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52nd Session of the International Tropical Timber Council
and the Associated Sessions of its Four Committees

7-12 November 2016 | Yokohama, Japan

Summary Highlights of the Meeting

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Gerhard Dieterle, newly appointed ITTO Executive Director applauds as ITTC-52 Vice-Chair Tabi Agyarko presents a framed gavel to ITTC-52 Chair Jennifer Conje

Highlights for Saturday, 12 November 2016

Visit the full ENB+ web coverage for Saturday, 12 November 2016

On Saturday, ITTC-52 concluded its final day of work. In the morning, the Committee on Finance and Administration (CFA) met to review and approve its report and recommendations to Council. Council then met and decided to appoint by acclamation Gerhard Dieterle as the new Executive Director (ED). In his acceptance speech, ED-elect Dieterle pledged to work to make ITTO stronger and grow again, stressing that it will require the Secretariat and member states to work closely together. The Council also discussed the progress report on the ITTO Fellowship Programme and the 2015 ITTO Annual Report and approved the reports of the committees.

In the afternoon, delegates adopted decisions on: projects, pre-projects and activities; extension of the ITTO Biennial Work Programme 2015-2016; amendments to the ITTO Staff Regulations and Rules; revision of ITTO Financial Rules and Procedures; further measures regarding ITTO's financial impairment; guidelines for addressing ITTO's financial shortfall; terms of reference of the CFA; standards of conduct for the ITTO ED; an Ad Hoc Working Group to consider the rotation in the framework of the selection of the ITTO ED; and the appointment of the ED.

The Council also elected Tabi Agyarko (Ghana) as Chair of ITTC-53. Following concluding remarks, ITTC-52 Chair Conje closed the meeting at 3:20 pm.

IISD Reporting Services, through its ENB Meeting Coverage, provided daily digital coverage and a summary and analysis report of the 52nd Session of the ITTC and Associated Sessions of the Committees. The summary and analysis report is available in HTML and PDF format.


Gerhard Dieterle, newly appointed Executive Director of ITTO

Delegates welcomed the decision to appoint Gerhard Dieterle as the new Executive Director of ITTO by acclamation

L-R: Gerhard Dieterle, newly appointed Executive Director of ITTO; Tabi Agyarko, Vice-Chair of ITTC-52;
Jennifer Conje, Chair of ITTC-52; and Steven Johnson, Officer-in-Charge, ITTO Secretariat

Freezailah Che Yeom, Malaysia

Catherine Karr-Colque, US

Sarquis Buiainain Sarquis, Brazil

Tabi Agyarko, Vice-Chair of ITTC-52, and incoming Chair of ITTC-53

Delegates thanking Steven Johnson for his service as Officer-in-Charge to the ITTO

Mario Bustamante, Peru

Jennifer Conje, Chair of ITTC-52, gavelled the meeting to a close at 3:20 pm

Gerhard Dieterle, newly appointed Executive Director of ITTO with delegates from the EU

Gerhard Dieterle, newly appointed Executive Director of ITTO with delegates from Latin America

Gerhard Dieterle, newly appointed Executive Director of ITTO with delegates from China

Gerhard Dieterle, newly appointed Executive Director of ITTO with delegates from Papua New Guinea

Women delegates of ITTC-52

Highlights for Friday, 11 November 2016

Visit the full ENB+ web coverage for Friday, 11 November 2016

On Friday, ITTC-52 entered its fifth day of work. In the morning, the Council continued discussions regarding the selection of the new ITTO Executive Director (ED). Another vote was held, with no winner. At the request of Producers, a contact group was formed to discuss the principle of rotation in the selection of the ED. Afterward the Committee on Finance and Administration (CFA) continued its deliberations on the proposed revision of ITTO financial rules and procedures, audit standards, and relevant portions of the Staff Regulations and Rules.

In the afternoon, the Council convened to hear pledges to the Special Account and the Bali Partnership Fund (BPF) and the Report of the Panel on Sub-Account B of the BPF. The Council also heard a report from the co-facilitators of the contact group on rotation in the appointment of an ED, and agreed that the contact group should draft a decision creating an intersessional working group to develop modalities for the principle. The Council then met in closed session on the legal implications and measures related to ITTO investments that led to the impairment of funds.

In the evening, the Committee on Reforestation and Forest Management (CRF) and the Committee on Economics, Statistics and Markets and the Committee on Forest Industry (CEM-CFI) met in parallel to review and accept their draft reports, while the CFA met to discuss the decision on the guidelines for addressing the ITTO financial shortfall.

