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Showing 40471 - 40480 of 46049 results
Delegates gather for the closing plenary - UNFCCC SB58 - 15Jun23 - photo
Delegates gather for the closing plenary
Le cinquième Congrès international sur les Aires marines protégées (IMPAC5)
Des experts de la conservation des océans et des responsables de haut niveau se sont réunis pour discuter de la manière de faire progresser la protection des océans et de la voie à suivre pour atteindre les objectifs de conservation, notamment protéger au moins 30 % des terres et des océans du monde d'ici 2030 (30 d'ici 30).
Adnan Amin, UAE - UNFCCC SB58 - 15Jun23 - photo
Adnan Amin, UAE
Delegates huddle throughout the day as various matters are discussed - UNFCCC SB58 - 14Jun23 - photo
Delegates huddle throughout the day as various matters are discussed
Delegates huddle during the contact group on the Global Stocktake - UNFCCC SB58 - 14Jun23 - photo
Delegates huddle during the contact group on the Global Stocktake
Co-Facilitators for research and systematic observation Ladislaus Chang'a, Tanzania, and Elizabeth Bush, Canada, consult with the UNFCCC Secretariat - UNFCCC SB58 - 15Jun23 - photo
Co-Facilitators for research and systematic observation Ladislaus Chang'a, Tanzania, and Elizabeth Bush, Canada, consult with the UNFCCC Secretariat
Harry Vreuls, SBSTA Chair, and Nabeel Munir, SBI Chair - UNFCCC SB58 - 15Jun23 - photo
Harry Vreuls, SBSTA Chair, and Nabeel Munir, SBI Chair