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Intersessional Ad Hoc Working Groups of the Ninth Session of the Commission on Sustainable Development

UN Headquarters, New York
6-16 March 2001                                                                                           


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Highlights from Friday, 9 March

The CSD-9 Inter-sessional Ad Hoc Working Group on Transport and Atmosphere met in morning to discuss the first draft of the Co-Chairs' Summary of the Discussion on Atmosphere. The Group then discussed the revised draft of the CO-Chairs document containing possible elements for a Draft Decision on Transport. In the evening, delegates discussed the revised draft of the CO-Chairs document on possible elements for a Draft Decision on Atmosphere. The Group then adopted the report of the meeting as contained in E/CN.17/ISWG.I/2001/L.1, and adjourned at 7:15 pm.

Above photo: CO-Chairs David Stuart (Australia) and Daudi Taliwaku (Uganda) in the morning

ENB Coverage of the Ad Hoc Open-Ended Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Energy and Sustainable Development met in New York from 26 February to 2 March 2001

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ENB Daily Report


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The Intersessional Ad Hoc Working Group (AHWG) preparing for the ninth session of the Commission for Sustainable Development (CSD-9) on Transport and Atmosphere met in New York from 6-9 March 2001. The session was held in accordance with resolution 1997/63 of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) establishing ad hoc working groups to assist the Commission with preparations for CSD sessions, and decision 8/8 of the Commission at its eighth meeting and a subsequent Bureau recommendation to hold an intersessional meeting on transport and atmosphere. Over 120 delegates, including member states, intergovernmental organizations and UN bodies and specialized agencies, and NGO representatives attended the session. Delegates considered the Secretary-General's reports on transport and on the protection of the atmosphere, and prepared two documents on elements for the draft decisions on these themes. These will provide the basis for negotiations at CSD-9, which is scheduled to take place in New York from 16-27 April 2001. The Co-Chairs' also prepared two documents containing summaries of the discussions held on each issue. At the end of the four-day session, delegates expressed contentment with the outputs of the session and conduct of business, noting that the congenial environment, the willingness to listen to each other, as well as the Co-Chairs' competence, made for efficient and constructive progress. Photo: Iran and Co-Chair Stuart

Closure of the session and closing remarks from Co-Chair Stuart

On the first draft of the Co-Chairs summary on atmosphere, Saudi Arabia said issues raised in the discussions, such as the need for developed countries to restructure taxes to reflect carbon content and elimination of subsidies, were not reflected. He opposed including reference to climate change issues and said that the references to IPCC findings should be balanced or deleted.

Photo: the US (left) with Saudi Arabia (right)

China and Brazil (left) and Iran, speaking for the G-77/China (right)

The G-77/China proposes it changes to the section on general consideration of the elements for a Draft Decision on Transport, as well as a paragraph on poverty eradication. On general considerations, the G-77/China suggested: adding two subparagraphs on financing and technology transfer taken from Rio+5; replacing reference to transport systems contributing to "economic and social development as efficient and environmentally sound activities" with "sustainable development"; and deleting reference to the three pillars of sustainable development in a reference to the need for adequate and efficient transport systems. He also emphasized including language on poverty eradication.

The Japanese delegation reviews the revised CO-Chairs document on possible elements for a Draft Decision on Transport, and opposed discussing transboundary movement of nuclear waste at the CSD.


The Russian Federation called for reference to countries with economies in transition where there is mention developing countries.

Nigeria proposed a working group to elaborate upon the proposed integrated global observation system and to determine the financial and technical implications of such a system.

Sweden, for the EU, making general comments on the revised draft of possible elements for a draft decision on atmosphere. He said, inter alia, the CSD should take a strong stand and urge ratification of the Montreal Protocol.

Sweden (left) and South Africa


JoAnne DiSano, Director, Division for Sustainable Development with CO-Chair Stuart

Co-Chair Stuart proposed revised text under general considerations of the document on elements for a draft decision on transport, which, inter alia, states that the Commission could reiterate the continuing relevance and importance of all the principles agreed in the Rio Declaration, including in particular the Principle that, in view of the different contributions to global environmental degradation, States have common but differentiated responsibilities.

The Bulgarian delegate buries himself in the New York Times during a break

The US, Switzerland and Saudi Arabia
Germany and France

The Czech Republic (left)

The US and Japan

The EU in a huddle outside the ECOSOC chamber before the final meeting of the Working Group on Transport and Atmosphere


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