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Highlights and images for 7 December 2016

Rio Conventions Pavilion (RCP) at CBD COP13

The theme for the Rio Conventions Pavilion (RCP) on Wednesday, 7 December, was Mainstreaming Biodiversity into Tourism and Fisheries Management. Presentations and discussions focused on showcasing solutions from islands and from other States, as tourism destinations and “biodiversity hotspots.” In the afternoon participants focused on integrating sustainable fisheries management into wider sustainable development frameworks including tourism. The event was organized by the Global Islands Partnership (GLISPA), the CBD Secretariat and the Government of Mexico. In the morning session participants considered ways to mainstream biodiversity into tourism development, tourism and biodiversity “Bright Spots,” with a discussion panel looking at progress and experiences from Mexico, Costa Rica and the British Virgin Islands. The use of IUCN’s Green List Standard for Protected Areas was also discussed. A subsequent panel considered different approaches to tourism and financing, including national conservation fund partnerships, the Caribbean Biodiversity Fund and other initiatives involving the private sector and NGOs. After lunch the focus turned to the interaction between tourism and fisheries. The first panel discussed national approaches to sustainable tourism and fisheries, with presentations on initiatives from the Seychelles, Mexico’s islands, Belize and Indonesia, focusing on community participation and community right-based approaches. A second panel looked at regional and global approaches, including perspectives on tourism and fisheries in the context of sub-regional biodiversity strategies, the experience in the Caribbean Community states, and gender perspectives. The day ended with an informal discussion session where participants shared ideas and experiences on the day’s topics. IISD Reporting Services, through its ENB+ Meeting Coverage, provided daily web coverage, daily reports and a summary report from RCP at CBD COP 13. A summary of the Rio Conventions Pavilion events is available in HTML and PDF. Photos by IISD/ENB | Kiara Worth For photo reprint permissions, please follow instructions at our Attribution Regulations for Meeting Photo Usage Page. Opening Session Kate Brown, Executive Director, Global Island Partnership (GLISPA) Oliver Hillel, CBD Secretariat Kedrick Pickering, Deputy Premier, British Virgin Islands Alberto Pacheco Capella, UN Environment (UNEP) Participants during the session Session 1: Tourism Discussion Panel 1: Tourism and Biodiversity Bright Spots Panelists during the session Trevor Sandwith, IUCN Teresa Solis, Ministry of Tourism, Mexico Eric Coppenger, African Wildlife Foundation Audience members pose questions to the panel Discussion Panel 2: Tourism and Financing Panelists during the session Geoffrey Bolan, CEO, Sustainable Travel International Mae Adams, The Nature Conservancy (TNC) Matt Jeffery, National Audubon Society Yabanex Batista, Caribbean Biodiversity Fund Robbie Bovino, TNC Session 2: Tourism and Fisheries Discussion Panel 1: Tourism and Fisheries - National Approaches View of the panel during the session Alain de Comarmond, Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change, Seychelles Spencer Thomas, Ambassador for Multilateral Environment Agreements, Grenada Leonel Requena, UN Development Programme (UNDP) Handoko Adi Susanto, Rare Federico Méndez Sánchez, Island Ecology and Conservation Group (GECI) Discussion Panel 2: Tourism and Fisheries - Regional and Global Approaches Panel speakers during the session Jamison Ervin, UNDP Afrina Choudhury, WorldFish Therese Yarde, Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Around the Venue
Daily Highlights

Highlights and images for 18 November 2016

Marrakech Climate Change Conference - November 2016

On Friday, 18 November, the UN Climate Change Conference continued in Marrakech, Morocco, for its last scheduled day. In the afternoon, informal consultations on preparations for the entry into force of the Paris Agreement and the first session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the Meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement (CMA 1) were held under the Presidency of the 22nd session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 22) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and CMA 1. In the evening, the COP and Conference of the Parties serving as the Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP) closing plenaries convened to resolve most remaining agenda items, before suspending. UPDATE: 10:03pm: COP and CMA draft decision text has been distributed in the room. 10:52pm: The CMA closing plenary opens. 11:58pm: CMA 1 adopts the decision on matters relating to the implementation of the Paris Agreement. CMA suspended at 11:53pm. The COP resumes its closing plenary at 11:53pm. COP 22 adopts the decision on preparations for the entry into force of the Paris Agreement and CMA 1. 1:44am: Closing statements under the COP continue. 2:18am: CMA 1 suspends at 2:16am, and will reconvene in 2017. 2:20am: CMP 12 closes at 2:20am. 2:47am: COP 22 closed at 2:47am. IISD Reporting Services, through its ENB Meeting Coverage, is providing daily web coverage, daily reports and a summary and analysis report from the Marrakech Climate Change Conference - November 2016. Photos by IISD/ENB | Kiara Worth. For photo reprint permissions, please follow instructions on our Attribution Regulations for Meeting Photo Usage page. Informal Consultations throughout the Day CMA 1/COP 22 informal consultations under the Presidency on the preparations for the entry into force of the Paris Agreement and CMA 1 Security controls access into the informal consultations The COP Presidency consults Delegates confer informally in the final stages of negotiations COP and CMP Closing Plenaries Delegates gather outside of the Marrakech plenary hall for the closing plenaries Paweł Sałek, Secretary of State for the Environment, Poland Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama, Fiji Delegates applaud the work done by the UNFCCC Global Climate Action Champions UNFCCC Global Climate Action Champions Laurence Tubiana, France, and Hakima El Haité, Morocco Paweł Sałek, Secretary of State for the Environment, Poland, Salaheddine Mezouar, COP 22/CMP 12 President, and Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama, Fiji Richard Kinley, Deputy Executive Secretary, UNFCCC, and SBI Chair Tomasz Chruszczow, Poland CMA Closing Plenary Delegates read the draft text of the COP decision for the preparations for the entry into force of the Paris Agreement and CMA 1 Delegates huddle to discuss the text Salaheddine Mezouar, COP 22/CMP 12 President Adriana Murillo, Costa Rica, speaking on behalf of the Independent Association of Latin America and the Caribbean (AILAC) Diego Pacheco Balanza, Bolivia Hussein Alfa Nafo, Mali, speaking on behalf of the African Group Ravi Prasad, India Jonathan Pershing, US, speaking on behalf of the Umbrella Group Plenary sings happy birthday to Hussein Alfa Nafo, Mali UNFCCC Executive Secretary Patricia Espinosa Delegates applaud the work of Richard Kinley, UNFCCC Deputy Executive Secretary, June Budhooram, UNFCCC Secretariat, and Dan Bondi Ogolla, UNFCCC Secretariat, for their long-standing contributions to international climate negotiations UNFCCC Family Photo Hundreds of delegates gather for the largest ever UNFCCC family photo Around the Venue Delegates arrive at the venue for the last day of the conference Media reports occur throughout the day Delegates from Sudan and South Sudan Merlyn Van Voore, Special Advisor on Climate Change to the Executive Director of UN Environment (UNEP) Delegates from Norway Delegates from Sweden The COP Presidency consults informally Artist Nordine Znati, Morocco Marilyn Averill, RINGOs UNFCCC Global Climate Action Champion Hakima El Haité, Morocco Bedouin tents around the venue The Earth Negotiations Bulletin (ENB) team covering the negotiations: Beate Antonich; Jennifer Allan; Sandra Gagnon; Virginia Wiseman; Anna Schulz; Mari Luomi; Cleo Verkuijl; and Kiara Worth
Daily Highlights