Third GEF Assembly 2006
29-30 August 2006 | Cape Town, South Africa
Highlights from Wednesday, 30 August

GEF CEO/Chair Monique Barbut with Archbishop Desmond Tutu |
Roundatble 1: Market Mechanisms for Financing Global Environmental Conventions |
Mohammed Valli Moosa, Eskom Chairman (left), discussed opportunities for and obstacles to implementing market-based mechanisms for financing environmental conventions. He suggested that market forces per se are not capable of making environmental conventions work, and because the environment is a public good, the principle responsibility for its protection lies with the State. He stressed that the private sector will protect the environment when it is profitable to do so, noting the success of transfrontier parks due to the promise of tourism-related revenue.
Co-Chairs Thomas Kolly, Switzerland (center) and Klaus Töpfer, former UNEP Executive Director |
Roundatble 2: Climate Change: Mitigation and Adaptation
Steen Jorgensen, the World Bank, outlined three issues central to Africa's climate change agenda: increasing energy production; mitigation; and adaptation. He emphasized that Africa requires new technology and skills to increase its energy production and investments, and that adaptation must be targeted at the local level. |
Morocco (left) said that when reviewing the resource allocation framework (RAF) in two years, the GEF should take account of States' vulnerability and urged countries to honor their pledges under the Marrakesh Accords.
Brazil (right) did not favor a change in the GEF's focus toward addressing mitigation activities at the global level, arguing the focus on action in OECD countries is correct and requires intensification. |
Roundtable 3: Identifying National Priorities and Allocating Resources to Enhance Results at the Country Level |
Finance Minister Trevor Manuel presides over the closing plenary |
Side Event: Cape Town: A City Planning for the Future hosted by City of Cape Town Desmond Tutu Peace Centre |
Archbishop Desmond Tutu during the side event on the Desmond Tutu Peace Centre |
Dan Vaughan, Executive Director, Desmond Tutu Peace Centre (right), provided an overview of the Desmond Tutu Peace Centre |
Signing of agreement by Ministers of Environment from South Africa, Angola and Namibia on the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem (BCLME) |
IISD Reporting Services Team |
Left to right: Ingrid Barnsley,
writer, Australia; Xenya Cherny, writer/team leader, Russia;
Asheline Appleton, writer, Kenya; James Van Alstine,
writer, United States of America; Tallash Kantai, logistics
coordinator, Kenya; Elisa Morgera, writer, Italy; Harry
Jonas, writer, United Kingdom; and (seated in front) Leila Mead,
digital editor, United States of America |