EARTH NEGOTIATIONS BULLETIN ( PUBLISHED BY THE INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT (IISD) WRITTEN AND EDITED BY: Johannah Bernstein Pamela Chasek, Ph.D. Langston James Goree VI "Kimo" Richard Jordan Lynn Wagner A DAILY REPORT ON THE THIRD SESSION OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE FOR THE WORLD SUMMIT FOR SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT Vol. 10 No. 32 Tuesday, 24 January 1995 WSSD PREPCOM III HIGHLIGHTS MONDAY, 23 JANUARY 1995 While Working Group II worked all day (and night) on Chapter III, Productive Employment, Working Group I met briefly in the afternoon to discuss a new Commitment, proposed by the G-77/China. Amb. Juan Somavi'a also convened a short meeting of the Plenary to review last week’s progress and discuss this week’s work schedule. PLENARY Amb. Somavi'a reported that Working Group I finished its first reading of the Declaration and Chapter V (Implementation and Follow-up) on Saturday evening. The Working Group is behind schedule since the original plan was to finish first readings by last Thursday. Two consultative groups have been established to facilitate the Group’s work. One is chaired by Amb. Richard Butler (Australia) and the other by Amb. Razali Ismail (Malaysia). They are considering bracketed text in the Declaration and Commitments 1-6, and Commitments 7-9 and Chapter V, respectively. The results of Amb. Butler’s work as of Saturday evening have been distributed as CRP.1. Somavi'a said that the goal of Working Group I is to finish its work by Tuesday night so that translated text can be available for the Plenary on Friday. Working Group II is expected to complete Chapters I-IV by Wednesday evening. Amb. Koos Richelle reported that Working Group II is "proceeding at the pace of a snail using full brakes while taking a curve." The Working Group has finished its first reading of Chapters I and II, and planned to complete Chapter III by Monday evening and Chapter IV by Tuesday evening. The Group will consider the work of its informal consultative group on Wednesday. Somavi'a also noted that the PrepCom has to consider the organization of work in Copenhagen. Amb. Wlosowicz (Poland), Amb. Ostergaard-Andersen (Denmark), and Under-Secretary- General Nitin Desai (DPCSD) are conducting consultations on this matter. Somavi'a noted the short time available in Copenhagen and warned against leaving work to be completed there. WORKING GROUP I The Working Group first considered the G-77/China proposed commitment on education and culture. The EU indicated that after evaluation of this proposal, they decided that incorporation of a new proposal at this late date could open the floodgates for new and additional commitments. They also questioned why such an important commitment had not been raised earlier. The EU maintained that sufficient references to education have been made throughout the Programme of Action and the Declaration. The G-77/China indicated that no other group intends to propose any other new commitments and that the dangers perceived by the EU were more imaginary than real. They asked that their proposal be submitted to the Butler Group. Numerous G-77 members supported the proposed education commitment. Paraguay said that the achievement of social development is impossible without peace or education, and that all the commitments contained in the Declaration are secondary compared with the tragic reality of ignorance. Japan supported the proposed commitment, while noting the procedural difficulties to include it at this late stage. She suggested strengthening the educational aspects of the existing commitments as an alternative. Mali noted that the education deficit is the underlying reason for the dependence of the developing world. Thailand said that education is closely linked to solutions for the problems of social development. The EU expressed their support for the substance of the commitment and their understanding of the connection between education and social development. The EU insisted that consideration of the proposed commitment would necessitate a fundamental re-evaluation of the entire Declaration, which they were not prepared to do. They proposed re-examination of the Social Summit documents to assess where references to education could be added or strengthened. Costa Rica stated that the Rio Group originally submitted this proposal to the G-77/China. Ecuador cautioned against the EU proposal, on the basis that it could reopen discussion on the entire document. The US supported the commitment and proposed broadening it to integrate health education issues. The Chair suggested that the EU and G-77/China: reach an understanding that no more commitments will be considered; discuss the possibility of including education-related issues; and review the text and propose strengthened references to education. The G-77/China expressed a willingness