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Pacific Islands Forum

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Summary report 19–30 August 2019

3rd Session of the Intergovernmental Conference (IGC) on the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Marine Biodiversity of Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction

ENB Summary report

Summary report 10–14 June 2019

20th Meeting of the United Nations Open-ended Informal Consultative Process on Oceans and the Law of the Sea

ENB Summary report

Highlights and images for 5 April 2019

2nd Session of the Intergovernmental Conference (IGC) on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction (BBNJ)

Highlights for Friday, 5 April 2019 IGC President Rena Lee, Singapore, gavelled the meeting to a close at 5:50 pm. Delegates at the second session of the Intergovernmental Conference (IGC) on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction (BBNJ) met on Friday, 5 April 2019 for the last day of IGC-2. They finalized their discussions on cross-cutting issues, heard reports from the informal working group facilitators, and discussed the way forward. They shared views on:•    The nature of the text to be discussed at IGC-3, with some favoring treaty text, and others preferring a streamlined document that eliminates options that garnered no agreement at IGC-2; and •    The format of the next meeting, with many underlining the need for parallel meetings, and small group meetings (informal-informals) to further progress.As the meeting drew to a close, the sense of urgency to begin treaty-based negotiations was palpable. During the final plenary, IGC President Rena Lee outlined her plan to develop a concise document containing treaty text to facilitate focused negotiations at IGC-3. She closed the meeting at 5:50 pm.The Earth Negotiations Bulletin summary and analysis of IGC-2 will be available on Monday, 8 April 2019. IISD Reporting Services, through its Earth Negotiations Bulletin (ENB) Meeting Coverage, has provided daily web coverage, daily reports, and a summary and analysis report from BBNJ IGC 2. The summary and analysis report is now available in HTML and PDF. Photos by IISD/ENB | Francis Dejon For photo reprint permissions, please follow instructions at our Attribution Regulations for Meeting Photo Usage Page. Informal Working Group on Cross-Cutting Issues View of the informal working group on cross-cutting issues Juliette Babb-Riley, Barbados, on behalf of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Jean Didier Ramde, Burkina Faso Gou Haibo, China Asha Challenger, Antigua and Barbuda Matthías Pálsson, Iceland Deborah Manase, Marshall Islands Sunan Rustam, Indonesia Vezua Paiva, Angola L-R: Peggy Kalas and Duncan Currie, High Seas Alliance Susan Whelan, Holy See Lionel Yee, Singapore Janine Coye-Felson, Belize, Facilitator of the informal working group on marine genetic resources Alice Revell, New Zealand, Facilitator of the informal working group on area-based management tools Olai Uludong, Palau, Facilitator of the informal working group on capacity building and transfer of marine technology IGC President Rena Lee, Singapore, presented the reports for the informal working group on environmental impact assessments and cross-cutting issues on behalf of René Lefebre. L-R: IGC President Rena Lee, Singapore and Gabriele Goettsche-Wanli, Director, UN Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea (UNDOALOS); and Alice Hicuburundi, UNDOALOS Evan Bloom, US Mohammed Bessedik, Algeria, on behalf of the African Group Tetsuya Yoshimoto, Japan Fuad Bateh, Palestine, on behalf of the G-77/China Audrey Abayena, Ghana Pablo Arrocha Olabuenaga, Mexico Maria Angela Ponce, the Philippines Margo Deiye, Nauru, on behalf of the Pacific Island Forum (PIF) UNDOALOS Secretariat Delegates from EU with IGC President Rena Lee, Singapore Delegates from the Pacific Small Island Developing States Delegates from Latin America Delegates from the African Group Delegates from CARICOM Participants from the High Seas Alliance Delegates from the IGC-2 Bureau L-R: William Oddo, Belinda Kiilu, and James Waweru, Kenya L-R: Nicholas Ioannides, Cyprus, with Teresa Cruz Sardiñas and Indira Guardia, Cuba Delegates from India L-R: IGC President Rena Lee, Singapore (center) with ENB IGC-2 team members Bernard Soubry, Priscila Andrade, Asheline Appleton, Tallash Kantai, Asterios Tsioumanis, and Franz Dejon
Daily Highlights

Highlights and images for 1 April 2019

2nd Session of the Intergovernmental Conference (IGC) on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction (BBNJ)