View of the Council session

Anna Tyler, New Zealand, Consumer caucus spokesperson

Eheth Ongmanong Victoire, Cameroon, Producer caucus spokesperson

Delegates from the Philippines casting their vote

Fernando Perdigão, Brazil

Carolyn Guy, New Zealand

Rob Busink, the Netherlands

L-R: Achille Orphée Lokossou, Vice-Chair of CFI; Tetra Yanuariadi, ITTO Secretariat;
Akiko Nakano, Chair of CFI; and Alicia Grimes, Chair of CEM

L-R: Hwan-Ok Ma, ITTO Secretariat; Marjukka Mähönen, Vice-Chair of CRF; and Nurudeen Iddrisu, Chair of CRF; and
Takeshi Goto
, ITTO Secretariat

CRF group photo

Highlights for Thursday, 10 November 2016

Visit the full ENB+ web coverage for Thursday, 10 November 2016

On its fourth day, ITTC-52 continued discussions regarding the selection of the new ITTO Executive Director. In the morning, the Council also took up cooperation between ITTO and the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), developments in the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) regarding forests and their potential implications for tropical forests and the world tropical timber economy, and the ITTO/Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Collaborative Initiative to Conserve Tropical Forests. A closed session was held on the legal implications and measures related to ITTO investments that led to the impairment of funds.

In the afternoon, the Committee on Reforestation and Forest Management (CRF) and the Committee on Economics, Statistics and Markets and the Committee on Forest Industry (CEM-CFI) met in parallel. CEM-CFI reviewed projects and pre-projects in progress, and discussed the Biennial Work Programme (BWP) for the Committees, as well as policy work on: the demonstration and adoption of credit schemes for small-medium forest enterprises; market access; forest and timber certification; selected data and analysis from elements for the ITTO Biennial Review and Assessment of the World Timber Situation; and strengthening the participation of the private sector in ITTO work. The CRF reviewed projects and pre-projects in Progress and discussed its BWP and recommendations for the Council.

In the evening, the Committee on Finance and Administration (CFA) continued its deliberations on the proposed revision of ITTO financial rules and procedures, audit standards, and relevant portions of the Staff Regulations and Rules.

Producer members consulting

Akhirrudin Bin Mahmud, Malaysia

Rosette Rasoamanarivo, Madagascar

Matthias Schwoerer, Germany

Catalina Santamaria, Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)

Yani Septiani, Indonesia

Youngtae Choi, Republic of Korea

Consumer members consulting

Highlights for Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Visit the full ENB+ web coverage for Wednesday, 9 November 2016

The fifty-second session of the International Tropical Timber Council (ITTC-52) continued its deliberations in Yokohama, Japan on 9 November 2016. In the morning, delegates met in the Council to discuss the Biennial Work Programme (BWP) and the implementation of the Thematic Programmes. The Council also held its first special vote on the election of the next Executive Director (ED), which produced no winner, as none of the six candidates met the required threshold for number of countries and votes from both Producers and Consumers.

In the afternoon, the Council met in a closed session to discuss the legal implications and measures related to ITTO investments that led to the impairment of funds, including legal action initiated against the investment advisor. Delegates then convened a Joint Committee Session to examine the Report of the Expert Panel for Technical Appraisal of Project Proposals and hear ex-post evaluations of completed projects, followed by the Annual Market Discussion for 2016 under the theme “Free Trade Agreements - Challenges and Opportunities for the Tropical Timber Trade.”

In the evening, the Commiittee on Finance and Administration (CFA) met to discuss draft revisions of ITTO Financial Rules and Procedures, Audit Standards, and relevant Staff Regulations and Rules.

Fernando Perdigão, Brazil

Alicia Grimes, US

L-R: Carolyn Guy, New Zealand, in conversation with Arturo García Tenorio
and Jorge Pedro Flores Marker, Mexico

L-R: Achille Orphée Lokossou and Françoise Zohoncon Worou, Benin

Fernando Perdigão, Brazil, in conversation with Jill Hanna, EU

Highlights for Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Visit the full ENB+ web coverage for Tuesday, 8 November 2016

The fifty-second session of the International Tropical Timber Council (ITTC) entered its second day of discussions today in Yokohama, Japan.

In the morning, the Committee on Finance and Administration (CFA) discussed the approved biennial administrative budget for 2016-2017, contributions to the administrative budgets, the auditor's reports for the financial years 2014 and 2015, appointment of the auditor, the current status of the administrative account, and the resources for the Special Account and the Bali Partnership Fund.

