Natalie Jones (Dr.)


Natalie Jones is a Writer with the Earth Negotiations Bulletin and a postdoctoral Research Associate at the Centre for the Study of Existential Risk (CSER), University of Cambridge. Her research focuses on participation, Indigenous rights, and global justice in the context of global catastrophic threats. Hailing from New Zealand, she initially became involved with multilateral environmental negotiations as a New Zealand youth observer delegate to the UNFCCC from 2013 to 2015.

Writing for ENB since 2017, Natalie covers processes on climate change, biodiversity, and sustainable development, among others. She has also worked with the U.K. All-Party Parliamentary Group for Future Generations on representing future generations in policymaking, the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) on fossil fuel supply policy, the Climate Litigation Network, and the Interamerican Association for Environmental Defence (AIDA).

Natalie holds a Bachelor of Science in physics and an LLB(Hons) from the University of Canterbury, and an LLM and Ph.D both in international law from the University of Cambridge. Alongside her academic work, she volunteers as a movement organiser and is interested in reshaping the financial system to tackle the climate and ecological crises.