Wednesday, 21 June 2000, Global Dialogue participants met in
three plenary sessions: the youth vision Plenary on preparing
future decision makers; a synthesis Plenary of work achieved in
the five workshops and to discuss the World Summit 2002; and a
closing Plenary to address the platform for the future.
Rosemarin, (right), Communications Director, Stockholm
Environment Institute (SEI) SEI is the organizer of the Global Dialogue
on Natural Resources, The Sustainability Challenge.
Vision Plenary
Youth Visionary Plenary was convened by UNEP, CDG, Volvo Cars and
SEI to explore education and training systems to deliver the
interdisciplinary skills, know-how and information needed by young
people to make informed decision to manage natural resources
sustainably, with emphasis on possible synergies between academia
and business in preparing young professionals for this task.
an opening statement, Bernd Schleich, Managing Director, Carl
Duisberg Gesellschaft, said globalization provides the private
sector with a unique opportunity to contribute to sustainable
development, which can be promoted through education and training. |
Samuels, (right), Youth Representative if the Youth
Preparatory Retreat, delivered the Vision of Future
Decision-makers. |
Colodner, (right),
Colombia University Earth Semester, spoke of the role of university
in the addressing sustainability. She said higher education could
take a lead in environmental issues through partnerships and
dialogue and highlighted the mutually beneficial business/university
partnership with Volvo.
Petter Halling,
(right), from Volvo spoke on partnerships between the private
educational institutions.
Rittenhouse, (right), DuPont Corporation, said DuPont supports
interdisciplinary approaches and lifelong learning. She stressed the
importance of cross-cultural activities and understanding of social
impacts of projects. On partnerships, she stressed the need for
corporate interaction with universities. On future challenges, she
emphasized the importance of creating business models that increase
the economic powers of the developing countries.
Jakob von
Uexkull, (right), Chaired the Plenary.
synthesis Plenary chaired by Claude Fussler, Director,
Stakeholders Relations, WBCSD, was organized to resume work
achieved in the five workshops.
Henninger, (right), Senior Associate, World Associate Institute,
on people and ecosystems.
Ecosystems 21, Helmut Woehl, GTZ Senior Advisor in Namibian
Desertification Control Programme, Windhoek, outlined the main
findings of the workshop and pointed out, inter alia, that
there are no blue print solutions for the sustainable management of
ecosystems and that programmes and projects need to be tailored to
the specific situation.
Energy 21, Frank Rittner, Programme Manager, GEF-Washington,
highlighted findings advocating integration of cleaner energy
objectives in energy market reform, a level playing field for all
energy sources, stable regulatory frameworks for independent
de-central power producers, incentives for investments in cleaner
solutions to accelerate markets providing win-win solutions. He
underscored the need to unleash the potential of the common wisdom
of all cultures and gender around the world and stressed raising the
level of education and promoting informed decisions.
On Water 21,
Malcolm Mercer,
(left), ,
Director of IUCN Canada, said the workshop had focused on conflicts
and challenges, the regional agenda and the role of the private
sector. He outlined key points, including: application of an
ecosystem approach, inter alia, integrated land and water
management; need for political will; establishing partnerships,
especially with the private sector and NGOs; and expanding current
Forests 21 Ola Ullsten, (left),
World Commission on Forests for Sustainable Development, said the
workshop had emphasized the urgency to act on the forest crisis,
highlighting the need to overcome obstacles linked: education;
consumer demands on products; governance; and partnerships between
government, the private sector, NGOs and civil society.
Markets 21, Peter White, (left),
& Gamble for Corporate Sustainable Development, said the
workshop had discussed in length ways for markets to deliver
sustainability. He said the workshop had further addressed, inter
alia: the value of the commons; effective governance; the need
for additional consideration of human rights, labour and the
environment; corruption, especially in developing countries; and
shared responsibility.
said panelists conferred on what markets should deliver, including
quality of life, eco-efficiency, sustainable consumption,
eco-sufficiency and choice, for people to improve their own lives.
The closing
plenary session, broadcast live, was moderated by Sabine
Christiansen (Germany). She invited panelists to present their views
on sustainable development and natural resource management. Julia
Marton-Lefèvre (Leadership for Environment and Development (LEAD),
USA) welcomed the younger generations interest in environmental
issues. Erich Stather (State Secretary, German Ministry for
Technical Cooperation and Development) said it is important to
define the right model for development and to create partnerships.
On globalization, Mohamed T. El-Ashry addressed sustainability and
highlighted the role of private sector investment in sustainable
development initiatives, dependent on an ability to incorporate
long-term perspectives. Björn Stigson acknowledged current
inequalities in the global distribution of wealth and advocated
support for suitable private and public sector approaches to
sustainable development. He identified a need to articulate the
issues of sustainable development in business terms and said it is
important to set the right incentives.
Jacob von
Uexhull (Right Livelihood Award Foundation, Sweden) stressed that
globalization has resulted in growing human inequalities and said
the private sector and governments are not fulfilling the Rio
commitments. Fritz Fahrenholz (Shell, Germany) said developing
countries are falling apart and root causes of poverty need to be
addressed. He said the public and the media have the power to force
transnational corporations concerned about their image to perform
sustainably and emphasized globalization as an opportunity for
communication and dialogue. Monica Greifahn (MP, Social Democratic
Party, Germany) stated that current standards of globalization are
based on virtual rather than real values and pointed out the
interrelatedness of cultural and environmental values and policies.
of Mohamed T. El Ashry by Violette Lacloche (Sustainable
Stigson, (right),
WBCSD, said there are many examples illustrating progress and that
issues must be translated in business terms.