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ENBOTS selected side events coverage for 17 May 2017

Bonn Climate Change Conference - May 2017

The following side events were covered by ENBOTS on Wednesday, 17 May 2017: Addressing Vulnerability in Africa, Caribbean and Pacific Countries: Adaptation, Capacity, People South-South Initiatives to Support Monitoring, Reporting and Verification, and Transparency of Action and Support Raising Ambition in Climate and Development: Adaptation Benefit Mechanism and Sustainable Development Goals Impact Quantification Supporting Loss and Damage for the Most Vulnerable: Experiences from Africa and Elsewhere Human Mobility and Climate Change: Synergies between the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and Other Global Policy Processes Contribution of Forest Landscape Restoration to Nationally Determined Contributions IISD Reporting Services, through its Earth Negotiations Bulletin on the Side (ENBOTS) Meeting Coverage, is providing daily web coverage of selected side events at the Bonn Climate Change Conference, May 2017. Photos by IISD/ENB | Angeles Estrada Vigil For photo reprint permissions, please follow instructions at our Attribution Regulations for Meeting Photo Usage Page Addressing Vulnerability in Africa, Caribbean and Pacific Countries: Adaptation, Capacity, People Presented by the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (ACP Group) and the African Union Commission (AUC) This side event centered on a dialogue and exchange of ideas among vulnerable ACP island states, least developed countries (LDCs), and landlocked and coastal countries. Viwanou Gnassounou, ACP Group Secretariat, moderated the event. Underscoring that “climate change is the single greatest threat to the security and livelihoods of our people,” Johnson Weru, Chair, ACP Subcommittee on Sustainable Development, highlighted close cooperation with the EU to undertake climate action and tackle other environmental problems. He noted the ACP is developing a dedicated programme to support small island developing States (SIDS) to address their unique vulnerabilities. Olushola Olayide, African Union (AU), underscored the vulnerability of the African continent. Among key initiatives the Union is engaged in, she highlighted: Climate for Development in Africa; the High-level Work Programme on Climate Change Action in Africa; the Africa Renewable Energy Initiative; the Africa Adaptation Initiative; and the initiative for the Adaptation of African Agriculture to climate change. Stressing that “the universality of the Paris Agreement is something we need to preserve and protect,” Elina Bardram, European Commission, highlighted the “special” nature of the ACP-EU partnership, highlighting the partnership’s potential to influence other global actors. She noted the EU is working through the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) Partnership and the Global Climate Change Alliance to help partner governments meet their commitments. Deo Saran, Fiji, noted the incoming Presidency of the 23rd session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP 23) and the 13th session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP 13) aims to maintain the momentum and cohesiveness from the two previous COPs, in order to continue to build the international climate change agenda. He highlighted groundwork to ensure completion of the implementation guidelines of the Paris Agreement, and preparations for the 2018 facilitative dialogue as priorities for COP 23. Kamal Djemouai, African Group of Negotiations (AGN), said there is a “vulnerability gap” in the UNFCCC process. He emphasized six key concepts that are important in this context: vulnerabilities, in their “plural form”; special circumstances; capacities and capabilities; NDCs; differentiation; and means of implementation. Stressing that “it’s not a beauty contest” about who is the most vulnerable, Amjad Abdulla, Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS), underlined that unity will be critical to ensure the voices of developing countries continue to be heard going forward. He said said loss and damage action should be further strengthened, and called for COP 23 to advance discussions on how the Adaptation Fund will serve the Paris Agreement. Gebru Jember Endalew, LDC Group, said COP 23 should provide the basis for a clear roadmap on the final outcome of the Paris Agreement rulebook. He identified the 2018 facilitative dialogue as a key step to increasing ambition, and said the Group supports a political declaration at the end of 2018 to guide review of NDCs.  In the ensuing discussion, participants highlighted: COP 23 as a “COP for action”; the need for COP 23 to focus on capacity building; efforts to create “a high ambition coalition for shipping”; and the need for “all countries of the international community” to work together to defend the Paris Agreement and climate science. L-R: Amjad Abdulla, AOSIS; Deo Saran, Fiji; Elina Bardram, European Commission; Johnson Weru, Chair, ACP Subcommittee on Sustainable Development; Olushola Olayide, AUC; Kamal Djemouai, AGN; and Viwanou Gnassounou, ACP Group Secretariat Gebru Jember Endalew, LDC Group (center), highlighted the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Initiative for Sustainable Development as crucial for reducing LDCs’ vulnerability. Elina Bardram, European Commission, highlighted transparency and the 2018 facilitative dialogue as key issues to be addressed at COP 23. Viwanou Gnassounou, ACP Group Secretariat, moderated the event. Deo Saran, Fiji, stressed the need to “give confidence to the world that we are progressing at the right speed.”  Kamal Djemouai, AGN, underlined that “the more divided developing countries are, the more vulnerable they are to climate change impacts and their consequences.” Amjad Abdulla, AOSIS, stressed: “We will all only go far if we stay united.” A participant during the side event Contact: Pendo Maro |  Olushola Olayide |  More Information: South-South Initiatives to Support Monitoring, Reporting and Verification, and Transparency of Action and SupportPresented by the Secretariat of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) This side event showcased South-South cooperation success stories on: technical and financial support; strengthening in-country and regional institutional capacity for monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV), and transparency of action and support in developing countries; and sharing methods, tools and data. William Agyemang-Bonsu, UNFCCC Secretariat, moderated the discussion.  Toby Hedger, UNFCCC Secretariat, presented the UNFCCC Climate Action and Support Transparency Training (UNFCCC-CASTT) programme, an initiative for national readiness for implementation of the Paris Agreement developed jointly with the Greenhouse Gas Inventory & Research Center of Korea (GIR). She explained that the programme’s objective is to promote effective and universal participation of countries in MRV and the transparency framework under the Paris Agreement through targeted, professional and comprehensive capacity building, as well as to contribute to implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 4 (quality education). She said the programme offers packages for policymakers, policy implementers, and technicians and development experts.  