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Highlights and images for 1 May 2018

Bonn Climate Change Conference - April 2018

The Bonn Climate Change Conference continued on Tuesday, with negotiations on the Paris Agreement Work Programme (PAWP) as the day's main focus. Topics discussed included finance, mitigation, transparency, global stocktake, adaptation and the committee to facilitate the Paris Agreement's implementation and promote compliance. These discussions took place under the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Paris Agreement (APA), the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI), and the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) through various contact groups and informal consultations. Negotiations also took place on other items under the SBI and SBSTA. Issues discussed included technology, Least Developed Countries (LDCs), the Adaptation Committee, research and systematic observation, and reporting. In addition, three workshops took place throughout the day, on: economic modeling tools related to the work programme on response measures; the Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples (LCIP) Platform; and education, training, public awareness, public participation and public access to information to enhance actions under the Paris Agreement (ACE). For extensive details on the day’s negotiations and to hear what delegates in the corridors, see our daily Earth Negotiations Bulletin. IISD Reporting Services, through its Earth Negotiations Bulletin (ENB) Meeting Coverage, provided daily digital coverage, daily reports, daily videos, and a summary and analysis report from the Bonn Climate Change Conference - April/May 2018. Photos by IISD/ENB | Kiara Worth For photo reprint permissions, please follow instructions at our Attribution Regulations for Meeting Photo Usage Page APA Contact Group View of the dais during the APA contact group Wael Aboulmagd, Egypt, speaking on behalf of the G-77/China APA Co-Chairs Sarah Baashan, Saudi Arabia, and Jo Tyndall, New Zealand Amjad Abdulla, Maldives, speaking on behalf of the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) Mohamed Nasr, Gabon, speaking on behalf of the African Group Patrick Suckling, Australia, speaking on behalf of the Umbrella Group Mona Al-Attas, Saudi Arabia, speaking on behalf of the Arab Group Collin Beck, Solomon Islands APA family photo Multi-stakeholder Workshop of the Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples (LCIP) Platform Frank Ettawageshik, National Congress of American Indians, opens the session with a prayer UNFCCC Executive Secretary Patricia Espinosa Roberto Múkaro Borrero, Indigenous Peoples Organization Representative and Co-Moderator Participants stand during the opening prayer Alberto Saldamando, Indigenous Environmental Network Walter Schuldt Espinel, Ecuador Karoliina Anttonen, Finland Juan Carlos Jintiach Arcos, Ecuador Geert Fremout, EU Grace Balawag, Indigenous Leader Tebtebba SBSTA Chair Paul Watkinson, France Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim, Indigenous Peoples Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE) Workshop Participants gather during the ACE workshop Ana Maria Kleymeyer, ACE Workshop Facilitator Adriana Valenzuela, UNFCCC Secretariat Deo Saran, ACE Workshop Facilitator Laura Maanavilja, EU Participants form break-out groups to discuss ACE-related topics Informal Consultations Throughout the Day SBSTA informal consultations on Annex I parties' reporting under the Convention, relating to greenhouse gas inventories, biennial reports, and national communications SBSTA contact group on financial resources provided and mobilized through public interventions in accordance with Paris Agreement Article 9.7 Informal consultations on further guidance on adaptation communication (APA agenda item 4) SBI informal consultation on Paris Agreement Article 9.5, matters related to climate finance SBSTA informal consultations on rules, modalities, and procedures for the mechanism established by Paris Agreement Article 6.4 Around the Venue Nicole Wilke, Germany, and Johanna Lissinger-Peitz, Sweden APA Co-Chairs Sarah Baashan, Saudi Arabia, and Jo Tyndall, New Zealand, speak with Trigg Talley, US, and Patrick Suckling, Australia Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim, Indigenous Peoples Delegates speak informally Anne Maletjane, UNFCCC Secretariat Halldór Thorgeirsson, UNFCCC Secretariat Benito Müller, Oxford Climate Policy Security staff around the venue A delegate makes a recording of statements Collin Beck, Solomon Islands
Daily Highlights

