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North/South Conference
May 26, 1998
Bern, Switzerland

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26 May

Dharam Ghai, former Director of UNRISD, Geneva/Kenya discusses the importance of employment creation for development

Ruth Montrichard, Service Volunteered for All (SERVOL), Trinidad speaks on jobs for the poor

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Nancy Barry, Women's World Banking, New York says that the South will be competing for jobs in the North unless the North embraces the realities of globalization and builds a world where everyone benefits

Panel Discussion:"Is Switzerland facing an economic crises?" was moderated by Ellinor von Kauffungen, journalist, and was comprised of André Daguet, SMUV Trade Union Executive Committee member, Heinz Hauser, Professor of Economics at the University of St. Gallen, Beat Kappeler, journalist, and Monique Seigel, business executive

Panel Discussion is opened for comments from the floor

Mr. Neyerere takes a question from the floor during discussion period

Farida Akhter asks a question for Nancy Barry about women's roles in less developed nations

Ruth Montrichard takes the time for a few more questions