Jae Jung, GIR, elaborated on the Center’s collaboration with the UNFCCC-CASTT to provide a professional training programme on greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories for national experts from developing countries. He said the UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT programme has offered lectures and hands-on exercises to government officials and researchers from developing countries on GHG compilation and mitigation modeling since 2011, with 228 trainees from 52 countries successfully completing the programme.  Damiano Borgogno, UN Development Programme (UNDP) Global Support Programme (GSP), stressed the need to ensure that supported initiatives are sustainable over time, and to avoid redundancy. Among GSP-supported initiatives, he highlighted the West African South-South Network on MRV and the Latin American Network on GHG Inventories. Agré Mathieu Richemond Assié, Côte d’Ivoire, elaborated on the West African South-South Network on MRV, highlighting its vision to have operational MRV systems in West African countries by 2020. Among the Network’s objectives, he noted: facilitating the exchange of knowledge in the energy, and agriculture, forestry and other land-use sectors; supporting capacity development activities; and creating awareness within national institutions responsible for data collection.  Diana Camila Rodríguez Vargas, Colombia, showcased the Latin American Network on GHG Inventories. She highlighted challenges faced by Latin American countries, including: development of GHG inventories; maintaining stable inventory systems over time; and adequate institutional arrangements. She said the purpose of the Network is to: maintain South-South cooperation on national GHG inventories among Latin American Spanish-speaking countries; facilitate knowledge exchange through a range of tools; and provide technical support on, inter alia, different models of institutional arrangements and strengthening capacity for using the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National GHG Inventories. Kirsten Orschulok, Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB), Germany, presented on the Partnership on Transparency in the Paris Agreement (PATPA), formerly the International Partnership on Mitigation and MRV, outlining the Partnership’s current activities to promote practical exchange and political dialogue between countries on enhanced transparency. She noted that the PATPA seeks to foster transparency, communication, networking and trust between countries by bringing together negotiators and implementers.  During the ensuing discussion, participants addressed, inter alia: the role of adaptation in the Paris Agreement transparency framework; PATPA support on transparency of adaptation and support; and eligibility requirements for participation in UNFCCC-CASTT workshops. L-R: William Agyemang-Bonsu, UNFCCC Secretariat; Kirsten Orschulok, BMUB, Germany; Agré Mathieu Richemond Assié, Côte d’Ivoire; and Damiano Borgogno, UNDP GSP Jae Jung, GIR, said that the UNFCCC-GIR-CASTT programme on GHG inventories provides training on reporting and review under the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement, GHG inventory compilation and sectoral GHG MRV, among others. Damiano Borgogno, UNDP GSP (center), introduced the GSP-supported West African South-South Network on MRV and the Latin American Network on GHG Inventories. William Agyemang-Bonsu, UNFCCC Secretariat, noted that the UNFCCC-CASTT programme “allows us to move away from traditional workshops.” Among the main activities of the Latin American Network on GHG Inventories, Diana Camila Rodríguez Vargas, Colombia, highlighted establishment of formal arrangements to implement the Network, and identification of barriers and support needs. Kirsten Orschulok, BMUB, Germany, said PATPA’s formats include: partnership meetings on the margins of UN negotiations; capacity-building activities through peer-to-peer learning during technical workshops; and knowledge sharing. Contact: Marlan Pillay | More Information: Raising Ambition in Climate and Development: Adaptation Benefit Mechanism and Sustainable Development Goals Impact QuantificationPresented by the Gold Standard Foundation (GSF) and the African Development Bank (AfDB) In this side event, panelists highlighted how sustainable development can catalyze greater climate ambition while helping developing countries meet their development objectives. Gareth Phillips, AfDB, moderated the panel.  Outlining a proposed adaptation benefit mechanism (ABM), Phillips underscored that, if created, the ABM will: use a credible and transparent process to provide a results-based mechanism; offer a price signal for adaptation benefits; and determine this price signal by verified costs defined by an approved methodology. He said that the ABM would likely be supported by: donors who wish to transfer climate funds for long-term adaptation in a “transparent, efficient and cost-effective manner”; and socially responsible corporate buyers who wish to demonstrate their global awareness to shareholders and stakeholders. Highlighting differences between the Clean Development Mechanism and the proposed ABM, Phillips stressed that: the ABM is simpler, as it is a “contract” and not an “uncapped environmental liability”; units are non-fungible and not designed for submission against an obligation; and the ABM will finance the most compelling adaptation needs. Noting a “preponderance of mitigation” among internationally-negotiated financing mechanisms, Axel Michaelowa, Perspectives Climate Change, said that the ABM could reduce this bias. He suggested that, to avoid potential “stumbling blocks,” the ABM should ensure that: the mechanism does not “crowd out” public finance; units provide an “open choice” for the private sector; and a sufficient number of methodologies allows for a “convergence” of similar approaches and metrics.  Chebet Maikut, Uganda, emphasized that current funding mechanisms are not sufficient to meet the needs of all developing countries. He called for fully capitalizing on current funding mechanisms and innovative approaches to mobilize additional resources. Maikut said that the ABM has the potential to “liberate” private sector financing.  Questioning why it has been an “uphill battle” to include sustainable development in climate negotiations, Marion Verles, GSF, underscored that public support for sustainable development can be the “driving force” for more ambitious climate action. Recalling the Kyoto Protocol and associated trading schemes, she emphasized that negative public perception linked to poor safeguard mechanisms and poor sustainable development objectives undermined the Protocol’s credibility. Verles said that the “elements are in place” for a paradigm shift that embeds sustainable development in climate policies.  