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22-25 January 2001, Oslo, Norway

Funding for coverage of this meeting provided by the Department of Forestry, Norwegian Ministry of Agriculture


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The Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) organized a three-day Workshop on Financing Sustainable Forest Management, 22 – 25 January 2001 in Oslo, Norway. 

The workshop was co-funded by the governments of Norway and the United Kingdom and jointly sponsored by six governments: Brazil, Denmark, Malaysia, Norway, South Africa and the United Kingdom. A government-led initiative in support of the Intergovernmental Forum on Forests (IFF), its outcome is also expected to be useful for the proposed United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF). (Source: CIFOR Web site)

Markku Simula, Indufor Oy, and Mahendra Joshi, IFF Secretariat, exchange their views on financing SFM over a cup of coffee.
Everton Vargas, Ministry of External Relations, Brazil, and Lai Har Chan, Ministry of Primary Industry, Malaysia, informally discuss progress at the Workshop.

Olaf Jensen, Norwegian Ministry of the Environment, and Siri Skare, Norwegian Agency for International Development, share a cup of coffee and their views on financing SFM.
Participants from Canada, France and Germany continue to debate tools for financing SFM in the hallway outside of the conference room.

Representatives of the Norwegian Government welcome participants to a reception hosted by the Royal Ministry of International Affairs at the Government Guest House.
Jag Maini, Head of the IFF Secretariat, Wendy Jackson,Sustainable Developments Writer, and Thure Christiansen, Danish Secretariat of Environment and Sustainable Development, enjoy a glass of wine at the reception.

bullet Official Oslo Worshop Web page bullet CIFOR Web site
bullet Workshop Agenda bullet Organization of the Workshop
bullet Norwegian Host WWW site  

bullet The DESA Forest Site bullet UNFF ECOSOC Resolution
bullet UNFF Schedule bullet The International Expert Consultation on the Eight-Country Initiative on Shaping the Programme of Work of the United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF)

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