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UN Headquarters, New York
26 February-2 March 2001                                                                                           >>Version française: BNT<<


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Highlights from Thursday, 1 March

Above photo: The G-77/China during the negotiations (Colombia, Iran and Nigeria)

ENB Daily Report


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A representative of the NGO Energy and Climate Change Caucus said he expected CSD-9 to move toward an equitable sustainable development future with government support for information access. He hoped for diverse participation by all stakeholders including women in rural areas, indigenous peoples and integrated sustainable energy projects. Regarding the negotiations of the expert group, he said he saw governments moving backwards with the proposed outcome document, highlighting in particular the discussions on nuclear energy. He said any attempt to call nuclear technologies sustainable is unacceptable.
CO-Chair Irene Irene Freudenschuss Reichl (left); with Joanne DiSano before the convening of the morning session (right)

Co-Chairs Irene Freudenschuss Reichl (Austria) and Mohammad Reza Salamat (Iran) CO-Chair Salamat chaired the negotiations of Section A on General Consideraitons, while CO-Chair Reichl

Sweden, South Africa and Saudi Arabia in the morning session; Regarding a paragraph on action by stakeholders and access to energy, CO-Chair Salamat introduced a compromise text referring to: investment by the private sector; a cost-effective mix of energy resources; greater reliance on advanced energy technologies, including fossil fuel technologies; and promotion of shared objectives. Norway objected to wording on "shared" objectives. The G-77/China supported deleting language on private sector investment. The EU opposed, and suggested "public and private sectors." The paragraph was approved with the reference left bracketed.
Australia, the US and Japan
Regarding the first paragraph on the central role of energy for achieving the interrelated economic, social and environmental aims of sustainable development, the US (above center) suggested reference to "sustainable development" would suffice. Iran, on behalf of the G-77/China (below), requested deletion of "sustainable," while keeping the description of development, stressing that he considers energy to be central to development, not sustainable development. CO-Chair Salamat said this discussion takes place in the context of sustainable development and delegates agreed to adopt the paragraph with this formulation.
Colombia, Argentina and Iran consult during the negotiations; the G-77/China said he insisted on reference to "new and additional" financial resources as a requirement in this context. The US, supported by Australia, said the issue is addressed in later sections of the document, and should be discussed only once in this context. G-77/China agreed and the point will be resolved later.

After receiving the compilation text, G-77/China members huddle to discuss their position on the new text.

Argentina intervenes on a procedural question; members of the German delegation review the revised text in the morning
The G-77/China in a huddle after receiving the revised draft of the text
Above Photos: Sudan and Guyana; Iran speaks with an NGO; and the delegation of Guyana


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