Noting that the definition of sustainable development varies between countries, Sven Braden, Liechtenstein, stressed the importance of national prerogatives. He called for tools and forums to discuss potential contradictions within the Sustainable Development Goals. L-R: Marion Verles, GSF; Axel Michaelowa, Perspectives Climate Change; and Sven Braden, Liechtenstein Sven Braden, Liechtenstein, noted that his country was one of the first to link Certified Emission Reductions to labeling that ensures sustainable development. Chebet Maikut, Uganda, stressed the “moral responsibility” to finance adaptation needs of developing countries. Marion Verles, GSF, underscored that sustainable development can be the “key element to move the needle” on climate ambition. Gareth Phillips, AfDB, said that, in some parts of Africa, “adaptation is the new mitigation” as there is more potential for action in this area. Contact: Sarah Leugers | Gareth Phillips | More Information: Supporting Loss and Damage for the Most Vulnerable: Experiences from Africa and Elsewhere Presented by CARE International, the ACT Alliance - Action by Churches, and Practical Action This side event, moderated by Sven Harmeling, CARE International, discussed key definitions and principles for financing loss and damage initiatives, including through climate risk insurance, and shared findings from the African Risk Capacity (ARC), a specialized agency of the African Union.  Idy Niang, Senegal, said that the challenge before the Executive Committee (ExCom) of the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage associated with Climate Change Impacts (WIM) in its work on a clearing house for risk transfer is to develop a sound international framework to ensure that insurance companies help vulnerable populations. He noted the R4 Rural Resilience Initiative (R4) in his country, highlighting food security among its benefits. Sabine Minninger, ACT Alliance, hoped that the upcoming Group of 20 Summit, taking place in Hamburg. Germany, from 7-8 July 2017, will take forward Germany’s InsuResilience initiative, which aims to provide climate risk insurance coverage to 400 million poor and vulnerable people by 2020. She cautioned against addressing climate change by “dealing with the symptoms,” such as loss and damage. Minninger also urged civil society to work on making climate risk insurance premiums affordable, noting that the poorest “should not pay at all.” Vitumbiko Chinoko, CARE International, presented on the ARC, highlighting experiences from Southern Africa. Among recommendations for the ARC, he identified the need for: capacity building on, and affordability of, climate risk insurance; enhanced participation and transparency through involving non-state actors; enabling environments; using participation of the poor as a criterion for approving applications for certificates of good standing; and a participatory monitoring and evaluation process for the whole facility that should include poor women farmers. Swenja Surminski, London School of Economics (LSE), emphasized the importance of keeping in mind the aims and objectives behind using insurance as a tool to address loss and damage. Highlighting advantages of insurance over post-disaster aid, she noted incentivizing and enhancing risk reduction through insurance, and sharing loss and damage beyond the at-risk community through solidarity funds as key challenges to designing and implementing insurance in the loss and damage context.  Reinhard Mechler, International Institute for Advanced System Analysis (IIASA), outlined the pro-poor principles of the Munich Climate Insurance Initiative (MCII), including comprehensive needs-based solutions, client value, affordability, accessibility, participation, sustainability and enabling environments. Among transformative measures for risk management, he highlighted: pooling and sharing risks in order to diversify them; innovative instruments involving public-private partnerships; livelihood transformation; and migration. Under “curative” options, he listed loss and damage mechanisms at the national level and a displacement coordination facility.   In the ensuing discussion, participants addressed, inter alia: the role of the WIM ExCom and the clearing house for risk transfer in initiatives, such as InsuResilience; innovative sources of, and accounting for, loss and damage finance; utility of indirect insurance mechanisms for the poor; links between insurance initiatives and humanitarian networks; involvement of multilateral development banks in climate insurance; and challenges associated with covering insurance premiums for the poor. In closing, Colin McQuistan, Practical Action, said that the key objective of the event was to “keep loss and damage on the agenda,” noting that capacity building is vital. Sabine Minninger, ACT Alliance; Swenja Surminski, LSE; Sven Harmeling, CARE International; Reinhard Mechler, IIASA; and Vitumbiko Chinoko, CARE International Sven Harmeling, CARE International, questioned whether insurance mechanisms have the capacity to address the growing risks of loss and damage. Reinhard Mechler, IIASA, observed that “there is not a single market-based insurance mechanism; there is always an element of solidarity involved.” Sabine Minninger, ACT Alliance, underscored that “climate insurance is not an answer to climate justice.” Noting that women are the most vulnerable to climate change, Vitumbiko Chinoko, CARE International, highlighted his organization’s efforts to ensure that women are protected. Contact: Sven Harmeling |  Isaiah Toroitich |  Colin McQuistan |  More Information:  Human Mobility and Climate Change: Synergies between the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and Other Global Policy Processes Presented by the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) and the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) This event discussed developments relevant to the Task Force on Climate Displacement under the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage associated with Climate Change Impacts, which was mandated by the 21st session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change to develop recommendations to avert, minimize and address displacement. Atle Solberg, Platform on Disaster Displacement (PDD), moderated the event. Michelle Yonetani, International Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC), NRC, highlighted that displacement is more strongly recognized under the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) than under its predecessor, the Hyogo Framework for Action. Among key recommendations of the PDD to the 2017 Global Platform for DRR, she noted: preventing displacement and reducing displacement risk; addressing protection needs and promoting durable