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Summary report 17–28 August 2019

18th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES CoP18)

ENB Summary report

Highlights and images for 26 July 2019

2nd Part of the 25th Annual Session of the International Seabed Authority (ISA)

Highlights for Friday, 26 July 2019 Family photo of delegates at the end of the 2nd Part of ISA-25 On Friday, the Assembly of the International Seabed Authority (ISA) finalized considerations of its agenda for its 25th session, adopting a set of guidelines for observer status of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) with the Authority. Many delegates hailed the adoption, stressing that the adopted guidelines are “modern and fit-for-purpose.” Others stressed that the process is evolutionary in nature and has to remain flexible to take into account future considerations, including a request for a legal opinion on whether there is a conflict of interest in the event that an application for observer status is formulated by a person accredited in a sitting delegation. The Assembly further addressed cooperation with other organizations; decided on the dates of its next session; addressed other matters, including changes in the staff regulations; and heard brief closing statements. Highlights of the day include the: adoption of the guidelines for observer status of NGOs with the ISA; and signing of a memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the Authority and the Ministry of Natural Resources of China on the establishment of a joint training and research center. Many delegates expressed their satisfaction with the meeting’s results and emphasized the crucial role and achievements of the Authority. They also lauded the cordial atmosphere under which the negotiations took place. President Johnson Smith gaveled the meeting to a close at 12:05 pm. IISD Reporting Services, through its ENB Meeting Coverage, provided daily web coverage and daily reports from the 2nd Part of ISA-25. In addition, IISD Reporting Services, has published a summary and analysis from the meeting, which is now available in HTML and PDF. Photos by IISD/ENB | Diego Noguera For photo reprint permissions, please follow instructions at our Attribution Regulations for Meeting Photo Usage Page Kamina Johnson Smith, Assembly President, gaveled the meeting to a close at 12:05pm Malgorzata Wasilewska, European Union (EU) Barbara Haley, Guyana Pauline Mcharo and John Waita, Kenya Stella Anukam, Nigeria Teue Baikarawa, Kiribati The dais during Friday’s proceedings Godfrey Rolle, the Bahamas Alfonso Ascencio-Herrera, Deputy to the Secretary-General and ISA Legal Counsel Faatasi Malologa, Tuvalu Aletta Mondré, Kiel University, on behalf of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Rebecca Newsum, Greenpeace International Philomène Verlaan, International Marine Minerals Society (IMMS) Marcia Gilbert-Roberts, Jamaica, and Marzia Rovere, Italy Carlos Alberto Michaelsen den Hartog, Brazil María Teresa Infante, Chile, and Secretary-General Michael Lodge Kamina Johnson Smith, Assembly President, and Guy Sevrin, Belgium Around the Venue Tian Qi, China, and ISA Secretary-General Michael Lodge Delegates from Kiribati and Kenya Delegates from China and Kamina Johnson Smith, Assembly President Delegates taking a selfie at the end of the meeting Marzia Rovere, Italy, reviewing the IISD Reporting Services website L-R: Jason Dixon, Geraldine Geddes, Lestine Rose, and Lorenzo Lynch, Conference Services ISA souvenirs outside the plenary room The ENB team at the 2nd Part of ISA-25 (L-R) Tasha Goldberg, US; Asterios Tsioumanis, Greece; Nancy Williams, US; Tallash Kantai, Kenya/Uganda; Wang Yan, China; and Diego Noguera, Colombia
Daily Highlights

Highlights and images for 22 July 2019

2nd Part of the 25th Annual Session of the International Seabed Authority (ISA)

