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Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of our America

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Highlights and images for 9 May 2017

Bonn Climate Change Conference - May 2017

The Bonn Climate Change Conference continued Tuesday. In the morning, the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Paris Agreement (APA) contact group and Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI) plenary convened. Contact groups and informal consultations convened throughout the day. Several mandated events convened throughout the day. Two Technical Expert Meeting (TEMs) on mitigation, focusing on city-level collaboration to achieve emission reductions and sustainable development, and on innovative policy and technology solutions for sustainable urban development. Other mandated events included the meeting of the Technical Expert Group on the impact of the implementation of response measures. IISD Reporting Services, through its ENB Meeting Coverage, provided digital coverage, daily reports and a summary and analysis report from the Bonn Climate Change Conference - May 2017. Photos by IISD/ENB | Kiara Worth For photo reprint permissions, please follow instructions at our Attribution Regulations for Meeting Photo Usage Page Ad Hoc Working Group on the Paris Agreement (APA) Contact Group View of the dais during the APA contact group APA Co-Chair Jo Tyndall, New Zealand APA Co-Chair Sarah Baashan, Saudi Arabia Raed Albasseet, Saudi Arabia Felipe Ferreira, Brazil Collin Beck, Solomon Islands Ravi Prasad, India Chen Zhihua, China Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI) Plenary View of the dais during the SBI plenary Chan-Woo Kim, Republic of Korea, speaking on behalf of the Environmental Integrity Group (EIG) SBI Chair Tomasz Chruszczow, Poland Simone Borg, EU Gebru Jember, Ethiopia, speaking on behalf of the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) Amjad Abdulla, Maldives, speaking on behalf of the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) Isabel Di Carlo Quero, Venezuela, speaking on behalf of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America (ALBA) Ndivile Colia Mokoena, Women and Gender Ceris Jones, Farmers Alberto Saldamando, Indigenous Peoples Sara Kupka, Local Governments and Municipal Authorities (LGMA) Roundtable Discussions among Parties in Relation to Article 6 of the Paris Agreement Panel speakers (L-R): Amy Steen, UNFCCC Secretariat; Co-Facilitator Hugh Sealy, Maldives; Co-Facilitator Kelley Kizzier, EU; and Phillip Eyre, UNFCCC Secretariat Delegates participate in roundtable discussions Contact Groups throughout the Day SBI/Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) contact group on the implementation of response measures SBSTA contact group on the modalities for the accounting of financial resources (Paris Agreement Article 9.7) Arrangements for Intergovernmental Meetings (AIM) Workshop View of the panel during the in-session workshop on opportunities to further enhance the effective engagement of non-party stakeholders with a view to strengthening the implementation of the provisions of decision 1/CP.21. Inia Seruiratu, Minister of Agriculture, Rural and Maritime Development and National Disaster Management, and High-Level Climate Champion, Fiji UNFCCC Executive Secretary Patricia Espinosa Kalyani Raj, All India Women’s Conference, Women and Gender Walter Schuldt-Espinel, Ecuador, on behalf of the Like-Minded Developing Countries (LMDCs)  Ulrik Lenaerts, EU Norine Kennedy, US Council for International Business, Business and Industry NGOs (BINGO) Yunus Arikan, Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI), LGMA Marcos Montoiro, UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) Technical Expert Meeting (TEM) on Mitigation Delegates gather for the TEM on mitigation, innovative policy and technology solutions for sustainable urban development Stella Gama, Technology Executive Committee Winfried Damm, GIZ Proklima Xiaomei Duan, Far East BRT Planning Company, China Johnny Stuen, Municipality's Waste-to-Energy Agency, City of Oslo, Norway Around the Venue A delegate reviews the schedule at the start of the day Delegates from Tajikistan Issa Aliyev, Azerbaijan, and Talieh Wögerbauer, Austria Yunus Arikan, ICLEI, and Kimo Goree, Vice-President, International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) UNFCCC Executive Secretary Patricia Espinosa speaks with Oleg Shamanov, Russian Federation Maesela Kekana and Alf Wills, South Africa Delegates read the IISD Earth Negotiations Bulletin (ENB) website and daily report to keep track of negotiations Delegates between sessions Amjad Abdulla, Maldives
Daily Highlights