Highlights for Monday, 1 April 2019 L-R: Keleni Seruvatu and Semi Bolalailai, Fiji, receiving a Best in Opening Statement award from Jessica Battle, World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) International Delegates at the second session of the Intergovernmental Conference (IGC) on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction (BBNJ) continued discussions on environmental impact assessments (EIAs) in an informal working group facilitated by René Lefeber (the Netherlands).  Under EIAs, they considered the process for these assessments, as well as details related to the: content of an EIA; monitoring, reporting, and review; strategic environmental assessments (SEAs); and activities for which EIAs are required. During the lunch break, delegates attended side-events on: the role of science and a scientific body under the new instrument, presented by the Government of Canada, the High Seas Alliance, and Pew Charitable Trusts; and “Connectivity: a critical consideration in global ocean governance,” presented by UN Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre. In the corridors, while EIA discussions made clear progress on activities, process, and content, conceptual murkiness and conflict remained regarding monitoring, reporting, and review, and strategic environmental assessments. There was a general acceptance of the utility of SEAs, but views diverged on how they would apply to areas beyond the control of states and who would conduct them.For extensive details on the day’s negotiations and to hear what delegates said in the corridors, see our daily Earth Negotiations Bulletin. IISD Reporting Services, through its Earth Negotiations Bulletin (ENB) Meeting Coverage, has provided daily web coverage, daily reports, and a summary and analysis report from BBNJ IGC 2. The summary and analysis report is now available in HTML and PDF. Photos by IISD/ENB | Francis Dejon For photo reprint permissions, please follow instructions at our Attribution Regulations for Meeting Photo Usage Page. Informal Working Group on Environmental Impact Assessments L-R: René Lefeber, the Netherlands, Facilitator of the informal working group on environmental impact assessments; Gabriele Goettsche-Wanli, Director, UN Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea (UNDOALOS); and Michele Ameri, UNDOALOS Fran Humphries, International Council of Environmental Law Cymie Payne, International Union for Conservation of Nature Alice de Juvigny, International Cable Protection Committee Tilani Silva, Sri Lanka View of the plenary session on the informal working group on environmental impact assessments Wini Broadbelt, EU Yordanka Stoimenova, Canada Lowri Mai Griffiths, UK Alice Revell, New Zealand Stephanie Forte, Jamaica Regina Paula Eugenio, the Philippines Leonito Bacalando Jr., Federated States of Micronesia Deborah Manase, Marshall Islands Babajide Alo, Nigeria Mohamed Atlassi, Morocco Carlos Mata, Uruguay, on behalf of the Like-Minded Latin American Countries Neil Hughes, Australia Gou Haibo, China Saravanane Narayanane, India L-R: Maria Teresa Infante, Chile, with IGC President Rena Lee, Singapore Evan Bloom, US Sergey Leonidchenko, Russian Federation Sora Lokita, Indonesia Mehdi Remaoun, Algeria, on behalf of the African Group Duncan Currie, High Seas Alliance Peni Suveinakama, Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat Essam Yassin Mohammed, Eritrea Sibylle Vermont, Switzerland L-R: Ralph Sontag and Julian Jackson, Pew Charitable Trusts L-R: Hector Bachigalupo, Maria Teresa Infante, Cristian Laborde, and Cristóbal Hernández Castillo, Chile Delegates from the US IGC-2 participants from the Strong High Seas project WWF award made from a recycled bottle for Best Opening Statement
Daily Highlights

Highlights and images for 25 March 2019

2nd Session of the Intergovernmental Conference (IGC) on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction (BBNJ)

Highlights for Monday, 25 March 2019 IGC-2 participants observing a moment of silence in honor of the victims of the recent tragedies in Ethiopia and Indonesia and the passing of Amb. Virachai Plasai, Permanent Representative of Thailand to the UN The second session of the Intergovernmental Conference (IGC) on an international legally binding instrument (ILBI) under the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction (BBNJ) opened on Monday, March 25, 2019. Delegates first engaged in a general exchange of views, broadly related to the key features of an ILBI, including their priorities based on issues to be discussed as contained in the President’s Aid to Negotiations. They then began their deliberations on the President’s Aid, focusing their attention on benefit-sharing in relation to marine genetic resources. During the lunch break, two side-events were held: “Towards an Effective High Seas Treaty: Building on and Strengthening Regional Ocean Governance” presented by Germany and the STRONG High Seas Project; and "No fish left behind: fisheries under BBNJ” presented by the Nippon Foundation. In the corridors, many participants agreed that the President’s Aid to Negotiations is inclusive and helpful in driving the negotiations forward. Some expressed concern about gaps in the options laid out in the document, stressing that these will need to be covered during the following two weeks, if future treaty text is to be comprehensive.For extensive details on the day’s negotiations and to hear what delegates said in the corridors, see our daily Earth Negotiations Bulletin. IISD Reporting Services, through its Earth Negotiations Bulletin (ENB) Meeting Coverage, has provided daily web coverage, daily reports, and a summary and analysis report from BBNJ IGC 2. The summary and analysis report is now available in HTML and PDF. Photos by IISD/ENB | Francis Dejon For photo reprint permissions, please follow instructions at our Attribution Regulations for Meeting Photo Usage Page. View of the opening plenary IGC President Rena Lee, Singapore Miguel de Serpa Soares, Secretary-General of the IGC, Under-Secretary-General for Legal Affairs and UN Legal Counsel Gabriele Goettsche-Wanli, Director, UN Division of Ocean Affairs and Law of the Sea (UNDOALOS) Fuad Bateh, Palestine, on behalf of the G-77/China Janine Coye-Felson, Belize, on behalf of the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) Mehdi Remaoun, Algeria, on behalf of the African Group Delegates from the EU consulting Juliette Babb-Riley, Barbados, on behalf of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Margo Deiye, Nauru, on behalf of the Pacific Island Forum (PIF) Sira Swangsilpa, Thailand Andreas Papaconstantinou, EU Arnavaz Ghobadi Langroudi, Iran, on screen Mohamed Atlassi, Morocco María Juliana Tenorio, Colombia Franck Kokou Kpayedo, Togo Gou Haibo, China Shanti Utami Retnaningsih, Indonesia Generoso Calonge, the Philippines Duncan Currie, High Seas Alliance Alfonso Ascencio-Herrera, International Seabed Authority Hiroko Muraki Gottlieb, International Council of Environmental Law Ariel Hernán Troisi, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC-UNESCO) Lydia Slobodian, International Union for Conservation of Nature Takehiro Nakamura, UN Environment Programme Informal Working Group on Marine Genetic Resources L-R: Janine Coye-Felson, Belize, Facilitator of the informal working group on marine genetic resources; Gabriele Goettsche-Wanli, Director, UNDOALOS; and Charlotte Salpin, UNDOALOS Barbara Boechat, Brazil Sibylle Vermont, Switzerland Evan Bloom, US Salaseini Tagicakibau, Fiji
Daily Highlights

