OCEANS-L - Mailing List
OCEANS-L is a mailing list for news and announcements related to oceans policy issues. Postings include oceans policy news, announcements of workshops/conferences, job listings, and information on new publications and online resources. OCEANS-L is brought to you by IISD, in cooperation with the Global Forum on Oceans, Coasts, and Islands.
As OCEANS-L is a peer-to-peer announcement list, any subscriber can post to the list. The list is moderated and only announcements that satisfy the following guidelines will be distributed to subscribers:
a) All postings to OCEANS-L should be announcements appropriate for an international audience that have a "oceans" connection: i.e. oceans management issues, best practices in oceans management, announcements or outcomes of oceans-related meetings, or sessions/side events at oceans meetings, relevant job postings, publications and online resources;
b) No postings that are commercial in nature, personal statements, news stories, polemic statements or postings intended to create discussion will be cleared for distribution to the list;
c) Postings should include the internet address for large documents (URLs) rather than including attached files.
This list is owned by the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD). If you require Technical Support, please contact IISD Reporting Services at <[email protected]>
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