reviews of national communications, daily programmes, lists of participants and agendas for all UNFCCC meetings.

Delegates confer during the Article 4.8 and 4.9 contact group meeting

Martha Perdomo of the Secretariat participates in the CC:FORUM side event

Conference delegates taking advantage of UNFCCC services

Delegates in the contact group on the Third Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

Co-Chair Walid Al-Malik (United Arab Emirates) confers with a delegate during the contact group on the Third Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

LULUCF contact group members inside the conference room

LULUCF contact group participants linger about outside the conference room

Fiona Koza and Michael Lisowski of the ENB


UNFCCC staff ready to help out with friendly smiles