Highlights and images for 26 May 2016

Bonn Climate Change Conference - May 2016

On Thursday, the Bonn Climate Change Conference concluded. The Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) held closing plenaries in the morning and evening. A special joint plenary was held to thank UNFCCC Executive Secretary Christiana Figueres for her service, with all present congratulating her, including in song, for her leadership culminating in the Paris Agreement. In response, UNFCCC Executive Secretary Figueres thanked everyone, saying that she has “had the enormous privilege to be at your side as you made history.” In the afternoon and evening, the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI) and the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Paris Agreement (APA) held their closing plenaries. IISD Reporting Services, through its ENB Meeting Coverage, has providing daily web coverage, daily reports from the Bonn Climate Change Conference - May 2016. In adiition, IISD Reportaing Services has also published a summary and analysis report from this meeting, which is available in HTML and PDF format. Photos by IISD/ENB | Kiara Worth For photo reprint permissions, please follow instructions at our Attribution Regulations for Meeting Photo Usage Page SBSTA Closing Plenary View of the dais during the SBSTA closing plenary SBSTA Chair Carlos Fuller, Belize Wanna Tanunchaiwatana, SBSTA Coordinator Manasvi Srisodapol, Thailand, speaking on behalf of the G-77/China Aishath Aileen Niyaz, Maldives, speaking on behalf of the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) Norbert Bärlocher, Switzerland, speaking on behalf of the Environmental Integrity Group (EIG) Michel Rentenaar, EU Andrea Faulkner, Australia, speaking on behalf of the Umbrella Group Eddy Pérez, Climate Action Network (CAN) Shalia Shahid, Women and Gender Victor Kabengele wa Kadilu, Democratic Republic of the Congo APA Consultations Delegates during the APA consultations APA Co-Chair Sarah Baashan, Saudi Arabia Zhihua Chen, China Delegates read the revised APA draft conclusions Members of the Secretariat distribute the text Joint Meeting of the SBI, SBSTA and APA: Farewell to Christiana Figueres View of the dais during the joint meeting UNFCCC Executive Secretary Christiana Figueres Incoming UNFCCC Executive Secretary Patricia Espinosa Laurence Tubiana, COP 21/CMP 11 Presidency Aziz Mekouar, Incoming COP 22/CMP 12 Presidency Members of civil society sing 'Climate Queen,' a farewell song dedicated to UNFCCC Executive Secretary Christiana Figueres APA Co-Chair Jo Tyndall, New Zealand, SBI Chair Tomasz Chruszczow, Poland, and Incoming UNFCCC Executive Secretary Patricia Espinosa bid farewell Delegates give UNFCCC Executive Secretary Christiana Figueres a standing ovation in recognition of her important contribution to tackling climate change over the years SBI Closing Plenary View of the dais during the SBI closing plenary Madeleine Diouf Sarr, Senegal SBI Chair Tomasz Chruszczow, Poland Elena Kruspkaia Mejía Villacís, Ecuador Mohamed Khalil, Egypt Erwin Rose, US Ilka Wagner, EU Chebet Maikut, Uganda, speaking on behalf of the African Group Emil Eduardo Calles Lossada, Venezuela Delegates huddle during the final negotiations APA Closing Plenary View of the dais during the APA closing plenary APA Co-Chair Jo Tyndall, New Zealand Bouzekri Razi, COP 22/CMP 12 Presidency Anna Serzysko, APA Rapporteur Alejandro Rivera, Mexico, speaking on behalf of the EIG Frances Veronica Victorio, the Philippines Olfa Jelassi, Women and Gender Marilyn Averill, Research and Independent NGOs (RINGOs) Jaime Hermida Castillo, Nicaragua, speaking on behalf of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America (ALBA) Johnson Hugo Cerda Shiguango, Indigenous Peoples Héloïse Pichot, Youth NGOs (YOUNGOs) Around the Venue Incoming UNFCCC Executive Secretary Patricia Espinosa with UNFCCC Executive Secretary Christiana Figueres Delegates from Germany Delegates from Ghana Delegates from Thailand and Singapore speak informally Delegates in plenary Incoming UNFCCC Executive Secretary Patricia Espinosa sits with members of the UNFCCC Secretariat Headsets available for delegates Marcela Main Sancha, UNFCCC Secretariat, speaks with delegates Wael Hmaidan, CAN, with UNFCCC Executive Secretary Christiana Figueres Observers watch proceedings from the balcony Members of the Arab Group meet informally World Conference Center Bonn security staff UNFCCC Executive Secretary Christiana Figueres enters the venue for her final session with the UNFCCC UNFCCC Executive Secretary Patricia Espinosa thanks delegates for welcoming her into the UNFCCC process Delegates use a 'poken' to gather materials during the paperless conference An information booth for COP 22/CMP 12 in Marrakech International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) Earth Negotiations Bulletin (ENB) team covering the meeting (L-R): Kiara Worth; Beate Antonich; Virginia Wiseman; Jen Allan; Mari Luomi; Alice Bisiaux; Rishikesh Ram Bhandary; and Nancy Williams
Daily Highlights