solutions to displacement; and strengthening the systematic collection and monitoring of displacement data to inform policy and planning. Marine Franck, UNHCR, introduced the 2016 New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants, noting processes to adopt a global compact on migration and a global compact on refugees as key outcomes. She highlighted the UNHCR’s work includes Guidelines on Temporary Protection or Stay Arrangements, which can apply in the context of climate change and disasters, and a 10-Point Plan of Action on Refugee Protection and Mixed Migration. Dina Ionesco, International Organization for Migration (IOM), said the global compact on migration offers an opportunity to integrate climate change into key migration policy processes. She also said climate change offers an opportunity to “green” and modernize migration policy. Noting that the human rights and vulnerabilities of those affected by slow onset events are often overlooked, Benjamin Schachter, United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), highlighted his organization’s efforts to address information gaps in this area. He underscored the importance of human rights policy coherence across different global policy processes.  Meredith Byrne, International Labour Organization (ILO), welcomed the integrated approach of the Task Force on Displacement, and noted that it provides opportunities to make linkages with the Sustainable Development Goals and is in a “unique position” to bring together experts from cross-cutting areas. Stressing that there are 150.3 million migrant workers with “enormous development potential,” she additionally highlighted ILO’s work on green jobs. In the discussion, participants addressed, inter alia: several opportunities for civil society to engage in the global compact on refugees, including through the UNHCR’s 2017 non-governmental organization consultations; the need to raise awareness of what human rights are, and how they can be asserted; how climate finance can exacerbate human rights violations and the need for a regulatory framework to ensure businesses respect human rights; the IOM’s Environmental Migration Portal; and the need to “shine light” on good practices. L-R: Michelle Yonetani, IDMC, NRC; Marine Franck, UNHCR; Atle Solberg, PDD; Dina Ionesco, IOM; and Benjamin Schachter, OHCHR Benjamin Schachter, OHCHR, underscored that climate change puts human rights at risk and drives migration. Michelle Yonetani, IDMC, NRC, said climate-related disasters cause an average of 21.5 million displacements each year. Marine Franck, UNHCR, highlighted efforts to ensure synergies between the global compact on refugees and the Task Force on Climate Displacement. Dina Ionesco, IOM, stressed migrants can be powerful agents of adaptation and mitigation policies. Contact: Lena Brenn | Erica Bower | More Information: Contribution of Forest Landscape Restoration to Nationally Determined Contributions Presented by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and the international Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) This side event concentrated on the contribution of forest landscape restoration (FLR) to the achievement of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). Panelists shared views on the design and successful implementation of FLR policies and practices, and discussed how FLR contributes to reducing emissions and enhancing carbon stocks in forest landscapes.  Sandeep Sengupta, IUCN, moderated the event. He noted IUCN’s Bonn Challenge, which aims to secure pledges to restore up to 150 million hectares of degraded and deforested land by 2020, and 350 million hectares by 2050.  Nur Masripatin, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Indonesia, focused on the role of forest and land-use sectors in Indonesia’s NDC. She said that forestry is responsible for 17.2% of her country’s emissions reduction target of 29% of the business-as-usual scenario by 2030 reflected in its NDC.  Leticia Guimaraes, Ministry of Environment, Brazil, highlighted national instruments to support implementation of reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation and the role of conservation, sustainable management of forests and enhancement of forest carbon stocks in developing countries (REDD+), and the national plan for recovery of native vegetation, including: the Brazilian forest code which requires land owners in the Amazon biome to maintain 80% of their land as forest; and the rural environmental registry, which enables the government to track implementation of the code. She said that her country’s NDC includes a target to reforest and recover 12 million hectares of land.  Florian Kraxner, IIASA, noted that global estimates of degraded area with potential to be restored vary from 1 billion to 6 billion hectares. Highlighting the RESTORE+ project, he said it aims to: identify degraded land; assess the implications of using different degraded land definitions; and assess the sectoral interaction of the food-land-energy nexus.  Ping Yowargana, IIASA, explained the limitations of remote sensing in identifying degraded land resources and described the potential of crowdsourcing to estimate land availability for reforestation. He detailed strategies for engaging grassroots actors in data collection and verification, including, inter alia: crowdsourcing of land cover analysis; in situ data validation using mobile applications; and visualization of land cover data sets and suitability maps.  Underscoring that FLR aims to regain ecological functionality across deforested and degraded forest landscapes, María del Carmen García-Espinosa, IUCN, said that it also promotes socioeconomic benefits by improving the wellbeing of forest-dependent communities. She highlighted IUCN’s Restoration Opportunity Assessment Methodology (ROAM) to identify and prioritize FLR opportunities at the national and subnational levels, noting that ROAM has been deployed in at least 26 jurisdictions or countries.  Ruth Irlen, Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB), Germany, stressed that the Bonn Challenge is about “enabling informed decision making.” She identified as key to meeting the targets of the Bonn Challenge: development of sustainable restoration models that meet national needs; and innovation to combine “big data” with crowdsourcing and ground proofing of data.  During the ensuing discussion, participants addressed, inter alia: the role of indigenous peoples in Brazil in protecting forests; developing the national REDD+ project strategy and implementing reforestation projects; resilience of community conservation and restoration initiatives; and restoration of palm oil plantation land in Indonesia.  L-R: Sandeep Sengupta, IUCN; María del Carmen García-Espinosa, IUCN; Leticia Guimaraes, Ministry of Environment, Brazil; Ruth Irlen, BMUB, Germany; Nur Masripatin, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Indonesia; Florian Kraxner, IIASA; and Ping Yowargana, IIASA Ping Yowargana, IIASA, highlighted strategies for “citizen-empowered scientific assessment” of land-use degradation and restoration. Sandeep Sengupta, IUCN, moderated the event. Nur Masripatin, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Indonesia, said that the forest area in her country has decreased since 1990 but the rate of net forest loss has been cut by 50%. Leticia Guimaraes, Ministry of Environment, Brazil, highlighted her country’s recent commitment to the Bonn Challenge. Contact: Sandeep Sengupta | Susan Riley | More Information: Around the Venue
