Oslo Rountable on Sustainable Production and Consumption
2.2 Labour
The trade union movement can help to promote new production and consumption patterns that
unite employment and environment by taking action to:
- - Contribute to sustainable economic policies that build on full costs:
energy consumption, the use of natural resources, the durability and the waste
generation of the product, both in the production stage, the marketing stage
and the consumption stage.
- - Work for the systematic application of taxes and duties as an instrument
in environmental policy, both nationally and internationally.
- - Work in favor of a correct cost accounting system for environmental
damage, which will make it far more profitable to produce goods of long
durability and whit good repairing and maintenance possibilities.
- - Work towards the introduction of environmental technology with cleaner
production and lasting employment in the industrialized countries.
- - Contribute to introducing preventive environmental systems, such as
environmental auditing arrangements.
- - Demand that employers give their employees the possibility to participate
in education and training on the external environment, placing this on the
same level as the working environment.
- - Work towards service production being used actively as a strategic
environmental and employment policy instrument.
- - Actively use its educational associations to increase the awareness and
the knowledge of environmental problems, and about how workers can
contribute to solving these problems through local measures in their own
enterprises and in their local communities.
- - Support internationally recognized environmental labeling systems that
may guide the consumer and make him choose the least damaging products in
terms of the environment.
- - Contribute to general popular information about the relationship between
the environment, economic policies and employment.
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