Daily report for 25 March 2019

2nd Session of the Intergovernmental Conference (IGC) on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction (BBNJ)

ENB Daily report

Highlights and images for 11 December 2018

COP24 Act!on Agriculture

  Act!on Agriculture: Tuesday 11 December The second day of Act!on Agriculture featured sessions on agricultural development, scaling up agroecology, markets for sustainable production, and experience sharing from farmers working to reduce emissions. During the first session titled, “Agriculture Development for Climate Benefit,” participants listened to presentations on agricultural development projects, including case studies from the Colombian dairy sector and incentives that enable reduction of greenhouse gases in ice paddies in Vietnam. Participants also discussed how agriculture development investments can secure “triple wins” by increasing productivity while reducing emissions and building resilience to the impacts of climate change.The second session, titled “Scaling-up Agroecology,” focused on the performance of agroecology in enabling farmers to achieve higher production, and environmental, social and sanitary standards, while avoiding the use of fossil fuels and chemicals. During the roundtable discussion, panelists shared real-life experiences of scaling up agroecology.The session on “Market Demand for Sustainably Produced Food” addressed changes in consumer behavior, and evolving trends towards sustainable living. Participants also heard about Ireland’s experience in promoting sustainable food sourcing through developing charters with farmers, food companies and retailers. During the final session, farmers from Argentina, Ireland, New Zealand and Australia shared stories on their experiences in sustainable and resilient crop and livestock farming that ensure profitable ventures while reducing emissions. IISD Reporting Services, through its ENB+ Meeting Coverage, provided web coverage from the COP24 Act!on Agriculture, as well as a summary report in HTML and PDF. Photos by IISD/ENB | Natalia Mroz / Diego Noguera For photo reprint permissions, please follow instructions at our Attribution Regulations for Meeting Photo Usage Page Agriculture Development for Climate Benefit   Bruce Campbell, CGIAR   Fekadu Beyene, Commissioner for Environment, Forests and Climate Change, Ethiopia   Panelists during the event   Liz Wedderburn, AgResearch, New Zealand   Juan Lucas Restrepo, Chief Executive, AGROSAVIA   A view of the room during the event L-R: Jessica Bensemann, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, New Zealand; Paxina Chileshe-Toe, International Fund for Agriculture Development; Lee Nelson, Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research; Chu Van Chuong, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Vietnam   Lee Nelson, Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research   Jessica Bensemann, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, New Zealand   Paxina Chileshe-Toe, International Fund for Agriculture Development   Chu Van Chuong, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Vietnam   A participant asks a question   A participant listens to the discussion Participants at the event Scaling-up Agroecology – Performance on the Ground   Alain Peeters, Secretary of Agroecology Europe   Murielle Trouillet, France   Martial Bernoux, FAO   Pierre Rousseau, BNP Paribas   Bertrand Mathieu, Agronomes et Vétérinaires Sans Frontières (AVSF)   A participant asks a question   Valérie Dermaux, France   Participants examine materials from the event Market Demand for Sustainably Produced Food   Bill Callanan, Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Ireland   Grace Binchy, Bord Bia - Irish Food Board   Michael Maloney, Bord Bia - Irish Food Board   John Kaganga, Climate Action Network, Uganda Farmers Working Towards Lower Emissions   Ben O’Brien, Beef + Lamb New Zealand   Christian Feldkamp, Executive Director CREA Argentina   Conor Mulvihill, Dairy Industry Ireland   Pip Band, Meat and Livestock Australia   David Burger, DairyNZ   A participant asks a question   Mereseini Marau, Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat   Participants interact after the event  
Daily Highlights