Side Events

ENBOTS selected side events coverage for 10 May 2017

Bonn Climate Change Conference - May 2017

The following side events were covered by ENBOTS on Wednesday, 10 May 2017: The Green Climate Fund and the Implementation of the Paris Agreement Greening with Jobs: Decent Work and Just Transition in the Paris Agreement Catalyzing the Implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions in the Context of the 2030 Agenda through South-South Cooperation Protecting Rights, Achieving Results: Indigenous Peoples, GCF-Funded Projects and Climate Solutions Accounting for Integrity: The Paris Agreement, International Aviation and Double Claiming Private-Sector Finance for Nationally Determined Contribution Implementation in Sub-Saharan Africa IISD Reporting Services, through its Earth Negotiations Bulletin on the Side (ENBOTS) Meeting Coverage, is providing daily web coverage of selected side events at the Bonn Climate Change Conference, May 2017. Photos by IISD/ENB | Angeles Estrada Vigil For photo reprint permissions, please follow instructions at our Attribution Regulations for Meeting Photo Usage Page The Green Climate Fund and the Implementation of the Paris AgreementPresented by the Green Climate Fund (GCF) In this event, members of the GCF Board and representatives of National Designated Authorities (NDAs) implementing GCF-funded projects shared perspectives on GCF progress. An update on GCF operational developments in the first session was followed by experiences and challenges of engagement with the GCF in the second session. Carolina Fuentes, GCF, moderated the event.  Howard Bamsey, Executive Director, GCF, welcomed interest in the GCF’s work and outlined the Fund’s focus on implementing 43 Board-approved projects in 2017. Ayman Shasly, Co-Chair, GCF Board, concentrated on the GCF’s aim to “ignite a paradigm shift” towards reducing emissions and enabling climate-resilient development. Stressing the GCF’s role as the largest organization providing funding to developing countries for adaptation and mitigation action, he announced “great progress” towards the Board’s recently approved workplan. Shasly said that in 2017, the Board is scheduled to consider, inter alia: new funding proposals; potential accredited agencies; and matters relating to the formal replenishment process.  Announcing that the Fund has approved US$2.2 billion in funding for 43 projects, Clifford Polycarp, GCF, highlighted these projects’ mitigation impacts of 981 MtCO2eq and adaptation impacts reaching 281 million beneficiaries. He stressed the GCF’s aim for geographic balance and even split between adaptation, mitigation and cross-cutting initiatives.  Jeremiah Sokan, NDA, Liberia, detailed Liberian engagement with the GCF to date, including: GCF Readiness Support; National Adaptation Plans’ Readiness Support; and a US$50 million proposal currently proceeding through the Project Preparation Facility guidelines. He outlined Liberia’s principles of engagement with the GCF, including: a pragmatic programme planning approach; a transparent partnership with frequent consultation; and continuous engagement and communication.  Celine Dyer, NDA, Cook Islands, highlighted challenges small island developing States face in familiarizing themselves with the procedures, policies and regulations for GCF proposals with limited manpower and minimally detailed guidelines. She suggested a longer timeframe for preparation of readiness proposals and consideration of a streamlined approach similar to that of the Adaptation Fund.   Jukka Uosukainen, Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN), underscored the need to enhance the linkages between the UNFCCC Technology Mechanism and the Financial Mechanism of the Convention. Reporting that the CTCN has received 180 technology and technical assistance requests from countries, he emphasized the importance of these requests’ potential to lead to high-quality proposals to the GCF. Uosukainen highlighted projects in Tonga, Ghana and Myanmar that have been piloted as readiness proposals.  During the ensuing discussion, participants addressed, inter alia: GCF bilateral agreements regarding privileges and immunities; mainstreaming principles of climate resilience and transformational change across sectors; obstacles to the roll out of reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation and the role of conservation, sustainable management of forests and enhancement of forest carbon stocks in developing countries (REDD+) results-based finance; and no-objection procedures as a way to address questions of country ownership. (L-R): Carolina Fuentes, GCF; Clifford Polycarp, GCF; Ayman Shasly, Co-Chair, GCF Board; Howard Bamsey, Executive Director, GCF; Celine Dyer, NDA, Cook Islands; Jeremiah Sokan, NDA, Liberia; and Jukka Uosukainen, CTCN Ayman Shasly, Co-Chair, GCF Board (center), highlighted the GCF’s aim to be “truly innovative and transformational.” Clifford Polycarp, GCF (right), said that the GCF’s healthy accreditation pipeline “signals a great deal of interest” on the part of institutions. Jeremiah Sokan, NDA, Liberia, described Liberia’s engagement with the GCF as “a breath of fresh air.” Celine Dyer, NDA, Cook Islands, said that GCF proposals “added pressure on our existing systems.” Rutger de Witt Wijnen, GCF Contact: Sanghyun Kim | Carolina Fuentes | More Information: Greening with Jobs: Decent Work and Just Transition in the Paris Agreement Presented by the Secretariat of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) This side event centered on a just transition of the workforce and the creation of decent work in the context of global climate change action, including collaboration between the UNFCCC and the International Labour Organization (ILO) in this area. It was moderated by Moustapha Kamal Gueye, ILO.  