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Editor's Note: Attached please find a revised version of Sustainable Developments Vol. 12 No. 2, Reports of the High Level Symposia on Trade and Environment and Trade and Development. Several small corrections have been made to the original text.

Pictures from the symposia:

RealAudio from the symposia:

March 15, 1999

March 16, 1999

"Synergies Between Trade Liberalization, Environmental Protection, Sustained Economic Growth and Sustainable Development"
Martin Khor, Third World Netowrk (Malaysia) David Spencer, Deputy Secretary, Foreign Affairs and Tarde Ministry of Australia
Dan Esty, Yale Law School (USA) David Schorr, Director of the Sustainable Commerce Program, WWF (USA)
Vandana Shiva, Research Foundation for Science and Technology and Ecology (India)

"Interaction Between the Trade and the Environment Communities"

David Runnalls, IISD Gary Sampson, London School of Economics
Michael Windfuhr, NGO Working Group Hajime Ohta, Keindanren (Japan)
Taimoon Steward, Univ. of West Indies Konrad von Moltke, WWF/IISD/Dartmouth College
Fernand Thurmes, EC

Background information about the symposia:

WTO press release
Official WTO web site for the symposia WTO Internet Broadcasting Service

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