In December 1994, the EU Environment Council decided that the following measures needed to be
considered for reasons of environment and health protection and to ensure environmentally and
socially compatible mobility:
- - to further optimize the technology (vehicles, fuel) on a regular basis;
- - in all policy fields to limit and to reduce, as far as possible and feasible,
environmentally damaging transport;
- - to work towards a shift from road and air traffic to rail and waterways
and from motor cars to public and non-motorized transport, taking into
account geographical and socio-economical factors;
- - to work as far as possible towards the payment of infrastructure costs
and external costs by the users of transport infrastructure taking also into
account fair competition, e.g. through road pricing;
- - to take measures to increase public awareness for sustainable mobility.
European Council of Ministers
Environment Council Meeting - December 15/16 1994