Kusum Lata, UNFCCC Secretariat, introduced the topic, highlighting the meeting of an ad hoc technical expert group to consider the two areas of the work programme on response measures taking place at the Bonn Climate Change Conference from 9-10 May 2017, and its focus on economic diversification and transformation, as well as just transition of the workforce and the creation of decent work and quality jobs. Albert Altarejos Magalang, Department of Environment and Natural Resources, the Philippines, noted the key role of mining in his country and the need to engage with stakeholders to facilitate a shift towards a more environmentally sustainable economy. Alexandria Rantino, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia, discussed her country’s efforts to support a just transition, including through research and development tax breaks for businesses to help them move away from particular sectors, and the national employment service ‘jobactive,’ which connects jobseekers with employment opportunities. Underlining that “there are no jobs on a dead planet,” Anabella Rosemberg, International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), highlighted ITUC’s work in raising awareness of adverse impacts of climate change on jobs, such as:  promoting green work places; inclusion of the “just transition” concept in Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs); and forging linkages between Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) on climate change and decent work. Norine Kennedy, US Council for International Business (USCIB), highlighted the importance of: involving the business community in NDC development; improving representation of developing country business communities in these discussions; and bringing jobs into the formal economy. In the ensuing discussion, participants considered, inter alia: how to ensure a just transition in a geographical area highly dependent on one industry; who should pay for such a transition; the fact that most green sectors are going to be male-dominated unless there are concerted efforts to address this; and the efforts of the European Trade Union Confederation to promote a “just transition fund” in the context of reform of the European Union’s Emissions Trading System, as well as the Confederation’s work to help members develop their own just transition strategies. Participants also highlighted the need for: communities to be able to shape their own future; companies to “show the world their plan for a 2°C world”; and social justice to guide climate change and employment work. Annabella Rosemberg, ITUC, explained that the idea of “just transition” emerged as an alternative to the “fake dichotomy” between jobs and the climate. Alexandria Rantino, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia, highlighted investments of AUS$43 million to support the Latrobe Valley community in Victoria towards a just transition following the closure of its Hazelwood coal power station. Kusum Lata, UNFCCC Secretariat, noted that the Paris Agreement is expected to affect many different employment sectors, albeit in different ways. Albert Altarejos Magalang, Department of Environment and Natural Resources, the Philippines (right), highlighted his country’s 2016 Green Jobs Act to support businesses in generating and sustaining green jobs. (L-R): Kusum Lata, UNFCCC Secretariat; Moustapha Kamal Gueye, ILO; Alexandria Rantino, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia; Albert Altarejos Magalang, Department of Environment and Natural Resources, the Philippines; Norine Kennedy, USCIB; and Anabella Rosemberg, ITUC Moderator Moustapha Kamal Gueye, ILO, emphasized that “just transition” is not an abstract concept, but refers to “real-life situations” that require solutions. Norine Kennedy, USCIB, stressed the need to bring together the different “camps” of business on the one hand, and employment on the other. Daniela Pedraza, Women’s Environment & Development Organization Contact: Kusum Lata (Organizer) |  More Information: Catalyzing the Implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions in the Context of the 2030 Agenda through South-South Cooperation Presented by the Secretariat of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) This side event, moderated by William Agyemang-Bonsu, UNFCCC Secretariat, addressed South-South cooperation (SSC) and ways in which it can support implementation of the Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda. Agyemang-Bonsu noted that SSC provides an additional opportunity for developing countries to address the numerous implementation challenges they face in relation to the Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda. Xiaohua Zhang, Southern Climate Partnership Incubator (SCPI), UN Executive Office of the Secretary-General (EOSG), and Bernd Hackmann, UNFCCC Secretariat, launched a report on SSC in the areas of sustainable development and climate change, prepared jointly by the EOSG and the UNFCCC Secretariat. Zhang explained that the report discusses how SSC and triangular cooperation (TrC) can create co-benefits for the implementation of the Paris Agreement and achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Noting that SSC is about complementary work as well as knowledge exchange, Hackman identified linkages between the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and SDGs and said most SDGs have already been included in many countries’ NDCs. On the way forward, they stressed the need to, inter alia: mainstream climate action into sustainable development strategies; consider NDCs as an entry point for SSC on climate action and sustainable development; and foster broader partnerships.   Omar Zemrag, Morocco, discussed NDC implementation in his country. He noted that the SDGs are already incorporated in Morocco’s sustainable development strategy, and underscored stakeholder mobilization through public-private partnerships (PPPs) and consultation platforms.  Claudia Octaviano Villasana, Mexico, shared SSC experiences from her country and called for new ways of cooperation, stressing the need to “scale up and innovate the way we do development.” She emphasized that Mexico was the first country to submit its NDC and mid-century strategy (MCS). Noting that Mexico promotes SSC by creating materials that can be shared globally, she gave numerous examples of SSC and TrC in her country, including an upcoming regional workshop on the design and elaboration of MCSs to be held in Mexico City in June 2017. Duduzile Nhlengethwa-Masina, Vice Chair, Technology Executive Committee (TEC), introduced the TEC’s work on SSC, including the forthcoming 2017 TEC policy brief on SSC and TrC on adaptation technologies, which recommends, inter alia: that multiple stakeholders work together; enhanced institutional support and linkages between climate change and other development areas; and better use of global mechanisms and international networks.  Vicente Paolo Yu III, Deputy Executive Director, South Centre, presented on the South Centre’s global landscaping survey of SSC on climate change to be finalized before the 23rd session of the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC (COP 23). He noted that developing countries view SSC as a voluntary complement enhancing North-South cooperation that has a strong focus on shared economic growth and poverty reduction, while promoting the objectives of the Paris Agreement and the SDGs.  