Daily report for 26 May 2000

Informal Consultations of the 44th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women (Beijing+5 PrepCom)

On Friday, 26 May, Working Group II discussed Section IV from 10am to 1pm, and from 7pm to 10pm. Working Group I discussed Section II from 3pm to 6pm. The following summary covers only text negotiated in the current sessions.


Environment: In paragraph 25, on obstacles, CUBA suggested text amendments: referring to environmental risks faced by women "in particular in developing countries"; and stating that real solutions to environmental problems need to address the root causes of environmental problems. Regarding environmental decision-making: CUBA suggested adding "including at the international level"; SOUTH AFRICA proposed an amendment stating that women's lack of technical skills, limited access to resources and information has impeded sustainable environmental decision-making; and PALESTINE, supported by CUBA, LIBYA, SYRIA and PAKISTAN, and opposed by JUSCANZ, suggested inclusion of reference to foreign occupation as an impediment to progress in environmental decision-making. Regarding Palestine's proposal, Chair Mlacak reiterated that the deadline for new text had passed, but suggested inclusion of a note at the end of the paragraph stating that links between foreign occupation and environment were to be addressed. The paragraph remains bracketed.

In paragraph 24, on achievements, JUSCANZ, supported by the EU, ST. KITTS AND NEVIS, and VENEZUELA, suggested combining JUSCANZ and Mexico proposals, recognizing the link between gender equality, poverty eradication and sustainable development and noting that governments have included income-generating activities for women, as well as training and natural resource management and environmental protection, in their development strategies. ALGERIA proposed deleting reference to the link between gender equality, poverty eradication and sustainable development. PAKISTAN, with LIBYA and CUBA, supported retention of reference to environmental degradation from Mexico's original text. SENEGAL suggested splitting the sentence into one recognizing linkages and one noting government development strategies. The text remains bracketed. The EU, supported by PAKISTAN and LIBYA, proposed deleting a JUSCANZ reference to traditional ecological knowledge of indigenous women. JUSCANZ noted that this term is recognized in the PFA. The text remains bracketed. PAKISTAN proposed, and all agreed, to delete a JUSCANZ reference to women's traditional knowledge as the foundation for widespread practice by younger generations of sustainable development.


Actions to be taken at the international level: In 122(d), on supporting international tribunals, particularly regarding gender sensitivity, the EU reiterated its reformulation on encouraging the International Criminal Tribunals, and the future ICC, in fully implementing the gender-based provisions of the respective statutes and encouraging them to promote gender balance in and gender training of their staff. She opposed MEXICO's proposal to specify "existing" International Criminal Tribunals. SLAC, supported by the HOLY SEE , preferred a reference to supporting the work of the international tribunals. ALGERIA and CHINA called for deletion of 122(d). JUSCANZ supported 122(d)'s objective. The EU suggested referring to gender-related or gender-specific, rather than gender-based, provisions. The EU formulation remains bracketed.

In 123(a), on supporting activities of women's networks working to eradicate all forms of violence against women, the EU backed a JUSCANZ reformulation on strengthening activities aimed at eradication of all forms of violence against women and girls, including supporting women's networks activities, but preferred elimination to eradication. ALGERIA, also on behalf of LIBYA, and supported by JUSCANZ, agreed on elimination but preferred supporting to strengthening activities. IRAN called for qualifying language on supporting activities within the UN system. LIBYA, opposed by a number of delegations, advocated relocating the provision under national actions. The HOLY SEE specified networks and organizations. Delegates agreed to the proposed amendments to the JUSCANZ formula except references to support activities "within the UN system," which remain bracketed.

In 123(b), on  launching, by the end of 2001, an international violence against women "zero tolerance" campaign, the EU, with others, preferred to consider launching an international "zero tolerance" campaign on violence against women, and to delete the date reference. CHINA queried the meaning of zero tolerance campaign. IRAN proposed to consider launching an international campaign to eliminate all forms of violence against women. ST KITTS AND NEVIS opposed. Following discussion in a contact group, delegates agreed to language on considering launching an international "zero tolerance" campaign on violence against women.

