Negotiating Bloc

Latin American and Caribbean Group

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Daily report for 14 December 2017

21st Meeting of the CBD Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice and 10th Meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Article 8(j) and Related Provisions

ENB Daily report

Summary report 11–16 December 2017

21st Meeting of the CBD Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice and 10th Meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Article 8(j) and Related Provisions

ENB Summary report

Highlights and images for 3 November 2017

7th Session of the Governing Body of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA GB 7)

On Friday, a morning plenary chaired by Antonio Otavio Sá Ricarte (Brazil) considered resolutions on enhancing the Multilateral System (MLS), farmers’ rights, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, sustainable use, compliance, MLS operations, and cooperation with the Crop Trust. The contact group on farmers’ rights and the budget committee met during lunch time. The closing plenary resumed at 6 pm and adopted the report of the meeting and 14 resolutions, including on: establishment of an ad hoc technical expert group on farmers’ rights; extension of the mandate of the intersessional working group on enhancing the MLS to develop a proposal for a growth plan to attain the enhanced MLS and revise the text of the Standard Material Transfer Agreement; a decision to put in the GB 8 agenda the item of digital sequence information; and reconvening the ad hoc committee on the Funding Strategy and resource mobilization to, inter alia, develop the updated Funding Strategy. Following regional statements, delegates acknowledged the long-term dedication and important contributions of Bert Visser (the Netherlands), Pat Mooney (ETC Group) and Ruaraidh Sackville Hamilton (IRRI). Secretary Kent Nnadozie expressed commitment to maintain momentum to make meaningful contributions towards global food security and the Sustainable Development Goals. GB 7 Chair Sabran drew the meeting to a close at 10:54 pm. IISD Reporting Services, through its Earth Negotiations Bulletin (ENB) Meeting Coverage, provided daily web coverage, daily reports, and a summary and analysis report from the 7th session of the Governing Body of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. The Earth Negotiations Bulletin summary and analysis of ITPGRFA GB 7 is now available in HTML and PDF. Photos by IISD/ENB | Mike Muzurakis For photo reprint permissions, please follow instructions at our Attribution Regulations for Meeting Photo Usage Page. View of the dais during the plenary session Mario Marino, ITPGRFA Secretariat Antonio Otavio Sá Ricarte, Brazil Mustafa Ali Elagel, Libya Godfrey Mwila, Zambia Thomas Meier, Germany, and Matthew Worrell, Australia Federico Condon, Uruguay, with Luciano Martin Donadio Linares, Argentina Maeen Ali Aljarmouzi, Yemen Christine Dawson, US Kim van Seeters, the Netherlands Muhamad Sabran, Chair of the Seventh Session of the Governing Body Francisco López, ITPGRFA Secretariat Médi Moungui, Cameroon Ali Chehade, Lebanon Mónica Martínez Menduiño, Ecuador Federico Condon, Uruguay Georgina Catacora-Vargas, Plurinational State of Bolivia Richard Littleton, UK, and Marobe Wama Marobe, Tanzania Mark Bagabe, Director General, Rwanda Agricultural Board Kent Nnadozie, Secretary, Governing Body of the International Treaty Regine Andersen, Norway Katlyn Scholl, US Delegates from Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC) David Hafashimana, Uganda Matthew Worrell, Australia Christina Blank, Switzerland Seta Agustina, Indonesia Sunil Archak, India Pierre du Plessis, Namibia Guidance Committee for Darwin Initiative funded project "Mutually supportive implementation of the Plant Treaty and Nagoya Protocol" Around the venue
Daily Highlights

Daily report for 1 November 2017

7th Session of the Governing Body of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA GB 7)

ENB Daily report