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IISD's Summary Report is available on-line in HTML ball.gif (204 bytes) TEXT ball.gif (204 bytes) PDF

The conference on Continental Energy Markets and Greenhouse Gas Emissions was held from 20-21 February 2002 in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. The meeting was organized by the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) and the Canadian Energy Research Institute (CERI), and was sponsored by Alcan, Environment Canada, Hydro One, Natural Resources Canada, Ontario Power Generation, Petro-Canada, Shell Canada, Suncor Energy, and TransCanada. Over one hundred and thirty participants from Canada, the US and Mexico attended, representing government agencies, academic and research institutions, business and industry, and international and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). 

The conference presented participants with an opportunity to examine strategies and approaches to meet North America's current and future energy needs, including the option of a continental energy strategy. In considering the continent's energy needs, participants met in Plenary to hear speeches and to engage in discussions on the following issues: the US energy policy; roles of Parties with different commitments under the Kyoto Protocol and the implications for the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA); innovative approaches to meeting energy needs; and implications of energy issues for development in the continent's northern regions.

Discussions and conclusions from this meeting are expected to contribute to the dialogue on policies and approaches to address the energy challenges facing North America.


   Canadian Energy Research Institute
Continental Energy Markets and Greenhouse Gas Emissions: The Implications?
International Institute for Sustainable Development 

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