Highlights for Monday, 22 July 2019 Kamina Johnson Smith (center), Minister for Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Jamaica, is elected as the new Assembly President On Monday, the Assembly of the International Seabed Authority (ISA) started its deliberations of the 25th annual session in Kingston, Jamaica. Throughout the day, the Assembly addressed organizational matters; elected its President, Vice Presidents, and a member for the Finance Committee filling a relevant vacancy; considered requests for observer status from four entities; discussed the development of guidelines for observer status requests; heard the report of the ISA25 Council President; and introduced the discussion on the implementation of the Strategic Plan 2019-2023. A side event, organized by the Authority and the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA), discussed the progress report on the implementation of the Abyssal Initiative Project.Highlights of the day include the: election of Kamina Johnson Smith, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Jamaica, as Assembly President for the 25th Session; an introduction to the implementation of the Strategic Plan 2019-2023, including a high-level action plan and performance indicators; and a lengthy discussion in plenary and in informal discussions on draft guidelines for granting observer status to NGOs to ISA, with many delegates finding the original version of the guidelines overly restrictive. The discussion on the draft guidelines on observer status revealed interesting opinions among the delegates, including on the differences between the Authority and organizations like the International Maritime Organization (IMO). These delegates noted that the Authority has “a higher moral role” compared to an organization solely regulating an industrial sector, like the IMO, listing all its social and economic considerations. Concerns were also tabled regarding provisions in the draft guidelines addressing the periodic review of the list of NGOs, potential conflicts of interest, exclusion of the common heritage regime as well as provisions that require organizations to, inter alia: “reasonably demonstrate” their interest; prove that their purposes are directly related to those of the ISA; demonstrate their expertise and capacity to contribute to the Authority’s work as well as support ISA’s activities; and have objectives and function “in consonance” with those of the Authority. For more details on the day’s events and to hear what delegates said in the breezeways, see our daily Earth Negotiations Bulletin (ENB). IISD Reporting Services, through its ENB Meeting Coverage, provided daily web coverage and daily reports from the 2nd Part of ISA-25. In addition, IISD Reporting Services, has published a summary and analysis from the meeting, which is now available in HTML and PDF. Photos by IISD/ENB | Diego Noguera For photo reprint permissions, please follow instructions at our Attribution Regulations for Meeting Photo Usage Page L-R: Alfonso Ascencio-Herrera, ISA Legal Counsel and Deputy to the Secretary-General; Michael Lodge, ISA Secretary-General; Mariusz Orion Jędrysek, outgoing Assembly President; Cai Yongsheng and Talatu Akindolire, ISA Secretariat, during a moment of silence. Mariusz Orion Jędrysek, outgoing Assembly President Carlos Alberto Michaelsen den Hartog, Brazil Kamina Johnson Smith, Assembly President Pavel Kavina, Czech Republic Guy Sevrin, Belgium Marzia Rovere, Italy Gina Guillén Grillo, Costa Rica Tevita Suka Mangisi, Tonga, and Franck Kokou Kpayedo, Togo Li Linlin, China Tom Diederen, the Netherlands Urs Daniel Engels and Bernd von Münchow-Pohl, Germany Lowri Mai Griffiths, UK Diva Amon, Deep Ocean Stewardship Initiative (DOSI) Lenin Naranjo, Ecuador (center) Hau Do Suan, Myanmar Sandor Mulsow, Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary (TBA21) M. Burhanudin Borut, Indonesia Lumka Yengeni, Council President for the 25th Session Franck Kokou Kpayedo, Laré Penn, and John Fintakpa Lamega, Togo Michelle Walker, Jamaica, with Marcello Iocca and Marzia Rovere, Italy Delegates from Nigeria in discussion during a break in the session Observers during the afternoon session ISA Secretary-General Michael Lodge (second left) with participants holding up signs related to SDG 14, which concerns the ocean. The delegation from the Russian Federation The delegation from Ecuador with Kamina Johnson Smith, Assembly President (center) The delegation from the Republic of Korea Members of the Group of Latin America and the Caribbean (GRULAC) with Kamina Johnson Smith, Assembly President (center) The delegation from Saudi Arabia A Greenpeace ship visits Kingston
Daily Highlights