to accept these conditions, but the EU cautioned again about the late hour for such changes. The Chair noted the need for the G-77/China and the EU to consult with their groups before the Working Group can commence discussions on the report from Amb. Butler’s group. The Working Group adjourned for the night, with the Chair’s request that Tuesday’s discussions move ahead and not reopen issues resolved in the Butler Group. WORKING GROUP II The Chair, Amb. Richelle, announced that the Bureau had decided that by Wednesday night all the work of the Working Groups should be completed to allow the documents to be translated in time for Friday’s Plenary. CHAPTER III: EMPLOYMENT Delegates could not reach agreement on the title: "[Productive Work] [The Expansion of Productive Employment] and the Reduction of Unemployment." BASIS FOR ACTION AND OBJECTIVES Paragraph 38 (introduction) led to a lengthy debate. Three concepts remain unresolved: whether this paragraph should refer to productive "employment" or "work;" the use of the terms "broadbased" or "sustained" "economic growth;" and whether to include the G-77’s proposal on the concept of "full and adequately remunerated employment" as an effective method of combating poverty and promoting social integration. In paragraph 39 (rapid technological change), the US explained that globalization gives rise to new employment uncertainties as well as to opportunities. Canada said that different forms of non-standard work, rather than just more work, need to be considered while economies are changing. The G-77/China, supported by Japan, felt the language was ambiguous and the US preferred to use "new employment opportunities." In paragraph 40 (employment growth in developed countries), Benin said that the objective is to make the informal economy more dynamic. The G-77/China requested that only some enterprises should be part of the informal sector. Benin included "age" in the list of discriminatory practices. The EU noted that the list was expanding, but nonetheless asked that discrimination related to health be included, along with reference to appropriate international regulations and norms. In paragraph 42 (unremunerated productive work), delegates agreed to include the fact that women often face the double burden of remunerated and unremunerated work. The Group bracketed the Holy See and G-77/China’s proposal: "to accord social recognition for such work by reflecting its value in the gross national product and other economic statistics." In Paragraph 43 (urgent needs), delegates accepted the chapeau. The 1st bullet in this paragraph now reads: "Placement of [sustainable] employment at the centre of national strategies and policies, with the full participation of employers and trade unions and other parts of civil society." In the 4th bullet, delegates could not agree to respect "relevant" or "core" ILO conventions or accept the US alternative that refers to "appropriate international conventions." The 5th bullet now reads: "Special priority, in the design of policies, to the problems of structural and long-term unemployment and to unemployment amongst women, youth, older workers and people with disabilities." In the 9th bullet (migrant workers), the G-77/China, supported by Mexico, preferred the original text. The EU suggested an amendment on protection of migrants through the continuation of international consultations on migration and development. A. THE CENTRALITY OF EMPLOYMENT IN POLICY FORMULATION The US proposal to remove "intensive growth" from the title of this section was accepted. In paragraph 44 (expansion of productive employment in the centre of sustainable development strategies), the G-77/China and the US did not agree on whether to "require" the relevant actions. In 44(a) (full employment policies), the notion of promoting "adequately remunerated" employment remains bracketed. The alternative text proposed by the G-77/China was accepted in 44(b) on priority to policies to address unemployment and underemployment. Paragraph 45 (actions for macroeconomic stability and jobs) contains the usual brackets requested by the US around "sustainable/broadbased" and "requires." In 45(a), the EU agreed to accept the G-77/China's amendment and vice versa. It now reads "Pursuing the coordination of macroeconomic policies so that they are mutually reinforcing and conducive to [sustained][broadbased] economic growth and sustainable development as well as substantial increases in productive employment expansion and a decline in unemployment worldwide." 45(b) now reads: "Giving priority to programmes which most directly promote viable and long-term job growth when budgetary adjustments are required." 45(c) now reads "Removing structural constraints to economic growth and employment creation as a part of national stabilization policies." There were no amendments to 45(d) (competing claims on resources). 