Highlights and images for 17 May 2016

Bonn Climate Change Conference - May 2016

The Bonn Climate Change Conference continued on Tuesday morning with the opening of the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Paris Agreement (APA) and a Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) informal consultation. In the afternoon, several contact groups and informal consultations under the SBSTA and Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI) convened. The SBI and SBSTA plenaries resumed to hear opening statements and consider outstanding agenda items. A SBSTA workshop on types of revegetation activities potentially eligible as Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) project activities also took place in the afternoon. IISD Reporting Services, through its ENB Meeting Coverage, has providing daily web coverage, daily reports from the Bonn Climate Change Conference - May 2016. In adiition, IISD Reportaing Services has also published a summary and analysis report from this meeting, which is available in HTML and PDF format. Photos by IISD/ENB | Kiara Worth For photo reprint permissions, please follow instructions at our Attribution Regulations for Meeting Photo Usage Page APA Opening Plenary Richard Kinley, UNFCCC Deputy Executive Secretary, UNFCCC Executive Secretary Christiana Figueres, and Laurence Tubiana, COP 21/CMP 11 Presidency, applaud the election of the new APA Co-Chairs APA Co-Chair Sarah Baashan, Saudi Arabia APA Co-Chair Jo Tyndall, New Zealand Laurence Tubiana, COP 21/ CMP 11 Presidency Zamba Batjargal, Mongolia María Laura Rojas Vallejo, Colombia, speaking on behalf of the Independent Alliance of Latin America and the Carribean (AILAC) Manasvi Srisodapol, Thailand, speaking on behalf of the G-77/China Ivo de Zwaan, EU Patrick Suckling, Australia, speaking on behalf of the Umbrella Group Rosilena Lindo, Panama, speaking on behalf of the Coalition for Rainforest Nations (CfRN) Hussein Alfa Nafo, Mali, speaking on behalf of the African Group Franz Perrez, Switzerland, speaking on behalf of the Environmental Integrity Group (EIG) Isabel Teresa Di Carlo Quero, Venezuela, speaking on behalf of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America (ALBA) Olga Vavilonskaya, Belarus Tunga Bhadra Rai, Indigenous Peoples Norine Kennedy, Business and Industry NGOs (BINGOs) Anabella Rosemberg, Trade Union NGOs (TUNGOs) SBI Plenary View of the dais during the SBI plenary UNFCCC Executive Secretary Christiana Figueres SBI Chair Tomasz Chruszczow, Poland Lydie-Line Paroz, Youth NGOs (YOUNGOs) Inga Fritzen Buan, Climate Action Network (CAN) Franziska Loibl, Women and Gender SBI Vice-Chair Zhihua Chen, China Tosi Mpanu-Mpanu, Democratic Republic of the Congo SBSTA Plenary View of the dais during the SBSTA plenary SBSTA Chair Carlos Fuller, Belize Alejandro Rivera, Mexico Marilyn Averill, Research and Independent NGOs (RINGOs) Katherine Sawyer, Climate Justice Now! (CJN!) Contact Groups SBSTA/SBI joint contact group on the scope of the next periodic review of the long-term global goal under the Convention, and of overall progress towards achieving it SBI contact group on arrangements for intergovernmental meetings SBI/SBSTA joint contact group on impact of the implementation of response measures: improved forum and work programme SBSTA In-Session Workshop Panel speakers for a SBSTA in-session workshop to identify the types of revegetation activities potentially eligible as project activities under the CDM Co-Chair Maya Hunt, New Zealand Co-Chair José Antonio Prado, Chile Ivan Dario Valencia, Colombia Belinda Margono, Indonesia Around the Venue Delegates gather in the foyer before the start of plenary Delegates meet informally El Hadji Mbaye Diagne and Mamadou Diobe Gueye, Senegal Delegates from Norway Translation headsets Delegates between sessions A delegate looks at a photography exhibition about COP 21/CMP 11 Heinz Sturm, International Clean Energy Partnership Foundation, test drives a 'zero emissions' car on display at the venue
Daily Highlights