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44th Session of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS 44)

9-13 October 2017 | Headquarters of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Rome, Italy

Highlights for Friday, 13 October 2017

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Daily Web CoverageAbout | 9 Oct | 10 Oct | 11 Oct | 12 Oct | 13 Oct
A view of Rome

View of the plenary room during the discussion on urbanization, rural transformation and implications for food security and nutrition.

CFS 44On Friday, CFS 44 participants discussed critical and emerging issues for food security and nutrition, elected the new CFS Chair, and adopted the meeting’s report.

In the morning, Patrick Caron, HLPE Team Leader, presented key findings of the HLPE process to identify critical and emerging issues, lauding the process’ quality and inclusiveness. He outlined priorities, including: feeding cities and addressing changing urban dietary patterns; operating food systems in times of conflict; preventing conflict and mainstreaming gender; studying impacts of trade food security and nutrition; and technology impacts on food security and nutrition. Delegates highlighted, among other issues: inequalities; biodiversity and ecosystem services; impacts of climate change on biodiversity; trade; food safety; antimicrobial resistance; and agricultural mega-mergers.

In the afternoon, in her closing speech, CFS 44 Chair Gornass highlighted progress achieved in the past biennium, including making CFS and its policies better known through her involvement in meeting and outreach activities. She also noted her efforts to establish a sustainable financing mechanism.

Delegates elected Mario Arvelo (Dominican Republic) as Chair for the biennium 2018-2019. Arvelo said CFS can contribute in two areas: placing SDG 2 at the center of the global attention; and providing a platform for proposing concrete solutions to eradicate hunger and malnutrition. Among challenges he underscored: finding innovative sources of financing; reinforcing CFS impact; expansion of collaboration with actors not fully integrated in CFS; and concluding the evaluation.

Delegates then adopted the meeting’s report by acclamation. In their closing statements members thanked Gornass for her outstanding chairmanship and her achievements in raising CFS’s profile.

CFS Chair Gornass closed the meeting at 5:02 pm.

IISD Reporting Services, through its ENB+ Meeting Coverage, has provided daily web updates from CFS 44. In addition, IISD Reporting Services has published a summary report of CFS 44 which is available in HTML and PDF.

Critical and Emerging Issues for Food Security and Nutrition

Deborah Fulton, CFS Secretary ©FAO

Nathanael Pingault, HLPE Coordinator ©FAO

View of the dais during the discussion on critical and emerging issues for food security and nutrition. L-R: Marco Sanchez Cantillo, Agricultural Development Economics Division, FAO; Amira Gornass, CFS 44 Chair; Deborah Fulton, CFS Secretary; Patrick Caron, HLPE Chair; Nathanael Pingault, HLPE Coordinator. ©FAO

Closing Session

L-R: Amira Gornass, CFS Chair; Deborah Fulton, CFS Secretary ©FAO

Amira Gornass, congratulating Mario Arvelo for his appointment as CFS Chair ©FAO

Side Event: Agribusiness Mega-Mergers’ Threat to World Food Security






Side Event: An Intergenerational Knowledge Exchange:
Indigenous Forest Management and Food Security in the Context of Climate Change






Daily Web CoverageAbout | 9 Oct | 10 Oct | 11 Oct | 12 Oct | 13 Oct
Funding for coverage of CFS 44 has been provided by CFS