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Iberoamerican Ministerial Meeting
"Energy Security in the Latin American Region:
Renewable Energy as a Viable Alternative"
26-27 September 2006 | Montevideo, Uruguay
Panelist's Presentations
Jose Sergio Gabrielli de Azevedo, PETROBRAS
Mr. Álvaro Ríos Roca, Executive Secretary of OLADE
Mark Lambrides, Director, Regional Secretary for LAC, REEEP
Daniel Bouille, Vice-President of the Bariloche Foundation, Argentina
Wilfredo Jara, Director General Endesa, Spain
Antonio Pflüger, Head of the Energy Technology Collaboration Division, International Energy Agency (IEA)
Antonio Baena, Director of Garrigues, Spain
Carmen Fernández Rozado, President of the Task Force on Clean Development Mechanism of the Iberoamerican Association of Energy Regulatory Entities (ARIAE)
Manlio Coviello, Oficial de Asuntos Económicos de CEPAL
Xabier Viteri Solaun, Director of Renewable Energies of IBERDROLA, Spain
Suani Teixeira Coelho, Deputy Secretary of the Environment of the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Expedito José de Sá Parente, Director of TECBIO, State of Ceará, Brazil
Jaime Baeza Hernandez, biomass expert of the University of Concepción, Chile
H.S. Mukunda, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India
Zimmermann, Secretario de Planejamento e Desenvolvimento Energético, Brazil
Tong Jiandong, Director of the International Center on Small Hydro Power in China
Leonel García M., Regional Coordinator, Energy and Environment Alliance Finland – Central America
Luis Héctor Valdez Báez, Chief Executive Officer, Valdez Ingenieros S.A., Mexico
Jan Kai Dobelmann, Presidente de DGS e.V., International Solar Energy Society, German Section, Alemania
Ernesto Macías Galán, Sales and Marketing Director of Isofotón and President of EPIA
Jorge M. Huacuz Villamar, Director Non-Conventional Energies Unit, Mexican Electric Research Institute
Stefan Hantsch, President IG WINDKRAFT, Austria
Melchor Ruiz, Director de Desarrollo de Negocio en Latinoamérica, ACCIONA Energía, España
Manuel Fuentes, IT Power
Teodoro Monzón, GAMESA Energía (Spain)



Daily web coverage: 26 September -27 September


Related Links
Conference's website
UNIDO website
Iberoamerican General Secretariat (SEGIB)
Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining (MIEM) of the Government of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay website
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