Highlights and images for 17 October 2018



CFS 45 delegates take a deep breath to prepare for a busy day.

CFS 45On Wednesday, CFS 45 delegates addressed the response to the evaluation of CFS, the CFS’s contribution to the High-level Political Forum (HLPF), and voluntary guidelines on sustainable food systems and nutrition.

On the response to the evaluation of CFS, delegates discussed, among other issues:

  • Securing sustainable funding for CFS, including a resource mobilization strategy;
  • Clarifying the role of CFS and enhancing the impact of its products; and
  • Clarifying CFS structure including the roles of the Chair, the Bureau and the Advisory Group.

Delegates agreed to endorse a plan of action for CFS’s response to specific recommendations made in the evaluation and a report on the overall response strategy including measures taken to date.

On CFS’s Contribution to the HLPF, delegates discussed key messages and concrete recommendations, focusing on:

  • Investments in education, in particular to empower women and youth;
  • The role of technology, including biotechnology; and
  • Acknowledging that the right to food is connected to all other Human Rights.

After some discussion on process, delegates agreed to a decision laying out how the CFS contribution to HLPF will be finalized.While discussing the terms of reference to develop voluntary guidelines on sustainable food systems and nutrition, several members made suggestions for additional issues to be considered under the guidelines, including fisheries, sustainable diets, local crops and culture. Delegates agreed to add these issues to a document on elements for the voluntary guidelines rather than the terms of reference to avoid re-opening debate on previously agreed language.

IISD Reporting Services, through its ENB+ Meeting Coverage, has provided daily web updates and a summary report from CFS 45.

View of the dais during the discussions on the evaluation of CFS. L-R: Oliver Mellenthin (Germany) and Tian Jiani (China), co-facilitators of the response to the evaluation of CFS; Mario Arvelo (Dominican Republic), CFS Chair; Mark McGuire, CFS Secretary ad interim ©FAO
François Pythoud, Switzerland ©FAO
Delegate from the Russian Federation
Delegate speaking for the Civil Society Mechanism
Delegate from Bolivia
Willem Olthof (the Netherlands), Chair of the Open-ended Working Group on the SDGs
Lilian Ortega (Switzerland), Chair of the Open-ended Working Group on Nutrition
Delegate from New Zealand
CFS Side Event: End Hunger Sustainably – Costs and Consensus Building
CFS Side Event: Everyone Eating Well within Environmental Limits
Around the Venue