45(e) now reads: "Monitoring, analysing and disseminating information on the impact of trade and investment liberalization on the economy, especially on employment." The EU’s proposed 45(e) bis and 45(e) ter were accepted. The chapeau to paragraph 46 (actions for stimulating growth) remains bracketed. The qualifier "as appropriate" in 46(a) (encouraging labour intensive investments) also remains bracketed. In response to lack of agreement on 46(a) bis, the G-77/China later proposed: "Promoting technological innovations and industrial policies that have the potential to stimulate short- as well as long-term employment creation and to consider their impact on vulnerable and disadvantaged groups." Delegates reached agreement on 46(b), which now reads: "Giving developing countries the capacity to select specific and suitable technologies." In 46(c) (developing country integration of technology), the EU preferred the original text in order to avoid a lengthy debate on the modalities of assistance. The G-77/China preferred its text on expanded transfer of technology on concessional and preferential terms. Australia could not accept transfer on such terms. The original and amended texts were both bracketed. China referred to Agenda 21 and said that if any core paragraphs are dear to the hearts of developing countries, this is one of them. In 46(c) bis, the G-77/China accepted the Russian Federation’s amendment on programmes for on-the-job training in countries with economies in transition. In 46(e)(investment stimulation), the G-77/China thought that the paragraph should have the broadest application, and supported Australia in deleting the list of areas for investment. In 47(a), the US suggested compromise language: "Removing regulatory obstacles faced by small- and medium-sized enterprises and easing regulations that discourage private initiative." In 47(f) ter, the G-77/China said that opportunities for the retraining of workers should go hand- in-hand with industrial expansion. At 6:00 pm, Working Group II adjourned and was expected to reconvene at 8:00 pm to finish its first reading of Chapter III. With 12 pages of text before them, and given the current pace of 1.5 pages/hour, Working Group II had a long night ahead of them. IN THE CORRIDORS Amb. Butler’s consultative group on the Draft Declaration has made significant progress. Agreement has been reached on all but a few paragraphs: committing Governments to enhance social development throughout the world (8); the types of people affected by distress in the world (15); the principle of promoting equitable distribution of income (23(g)); and the right to self-determination of people under colonial or foreign occupation (23(k)). In Commitment 1, there is no agreement on a stable legal framework including equality and equity between women and men and respect for human rights, and provision of new and additional financial resources. Amb. Butler’s group reconvened Monday afternoon and is expected to complete Commitments 2-6 by mid-day on Tuesday. Amb. Razali’s group, which also met Monday afternoon, completed discussion of Commitment 7 and hopes to complete Commitments 8-9 by Tuesday as well. THINGS TO LOOK FOR TODAY WORKING GROUP I: Working Group I will begin consideration of CRP.1, the report of Amb. Butler’s consultative group on the Draft Declaration. The Group will then consider Chapter V, Implementation and Follow-up. WORKING GROUP II: Providing that the Group completed its first reading of Chapter III on Monday night, the Group is expected to begin consideration of Chapter IV, Social Integration, this morning and work through the day and night to complete the first reading of this chapter. This issue of the Earth Negotiations Bulletin (c) is written and edited by Johannah Bernstein , Pamela Chasek, Ph.D. , Langston James Goree VI “Kimo” , Richard Jordan and Lynn Wagner . General funding for the Bulletin has been provided by the International Institute for Sustainable Development (, the Government of Denmark and the Pew Charitable Trusts through the Pew Global Stewardship Initiative.Funding for this volume of the Bulletin has been provided by CIDA, UNDP and the Government of the Netherlands. The authors can be contacted at their electronic mail addresses and by phone and fax at +1-212- 888-2737. IISD can be contacted by phone at +1-204-958-7700, by fax at +1-204-958-7710. The opinions expressed in Earth Negotiations Bulletin are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of IISD and other funders. Excerpts from the Earth Negotiations Bulletin may be used in other publications with appropriate citation. Electronic versions of the Bulletin can be found on the gopher at and in searchable hyptertext through the Linkages WWW-server at on the Internet. This volume of the Bulletin is uploaded into the APC conferences and . 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