Opening Session
Nemat Shafik, Vice President, Private Sector
Development and Infrastructure, the World Bank, welcomed
participants to the Village Power conference, and called for
practical solutions to advance rural development. She introduced the
three keynote speakers: Nicholas Stern, Vice President and Chief
Economist, the World Bank; Robert Thompson, Director, Rural
Development, the World Bank; and Admiral Richard Truly, Director,
National Renewable Energy Laboratory.
A New Vision for Rural Transformation and
Poverty Alleviation
Tim Wirth, President of the UN Foundation,
encouraged Village Power participants to address the dual challenge
of over-consumption in the North and poverty in the South, noting
dissemination of sustainable forms of energy in the developing world
as one part of the solution. |
Brady Anderson, Administrator, U.S. Agency for
International Development, discussed initiatives to provide
sustainable energy to rural areas in different parts of the world.
He said energy is vital for development, but stressed that providing
abundant quantities of energy is not sufficient. He emphasized the
need to ensure that energy production is efficient and safe for
human health and the environment.
Gerardo Zepeda Bermudez, Minister of Science and
Technology, Republic of Honduras, spoke about the spread of
renewable energy and telecommunication technologies to remote areas,
highlighting San Ramon village in Honduras, a "solar NetVillage",
as an example. He explained that the installation of solar panels
and a high-speed internet connection have brought new educational
opportunities and opportunities for micro-enterprise to the village,
and stressed the need for initiatives of this kind in order to
bridge the digital divide in the world. |
Tugwell, President of Winrock International pledged to bring energy
sources to 500 million people over the next 10 years. He also
proposed canceling future Village Power meetings until results could
be measures and monitored.
Baxter, Chief Operating Officer from BP Solar headquarters,
discussed the rapidly growing Photovoltaic market and BP's
commitment to providing low cost solar power to the developed and
developing world alike. |
Renewable Technologies for Global Markets
Reicher, the US Department of Energy's Assistant Secretary for
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, highlighted the
government's commitment to alternative technologies, including
solar and wind energy, geothermal and hydropower, biomass, fuel
cells, micro-turbines and reciprocating engines.
Linking Energy and Rural Development
Gwagwa, Chief Executive Officer for South Africa's Independent
Development Trust, called for a coordinated and integrated approach
to rural development, with particular attention given to women and
youth. |
Success Stories and their Replication
Daniel Kammen, of the UK-based AH Associates, presented on combining
productive uses and village power. He drew upon solar and pico-hydro
projects in Laos.
Wolfensohn, President, TheWorld Bank Group, lightens the mood as he
introduces recipients of the Village Power 2000 Achievement Awards. |
Paul Hassing, Government of the Netherlands, accepted
the Village Power 2000 Donor Award, presented in recognition of
outstanding dedication to electrification for the rural poor. |
Cabraal was awarded the Village Power 2000 Road Warrior Award for
his exceptional commitment and enthusiasm, which his wife accepted
on his behalf. |