In the ensuing discussion, participants discussed, among other issues: ways for SSC to help integrate climate action into development strategies; SSC modalities; ways to facilitate knowledge exchange and sharing; and contextualizing the sustainable development-climate change nexus from the means of implementation perspective. (L-R): Claudia Octaviano Villasana, Mexico; Omar Zemrag, Morocco; Duduzile Nhlengethwa-Masina, Vice Chair, TEC; William Agyemang-Bonsu, UNFCCC Secretariat; Xiaohua Zhang, SCPI, EOSG; and Vicente Paolo Yu III, Deputy Executive Director, South Centre Xiaohua Zhang, SCPI, EOSG, launched an EOSG/UNFCCC Secretariat joint report on SSC in the areas of sustainable development and climate change. Bernd Hackmann, UNFCCC Secretariat, and Claudia Octaviano Villasana, Mexico William Agyemang-Bonsu, UNFCCC Secretariat (center), said SSC can support the implementation of the Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda. Omar Zemrag, Morocco, highlighted stakeholder mobilization through PPPs and consultation platforms in his country. Duduzile Nhlengethwa-Masina, Vice Chair, TEC, elaborated on the TEC’s planned further work on SSC, including the development of a good practice guide on South-South practical learning on adaptation technologies. Claudia Octaviano Villasana, Mexico, noted that Mexico promotes SSC by creating materials on ecosystem-based adaptation that can be shared globally.     Contact: Bernd Hackmann |  William Agyemang-Bonsu (Moderator) | More Information: Protecting Rights, Achieving Results: Indigenous Peoples, GCF-Funded Projects and Climate SolutionsPresented by the Tebtebba Foundation and the Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI) In this event, moderated by Alain Fréchette, RRI, participants discussed indigenous peoples’ growing concerns that the Global Climate Fund (GCF) is failing to consider their rights in its current portfolio of projects.Noting that indigenous peoples and local communities account for over a third of the world’s population and are responsible for a quarter of the carbon stored in tropical forests, Fréchette emphasized the importance of indigenous peoples for the realization of “effective and lasting solutions as part of the GCF.”  Anne Perrault, RRI, outlined her organization’s recent analysis of the GCF project approval process, noting that “now is a good time” to assess if projects are achieving the GCF objectives to shift to low-emission and climate-resilient development. She addressed key issues, including: application of standards; identification and categorization of risk; free, prior and informed consent; consultation and participation; and monitoring and grievance mechanisms.  Stanley Kimaren Ole Riamit, Executive Director, Indigenous Livelihoods Enhancement Partners (ILEPA), underscored that the situation of indigenous peoples presents unique challenges that “state-centered and state-driven climate financing approaches do not adequately address.” He identified shortcomings in GCF engagement with indigenous peoples, including: lack of recognition of indigenous peoples as an independent constituency with active observer status; failure of GCF interim safeguard standards to align with current best practices with respect to indigenous peoples’ rights and concerns; and GCF funding modalities that prohibit indigenous peoples’ access to funding. Grace Balawag, Tebtebba, presented on community-based monitoring and information systems (CBMIS), including: participatory mapping; resource inventories; conscious direct observation; and interviewing and focus groups. She emphasized that CBMIS is an important community tool for indigenous peoples’ empowerment and meaningful participation in planning, implementation and monitoring of project impacts.  Clifford Polycarp, GCF, stressed that the Fund aspires to remain a “continuously learning institution” and ensure that its policies and standards are “state of the art.” Acknowledging the need for transparency, he said that the GCF has added covenants to its assessments requiring entities to engage in broader stakeholder engagement.  During the ensuing discussion, participants addressed, inter alia: the GCF’s “fit-for-purpose” accreditation system; challenges in reaching consensus on the GCF Board; and the logic of post-mitigation risk categorization. Responding to concerns about challenges of access to and delays in disbursement of GCF funding, Polycarp emphasized the GCF’s efforts to: close policy gaps; accelerate disbursement of funds; and accelerate capacitation of countries and entities. Grace Balawag, Tebtebba Foundation; Stanley Kimaren Ole Riamit, Executive Director, ILEPA; Anne Perrault, RRI, and Alaine Fréchette, RRI Anne Perrault, RRI, said that, without recognition of rights, we “won’t have the just development that the GCF is promoting.” Stanley Kimaren Ole Riamit, Executive Director, ILEPA, stressed that indigenous peoples “need to engage with the policy process.” Grace Balawag, Tebtebba, said that participatory mapping “builds ownership over community plans.” Clifford Polycarp, GCF, said that accredited local entities “might be best suited to finding projects that benefit indigenous peoples.” Sasha Middleton, MEPA Trust, intervenes during the discussion Contact: Raymond de Chavez (Organizer) | Alain Fréchette (Moderator) | More Information: Accounting for Integrity: The Paris Agreement, International Aviation and Double ClaimingPresented by the the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF), the European Federation for Transport and Environment (T&E) and Carbon Market Watch This side event addressed ways to ensure that emission reductions used by airlines to comply with the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA) established by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) are not also counted by governments toward meeting their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) under the Paris Agreement. Aki Kachi, Carbon Market Watch, moderated the event.  Introducing CORSIA, Andrew Murphy, T&E, explained that the offsetting scheme consists of three phases: a pilot phase from 2021-2023 and a first phase from 2024-2026, both of which are voluntary; and the 2027-2035 mandatory phase. Noting that 68 states have signed up for CORSIA, Murphy identified CORSIA’s “to-do list,” including to: expand participation in CORSIA to close the 2020 emissions gap; identify effective enforcement measures; and support developing states in implementing CORSIA. He called for a “global scheme that would be as uniform as possible.”  Christina Jane Hood, International Energy Agency (IEA), focused on avoiding double counting under the Paris Agreement, outlining challenges including the diversity of NDCs, the use of different metrics and NDCs’ reliance on a target year whereas markets operate in a continuum.  Calling for robust accounting of international transfers, Lambert Schneider, Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), explained how double counting is addressed by the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and voluntary standards. He pointed out that while double issuance and double use are avoided, double claiming remains unaddressed. Schneider concluded that double claiming is a major risk for CORSIA, which can be addressed through adjustments, but requires action by CORSIA as well as the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).  