The EU, with others, supported combining 124(a), on 50/50 gender distribution in posts, and 124(b), on women staff, but amended JUSCANZ language to encourage implementation of measures designed to achieve the goal of 50/50 gender balance in all posts, including at the professional level and above, in particular at the higher levels in secretariats, including in peacekeeping missions and peace negotiations and in all activities, and report thereon as appropriate, and enhancing management accountability mechanisms.

Actions to be taken at the national and international level: Delegates agreed to delete "and other actors" from the chapeau to actions taken at the international level and relocate it in the chapeau to actions taken at the national and international level. The HOLY SEE bracketed the relocated reference.   

Delegates integrated and amended 125(a), on gender-related analysis and statistics, and 125(c), on national statistical offices, to promote international cooperation to support regional and national efforts in the development and use of gender-related analysis and statistics by, inter alia, providing national statistical offices upon their request with institutional and financial support to enable them to respond to requests for data disaggregated by sex and age for use by national governments in the formulation of national gender-sensitive statistical indicators for monitoring and policy and programme impact assessment as well as to undertake regular strategic surveys. SLAC bracketed "national" in the reference to indicators.

In 125(b), on compiling statistics, delegates agreed to: replace text on taking a leadership role with text on assisting countries upon their request; delete reference to the statistical services of the UN; and place this sub-paragraph in the section on actions taken at the international level following 121(a).

In 125(d), on incorporating a gender perspective into key macroeconomic and social development policies and national development programmes, PAKISTAN, with ALGERIA, noted that this text repeated language in 109(a). CUBA suggested merging the two sub-paragraphs. IRAN supported new placement in the section on actions at the national level but opposed merging text, noting agreed language for 109(a). Chair Bhattacharjee proposed, and all agreed, to place the text before 109 as 108(a) bis.

Delegates agreed to delete 125(e), on convening an international task force to develop consensus on common indicators on all types of violence. In 125(f), on developing indicators on violence against women, the EU proposed, while the PHILIPPINES opposed, deleting reference to migrant workers and reference to issues of importance to women. This proposal, along with a SLAC formulation, remains bracketed.

In 125(g), on a SLAC reformulation on publishing crime statistics and mapping trends in law enforcement concerning violations on the rights of women and girls, the EU supported retaining references to transparency and awareness. CHINA, with PAKISTAN, proposed deleting the sub-paragraph. IRAN suggested considering this and similar sub-paragraphs in a contact group. Text remains bracketed.

SLAC, PAKISTAN and ALGERIA proposed deleting 125(h), on creating a statistical database on violence against women, while the EU and JUSCANZ supported reformulation and streamlining. The text remains bracketed.

In 126(a), on developing national capacity to undertake policy-oriented research to enable knowledge-based policy-making, the EU, CUBA and ALGERIA supported placement in the section on actions to be taken at the national level. JUSCANZ proposed, while CHINA opposed, deleting reference to national capacity. Chair Bhattacharjee suggested replacing reference to knowledge-based policy-making with an alternate reference to policy-making based on such knowledge. The EU proposed reference to policy making towards gender equality. The text remains bracketed

Delegates agreed to delete 126(d), on undertaking impact analyses of measures on violence against women. In 126(e), on emerging trends that are creating new gender disparities, CUBA called for a reference to globalization, and with JUSCANZ and SLAC, proposed that the reference to emerging trends should remain general. JUSCANZ suggested, and SLAC supported, text stating that emerging trends "may be" creating new gender disparities. Delegates eventually adopted an EU-proposed reformulation on continuing research on all current trends that may be creating new gender disparities, in order to provide a basis for policy action.

In 127(g), on gender-sensitive development of sustainable and ecologically sound consumption and production patterns, SLAC called for deletion, while the EU preferred retention. The sub-paragraph remains bracketed. In 127(j), eliminating the worst forms of child labor, the EU pointed out the language was taken from WSSD agreements. Many delegates stated that they could accept the text provided it was consensus language. JUSCANZ clarified that the language was taken from the Convention on the Worst Forms of Child Labour. The sub-paragraph remains bracketed.

Further information

