Inle Lake

10th Session of the Meeting of the Parties to the Water Convention (MOP 10)

22–25 October 2024 | Ljubljana, Slovenia


The tenth session of the Meeting of the Parties (MOP 10) to the Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (Water Convention) will review progress in implementing the Water Convention and transboundary water cooperation. The meeting is expected to adopt, among other things, a new programme of work for the period 2025-2027.

Inle Lake

Photo by Philbo/Unsplash

Transboundary cooperation lays the foundation for peace, sustainable development, climate action, and regional integration. The Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (Water Convention) has, for more than three decades, promoted the sustainable use of transboundary water resources, facilitated cooperation, supported the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), contributed to peace and stability and prevented conflicts, and supported cooperative climate action. Growing from a regional to a global instrument, the Water Convention is a crucial intergovernmental platform to discuss transboundary water cooperation.

The tenth session of the Meeting of the Parties (MOP 10) to the Water Convention will bring together more than 500 representatives of various ministries from approximately 80 countries, both Parties and non-Parties to the Water Convention. Representatives of joint bodies, international and non-governmental organizations, international financial institutions, and academia from around the world will also attend.

The meeting will begin with a one-day match-making event on 22 October, titled “Accelerating transboundary cooperation and the implementation of the Water Convention in new Parties through increased support and partnership.”

A High-Level Segment will take place on 23 October, titled Our Waters, our Future: Transboundary Water Cooperation to Power Climate Resilience. This segment aims to catalyze a strategic debate on how transboundary water cooperation plays a crucial role for climate resilience and sustainable development in transboundary river basins and among countries involved.

During the following days, participants will review and discuss progress achieved over the past three years under the themes of the current programme of work 2022-2024, such as: climate change adaptation; source-to-sea management; conjunctive management of transboundary surface waters and groundwater, equitable and sustainable water allocation in a transboundary context; monitoring, assessment, and data-sharing; and financing transboundary water cooperation. Progress towards achieving SDG target 6.5 (on implementing integrated water resources management) will be reviewed. Challenges and good practices related to transboundary water cooperation and the role of the Water Convention in present and future water-related transboundary challenges will also be addressed.

The Meeting is expected to adopt a new programme of work for the period 2025-2027, as well as numerous other decisions, and review the third report on the implementation of the Water Convention.

Various side events will be held in the margins of the meeting, including on success stories and lessons learned on Integrated Water Resource Management innovations in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine.

Water Convention MOP 10, taking place in Ljubljana (Slovenia) from 22 to 25 October 2024, is organized by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Spatial Planning of Slovenia, on behalf of the Government of Slovenia, and in cooperation with the Secretariat of the Water Convention, hosted by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE).

The Earth Negotiations Bulletin (ENB) writers for this meeting are Nienke Beintema and Olivia Pasini. The Digital Editor is Anastasia Rodopoulou. The Editor is Leila Mead.

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