Highlights and images for 30 April 2018

Bonn Climate Change Conference - April 2018

On Monday, parties at the Bonn Climate Change Conference focused on launching substantive work by establishing negotiating groups. Plenary meetings of the three main negotiating bodies, the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI), the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) and the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Paris Agreement (APA) made good progress, with each body working through its agenda without major disagreements. In the evening, the three bodies held a joint plenary to hear statements from parties and observer organizations. In the afternoon, several of the negotiating groups held their first meetings and started substantive negotiations on issues such as agriculture, technology, finance, market and non-market mechanisms, and adaptation. Throughout the day, a training workshop also took place to consider economic modelling tools related to the work programme on response measures. Its aim was to understand and quantify the cross-border impacts of climate-related policies (i.e., response measures). For extensive details on the day’s negotiations and to hear what delegates said in the corridors, see our daily Earth Negotiations Bulletin. IISD Reporting Services, through its Earth Negotiations Bulletin (ENB) Meeting Coverage, provided daily digital coverage, daily reports, daily videos, and a summary and analysis report from the Bonn Climate Change Conference - April/May 2018. The summary and analysis report is now available in HTML and PDF. Photos by IISD/ENB | Kiara Worth For photo reprint permissions, please follow instructions at our Attribution Regulations for Meeting Photo Usage Page SBSTA Opening Plenary View of the dais during the SBSTA opening plenary SBSTA Chair Paul Watkinson, France UNFCCC Executive Secretary Patricia Espinosa Ian Fry, Tuvalu Chen Zhihua, China Abdalah Mokssit, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Delegates during the SBSTA opening plenary SBI Opening Plenary View of the dais during the SBI opening plenary SBI Chair Emmanuel Dlamini, Swaziland Ovais Sarmad, UNFCCC Deputy Executive Secretary Thiago de Araújo Mendes, Chair of the Consultative Group of Experts on National Communications for Non-Annex I Parties (CGE) Aderito Manuel Fernandes Santana, São Tomé and Príncipe Adão Soares Barbosa, Timor-Leste APA Opening Plenary View of the dais during the APA opening plenary APA Co-Chairs Jo Tyndall, New Zealand, and Sarah Baashan, Saudi Arabia UNFCCC Executive Secretary Patricia Espinosa speaks with APA Co-Chairs Jo Tyndall and Sarah Baashan, and Sergey Kononov, APA Coordinator Joint Session for Statements View of the dais during the joint session for statements Wael Aboulmagd, Egypt, speaking on behalf of the G-77/China Boriana Kamenova, EU Mohamed Nasr, Gabon, speaking on behalf of the African Group Franz Perrez, Switzerland, speaking on behalf of the Environmental Integrity Group (EIG) Patrick Suckling, Australia, speaking on behalf of the Umbrella Group Majid Shafie-Pour, Iran, speaking on behalf of the Like-minded Developing Countries (LMDCs) Gebru Jember, Ethiopia, speaking on behalf of the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) Tosi Mpanu-Mpanu, Democratic Republic of the Congo, speaking on behalf of the Coalition for Rainforest Nations (CfRN) Amjad Abdulla, Maldives, speaking on behalf of the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) Isabel Di Carlo Quero, Venezuela, speaking on behalf of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America (ALBA) SBI/SBSTA In-forum Training Workshop SBI/SBSTA in-forum training workshop on the use of economic modelling tools related to the areas of the work programme on response measures Alicia Bagasra, New Zealand Bert Saveyn, EU Morgenie Pillay, South Africa Co-Facilitator Andrei Marcu, Panama Ama Essel, Ghana Contact Groups and Informal Sessions Throughout the Day SBSTA contact group on matters relating to Article 6 of the Paris Agreement SBSTA informal consultations on the Nairobi Work Programme (NWP) Informal consultations on Koronivia joint work on agriculture Around the Venue Members of the UNFCCC Secretariat gather on the podium SBSTA Chair Paul Watkinson, France, speaks with Kishan Kumarsingh, Trinidad and Tobago Delegates speak informally Delegates read the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) Earth Negotiations Bulletin (ENB) curtain raiser to prepare for the start of the meeting Delegates between sessions Delegates speak informally
Daily Highlights