In the afternoon, delegates met in a Council session to discuss the biennial review and assessment of the international timber situation in 2015–2016, and to decide whether to hold a special vote for the election of the Executive Director.

Later in the afternoon, the Committee on Reforestation and Forest Management (CRF) and the Committee on Economics, Statistics and Markets and the Committee on Forest Industry (CEM-CFI) met in parallel. The CRF discussed new projects and pre-projects, reviewed completed projects as well as policy work on: criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management; promoting the conservation, restoration and sustainable management of mangrove ecosystems; promoting the implementation of guidelines for the management of secondary tropical forests, the restoration of degraded tropical forests and the rehabilitation of degraded forest land; and ITTO guidelines to incorporate gender equity in the organization's activities, programmes and projects.The CEM-CFI discussed new projects and pre-projects, a report on completed projects and pre-projects and ex-post evaluation of projects.

In the evening a reception was held for delegates hosted by the ITTC-52 Chair, Jennifer Conje (US).

Dais during the session on finance and administration with L-R: Mad Zaidi Mohd Karli, Vice-Chair of CFA; Rob Busink, Chair of CFA; Simon Kawaguchi, ITTO Secretariat; Gerhard Breulmann, ITTO Secretariat; and Maiko Suzuki, ITTO Secretariat

Hiroyuki Nishiura, Japan

Stephanie McFadden O'Neill, US

Zhang Zhongtian, China

Jorge Malleux, Peru

L-R: John Leigh, Peru, in conversation with Freezailah Che Yeom, Malaysia

Delegates from Latin America producer member countries, consulting

View of a session on CRF

L-R: Akiko Nakano, Chair of CFI and Alicia Grimes, Chair of CEM

Photo exhibit of ITTO projects

L-R: Maki Omata; Theresa Boliko; Naho Tamura; Kanako Ishii, ITTO Secretariat, with invited market
discussion speaker Barney Chan

Highlights for Monday, 7 November 2016

Visit the full ENB+ web coverage for Monday, 7 November 2016

The fifty-second session of the International Tropical Timber Council (ITTC-52), and the Associated Sessions of the four Committees (Finance and Administration; Economics, Statistics and Markets; Forest Industry; and Reforestation and Forest Management) opened on Monday, 7 November 2016 in Yokohama, Japan. During the opening session, delegates heard statements from the ITTO Officer-in-Charge, the ITTC-52 Chair, the Assitant Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs for Global Issues, Japan, the Director-General for International Affairs of the City of Yokohama, and the Minister of Forests and Wildlife of Cameroon.

In the morning, Council addressed organizational matters, including the ascertainment of quorum for the meeting, redistribution of votes, adoption of the meeting's agenda, and approval of the admission of observers. The Council also heard the report on selection of six shortlisted candidates for the position of Executive Director (ED) and reports from the special Oversight Committee created by ITTC-51 to address the impairment of ITTO funds.

In the afternoon, the report of the Informal Advisory Group was presented, including the list of possible decisions for ITTC-52. The Credentials Committee reported on acceptance of credentials and which countries can exercise voting rights. Council also heard presentations from the six ED candidates.

Dais during the opening session with L-R: Ndole Philip Ngwese, Minister of Forests and Wildlife, Cameroon; Koichi Aiboshi, Assistant Vice-Minister for Global Issues, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan; Tabi Agyarko, Vice-Chair of ITTC-52; Jennifer Conje, Chair of ITTC-52; Steven Johnson, Officer-in-Charge, ITTO Secretariat; and Makoto Sekiyama, Director General, International Affairs Bureau, City of Yokohama, Japan

Jennifer Conje, Chair of ITTC-52

Koichi Aiboshi, Assistant Vice-Minister, Global Issues, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan

Makoto Sekiyama, Director General, International Affairs Bureau, City of Yokohama, Japan

Steven Johnson, Officer-in-Charge, ITTO Secretariat

Ndole Philip Ngwese, Minister of Forests and Wildlife, Cameroon

Producer group delegates from Africa, consulting

Katharina Kuehmayer, Austria, presented the Credentials Committee's report

Eheth Ongmanong Victoire, Cameroon, newly appointed producer spokeperson

Delegates from Malaysia

Funding for coverage of the 52nd Session of the International Tropical Timber Council and Associated Sessions of the Committees
has been provided by the ITTO Secretariat and the European Union (EU)