Alex Hanafi, EDF, addressed the role of transparency in making climate agreements work, noting that, while CORSIA and the Paris Agreement fall under different international processes, they relate to the same goals. He said lessons from other environmental markets include the need for: public disclosure of operators’ annual emissions and offset obligations; transparent and accurate tracking of each uniquely identified emission unit; and an open decision-making process. Hanafi emphasized that integrity of the Paris Agreement depends on CORSIA transparency.  Angelica Romero, Chile, presented her country’s perspective, emphasizing the need for robust accounting and avoiding double counting. Stressing the need for transparency, she called for monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) systems to secure tracking of emission units from purchase to transfer, use and surrender. Romero reported on roundtable discussions held in Chile among ICAO and Paris Agreement negotiators to develop a working MRV system. Kelsey Perlman, Carbon Market Watch, said that addressing double counting is a burden-sharing exercise for the UNFCCC and ICAO. She emphasized the need to ensure that transfers of emission units are of high integrity, and that there is comparable treatment among peers. Perlman called for: clarity on accounting; and correct oversight and transparency of effort and implementation, which are required for “proper ambition.”  In the ensuing discussion, participants addressed, inter alia: double claiming in voluntary standards; the future of the CDM and potential “gray zones” when double counting cannot be assessed; ways to ensure that airlines buy quality units; implications of offsetting permanent emissions with non-permanent ones; and ways to ratchet up ambition. (L-R): Andrew Murphy, T&E; Christina Jane Hood, IEA; Lambert Schneider, SEI; Alex Hanafi, EDF; Angelica Romero, Chile; and Kelsey Perlman, Carbon Market Watch Lambert Schneider, SEI, observed that the diversity of NDCs and Cancun pledges poses practical challenges for applying adjustments. Alex Hanafi, EDF, and Angelica Romero, Chile Kelsey Perlman, Carbon Market Watch (right), noted that addressing double counting is a burden-sharing exercise for the UNFCCC and ICAO. Aki Kachi, Carbon Market Watch, moderated the side event. Contact: Daniel Francis |  Andrew Murphy |  More Information: Private-Sector Finance for Nationally Determined Contribution Implementation in Sub-Saharan AfricaPresented by the SouthSouthNorth Projects Africa (SSN Africa) and the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) This event, moderated by Richard Klein, SEI, considered the scope for private sector finance to support mitigation and adaptation in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), and presented initial findings of the Private-Sector Finance for Nationally Determined Contribution Implementation in Sub-Saharan Africa (PRINDCISSA) project. Characterizing southern Africa’s severe multi-year drought as “likely the new normal,” John Thorne, SSN, underlined that private sector investment will be needed to take adequate climate change mitigation and adaptation action. He highlighted sovereign risk, in particular from exchange rate fluctuation, as a key challenge to such investments, and identified Ethiopia’s policy environment and South Africa’s renewable energy programme as being amenable to investment. Stephan Hoch, Perspectives Climate Change, discussed research on different approaches taken to involve the private sector through the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), the Climate Investment Funds and the Green Climate Fund. He underlined the need to understand how the rules of these mechanisms can be adjusted to African circumstances “where not enough resources are arriving where they are most needed.” Nella Canales, SEI, highlighted agriculture as an adaptation priority in SSA countries’ NDCs. Among emerging findings of the PRINDCISSA project, she noted: the need for additional detail on how governments want private actors to become involved beyond what is currently provided in NDCs; and the need for further work on how to establish “win-win” public-private partnerships. Xolisa Ngwadla, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), noted that most projects comprise a blend of public and private funding, and underlined the importance of appreciating the different development and economic contexts facing SSA countries. Sara Gräslund, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), highlighted that while Sweden’s grant support remains substantial, her country is additionally mobilizing private climate finance, including through guaranteeing financing partners’ investment risk. The ensuing panel discussion was moderated by Axel Michaelowa, Perspectives Climate Change. Among other issues, panelists identified the need to: learn from success factors of existing projects, such as the Africa Adaptation Initiative, and improve coordination between different initiatives; ensure local markets are not undermined by an emphasis on international investment; and experiment and “take some risks” with different instruments in order to catalyze adaptation investments. Participants also identified: the UNFCCC negotiating process as an “enabler” to allow countries to develop policies informed by the global discourse; the CDM as amenable to innovation; and auctioning as an approach that can significantly lower renewable energy costs. (L-R): Axel Michaelowa, Perspectives Climate Change; Sara Gräslund, SIDA; Nella Canales, SEI; Xolisa Ngwadla, CSIR; Stephan Hoch, Perspectives Climate Change; and John Thorne, SSN. Xolisa Ngwadla, CSIR, recommended considering how multilateral financing bodies, such as the GCF, can contribute to already-existing national disaster relief funds to support farmers in SSA. Nella Canales, SEI, noted that, when it comes to adaptation interventions, the private sector plays a role in all aspects of the value chain. Axel Michaelowa, Perspectives Climate Change; Stephan Hoch, Perspectives Climate Change; Nella Canales, SEI; Richard Klein, SEI; and Sara Gräslund, SIDA John Thorne, SSN, stressed the potential efficiency advantages of private sector capital. Axel Michaelowa, Perspectives Climate Change, and Sara Gräslund, SIDA Contact: Claire Mathieson  |  Nella Canales | More Information:
Side Events

Summary report 9–12 May 2017

Vienna Energy Forum (VEF) 2017 Sustainable Energy for the Implementation of the SDGs and the Paris Agreement

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Daily report for 4 May 2017

2017 Meetings of the Conferences of the Parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions (BRS COPs)

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