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Biotechnology and Rural Development |
Final briefing |
Approximately 100 participants from the World Bank, international and non-governmental organizations, the academic community and the private sector gathered at World Bank Headquarters in Washington, D.C. from 3-4 June 1999 for a workshop on agricultural biotechnology and rural development. The workshop sought to contribute to the process of policy making and consensus building within the World Bank with respect to agricultural biotechnology. Participants discussed key issues and recent developments in the field, reviewed the draft background paper "Agricultural Biotechnology and Rural Development, Issues and Options for the World Bank," which is being prepared by the World Bank's Biotechnology Task Force, and considered specific priorities for World Bank lending, partnerships and other activities. Participants met in Plenary sessions on the first day to outline the major issues and provide background information on recent developments and controversies in the field. They broke into small groups during the second day to discuss World Bank priorities and actions on specific topics. Participants proposed a variety of World Bank actions, including capacity building within the Bank and developing countries, support for agricultural research in the public sector, and examination of the relationship between biotechnology, intellectual property rights (IPR) and poverty alleviation, and best practices to link these variables. The World Bank's biotechnology task force intends to use the workshop's output as they establish priorities for short and long term action.
Photo highlights of the meeting