Highlights and images for 29 November 2017

53rd Meeting of the GEF Council

On Wednesday, 29 November 2017, the GEF Council considered the proposed November 2017 Work Program, which includes: 83 full-sized projects; one programmatic approach; 101 recipient countries; 38 least developed countries (LDCs) and 28 Small Island Developing States (SIDS); and US$2.6 billion in co-financing. The GEF Secretariat reported that 76% of total original GEF-6 resources, 94% of revised GEF-6 resources, 92% of LDCs/SIDS allocations, and 82% of STAR Adjusted allocations for all other countries have been programmed. During discussion, Council members supported elements of the Work Program and commended the Secretariat’s efforts in balancing geographical and focal area distribution of the projects. Noting that three of 18 entities, namely, the UN Development Programme (UNDP), UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and World Bank, were allocated over 60% of programming, many Council members called for balanced inclusion of all Accredited Entities. Council members also discussed the level of private sector co-financing, enhancing cooperation with multilateral development banks (MDBs), and increasing investment in the work of the GEF. At the conclusion of the discussion, the Council approved the Work Program, subject to the comments made during the Council meeting and pending further submissions by Constituencies. Additional agenda items discussed on the second day of the three-day Council meeting included: Rationale and Plan to Review GEF's Fiduciary Standards; Updated Policy on Ethics and Conflict of Interest for Council Members, Alternates, and Advisers; Relations with the Conventions and Other International Institutions; Non-Grant Instruments: Experience of the GEF Partnership; Plan to Review GEF’s Social and Environmental Safeguards; and the CEO Report on the Status of GEF-7 Replenishment. The GEF Council also held a dialogue with the heads of the Secretariats of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) and the Minamata Convention on Mercury.​ IISD Reporting Services, through its ENB+ Meeting Coverage, has provided daily web coverage and a summary report from the GEF Council Consultation Meeting with CSOs, the 53rd GEF Council Meeting, and the 23rd Meeting of the LDCF/SCCF Council. The summary report is now available in HTML and PDF. Photos by IISD/ENB | Leila Mead For photo reprint permissions, please follow instructions at our Attribution Regulations for Meeting Photo Usage Page Council member Paul Ralison, Madagascar Council member Mitchell Silk, US Alternate Council member Carola van Rijnsoever, Netherlands Council member Abdul Bakarr Salim, Sierra Leone Participants during the session Council member Zhongjing Wang, China Alternate Council member Carola van Rijnsoever, Netherlands, Council member Nuritdin Inamov, Russian Federation, and Council member Esther Sanz Gonzalez, Spain Gustavo Fonseca, GEF Secretariat, presents the GEF Work Program Alternate Council member Mapa Patharina M.P.D.U.K., Sri Lanka Alternate Council member Francois-Xavier Duporge, France Council member Peter Elder, Australia, and Council Co-Chair Jane Chigiyal, Federated States of Micronesia Council members Jozef Buys, Belgium Council member Marita Olson, Sweden Council member Aparna Subramani, India   Robert Bisset and Patrizia Cocca, GEF Secretariat Council member Marcia Levaggi, Argentina Jacob Duer, Principal Coordinator of the Interim Secretariat of the Minimata Convention Rolph Payet, Executive Secretary of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm (BRS) Conventions View of the dais during the discussions Melchiade Bukuru, Chief of UN Convention to Combat Desertification (CCD) Liaison Office Amy Fraenkel, Director, Mainstreaming, Cooperation and Outreach Division, Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Secretariat A view of the dais during the discussion on non-grant instruments David Rodgers, GEF Secretariat (left) Kenneth Lay, former Vice-President of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development Lisa Pharoah, Rare Ryan Alexander, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Andrey Shlyakhtenko, International Finance Corporation (IFC) (center)
Daily Highlights