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8th Meeting of the Commission on Sustainable Development
New York, USA; 24 April - 05 May, 2000

Side Events for Friday 28 April

Sustainability and Foreign Direct Investment, Organized by the Carl Duisberg Gesellschaft and the International Institute for Sustainable Development.

Carlos Oxenford (Argentina), Operations Manager, Iniciativas de Desarollo Sustenable; Tariq Bunuri (Pakistan), Stockholm Environment Institute; and Ricardo Melendez-Ortiz (Colombia), Director, International Centre for Trade And Sustainable Development (ICTSD).


Konrad von Moltke (Germany), Senior Fellow, International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD).

Carlos Oxenford (Argentina), Operations Manager, Iniciativas de Desarollo Sustentable.

Tariq Banuri (left), Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), provided a background political history of the development of international trade and its effects on the shape of the nation state as we move toward global communities.  With growing international trade comes increasing need for a regulatory body to oversee trade and investment which parallels increasingly trade-related multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs), such as that found in the Cartegena Protocol on Biosafety or the Framework Convention on Climate Change's work on emissions trading.  While the role of the WTO as an appropriate and singular regulartory mechanism has been widely criticized, Banuri proposes that it forms one of many pieces of what may constitute global governance in the future.  To complement this emerging entity, he proposes the development of a voluntary global reporting initiative to create information for reporting on and monitoring the function of business in international sustainable development.

Ricardo Melendez-Ortiz (right), Director, International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD) recognizes a lack of coherency in the international trade and environment institutions which would be necessary to manifest any form of global governance.  Sustainable development was developed specifically in response to that lack of coherency.  The critical factor lies in the fact that international investment schemes have always been designed to protect the interests of investors, as opposed to the interests of sovereign states or communities. In order for these financial institutions to take on any positive role in sustainable development requires that there be more opportunities to grow beyond their current mandates and encompass social interests on a more equal footing. Concurrently, more MEAs would need to recognize investment as a development tool and start the difficult task of designing and incorporating financial measures into those agreements.

ENB Summary of Ad Hoc Open-Ended Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Energy and Sustainable Development
CSD-8 Intersessionals
Linkages CSD page
UN - CSD website with official documents 
ENB's "Introduction to CSD"

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