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Briefing for Monday, 26 April |
CSD-7 convenes as preparatory body for special session of UNGA on Small Island Developing States (SIDS)
The high level segment of the seventh session of the Commission on Sustainable Development convened Friday morning as the preparatory body for Septembers special session of the General Assembly to review the Barbados Programme of Action (BPOA) on Small Island Developing States. At the close of the high level segment, CSD-7 Chair Simon Upton was congratulated on setting the Commission on a new course by succeeding in enlivening the ministerial exchanges. He looked forward to more ministerial participation in the coming years.
The main points raised during the ministerial discussion on SIDS included:Ambassador John Ashe (Antigua and Barbuda) reported that informal negotiations on the revised draft co-chairmens compilation on the CSDs contribution to UNGA had made some progress. There is some disagreement, however, on sections in the text dealing with globalization and the liberalization of trade, the transboundary movement of hazardous waste, sexual tourism and the measurement of Gross National Product.
Consuming passions
On Friday afternoon, ministers discussed changing consumption and production patterns, noting that during the 20th century world consumption has undergone tremendous expansion, with huge disparities in consumption between the industrialized and developing countries and widening gaps between the wealthy and the poor. Key focus points during the discussion were:
Denmark tabled elements for a draft decision inviting the CSD Secretariat to prepare a paper on the modalities for the Rio+10 conference in 2002. The elements began life as an informal paper circulated by NGOs to CSD-7 Chair Uptons informal ministerial on Friday morning. The draft calls for early attention to: the form of the review, its scope, the nature of the preparatory process and the terms of reference. Two elements were dropped from the original NGO draft. These were suggestions that attention be given to the venue of the conference and that a group of eminent persons produce themes for the Rio+10 conference. Some NGOs are keen to take the conference out of New York.
Photos and RealAudio from 23 April |
High-Level Ministerial Segment on SIDS
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