The second round of informal informal consultations
held in preparation for the International Meeting on
the Ten-Year Review of the Barbados Programme of
Action (BPOA) for the Sustainable Development of
Small Island Developing States (SIDS) took place on
7, 8, 11 and 12 October 2004, at UN headquarters in
New York. During the consultations, facilitated by
Amb. Don MacKay (New Zealand), delegates continued
deliberations on the revised Draft Strategy for the
Further Implementation of the BPOA that was produced
following the previous round of informal informal
consultations in May 2004. (The Earth
Negotiations Bulletin’s briefing note on these
consultations can be found at:
On Thursday, 7 October, delegates undertook a first
reading of new implementation text circulated by the
Group of 77 and China (G-77/China) and discussed the
introductory paragraphs to the draft Strategy Paper.
On Friday, 8 October, delegates continued
negotiations on: the introduction, Climate Change
and Sea-Level Rise, Natural and Environmental
Disasters, and Management of Wastes. Delegates met
throughout the day on Monday, 11 October, proceeding
into Tuesday morning, 12 October, addressing:
Coastal and Marine Resources, Freshwater Resources,
Land Resources, Energy Resources, and Tourism
Resources, Tourism Resources, Biodiversity
Resources, Transport and Communication, Science and
Technology, Graduation, Trade: Globalization and
Trade Liberalization, Sustainable Capacity
Development and Education for Sustainable
Development, Sustainable Production and Consumption,
National and Regional Enabling Environments, Health,
Knowledge Management and Information for Decision
Making, Culture, and Implementation.
At the conclusion of the meeting, Facilitator MacKay
noted that the decision to hold additional informal
consultations prior to the IM would be taken up by
the General Assembly’s Second Committee.
This briefing note outlines the key deliberations
that took place during the informal informal
consultations. Paragraph numbers reflect those in
the draft Strategy Paper as it stood following the
conclusion of the meeting.
The issue of the chapeau language
arose throughout the document, with discussions
focusing on language balancing the responsibility
between SIDS and the international community in the
development, management or implementation of various
activities. Delegates generally agreed to work on a
Facilitator’s compromise chapeau noting that SIDS,
with the necessary support of the international
community, are committed to undertake required
Discussions concerning the introductory section
centered on: the focus of the Strategy Paper;
language and placement of text relating to good
governance; reference to the principle of common but
differentiated responsibilities (CBDR); reference to
declining levels of official development assistance
(ODA); governance of the international financial and
trading system; and security. Delegates agreed to
paragraphs on good governance
(paragraph 7) and on security
(paragraph 8) following
some discussion. The G-77/China agreed to the
Canadian proposal on the importance of promoting
full and equal access of women and men
(paragraph 15).
On the chapeau (paragraph 1), the EU requested a
reference to poverty reduction strategies and text
reflecting that the “internationally agreed
development goals provide the overarching framework
for global poverty eradication and development
support.” Noting that poverty reduction strategy
papers do not necessarily achieve sustainable
development, the G-77/China opposed their reference
in the introduction. Supported by the US, he also
raised concerns that the EU’s proposal shifts the
focus from the BPOA to development and poverty
reduction. Text concerning the internationally
agreed development goals and poverty reduction
strategies remain in brackets.
On ODA flows
(paragraph 3), the EU and the US could not agree to
language proposed by the G-77/China that recognizes
a decline in ODA by over 50% since 1994. Donor
countries, opposed by the G-77/China, suggested
balancing the text to include positive trends in
development assistance to SIDS. Text on ODA flows
remains bracketed.
Noting the tenth
Conference of Parties to the UN Framework Convention
on Climate Change in December 2004, Facilitator
MacKay proposed, and delegates agreed, to defer
consideration of this section to the IM. Delegates,
however, were able to agree on text (paragraph 18)
that SIDS, with assistance from regional development
banks and other financial institutions, should
establish and/or strengthen national and regional
climate change coordination mechanisms.
Delegates resolved this
section (paragraph 19) with minor or no amendments
to text:
recognizing that SIDS are located among the most
vulnerable regions in the world in relation to
the intensity and frequency of natural and
environmental disasters and their increasing
indicating that SIDS are committed to increasing
public awareness about disaster reductions,
stimulating inter-disciplinary and inter-sectoral
partnerships, and the mainstreaming of risk
management into the national planning process;
indicating that SIDS are committed to use the
opportunity of the WCDR in January 2005 to
consider the specific concerns of SIDS,
including issues relating to insurance and
reinsurance arrangements.
Discussions on this section
(paragraph 20) focused on the scope and content of
the chapeau and on issues relating to: transboundary
movement of hazardous waste; promoting sustainable
waste management; waste disposal at sea; pollution
from World War II (WWII) shipwrecks; and transport
of radioactive materials. Delegates agreed on
text concerning implementing the UNEP Global
Programme of Action for the Protection of the Marine
Environment from Land-based Activities (GPA) by SIDS
and international development partners through
undertaking initiatives specifically addressing the
vulnerabilities of SIDS (subparagraph 20(g)).
On the chapeau, discussions focused on reference to
liability and compensation regimes and to WWII
shipwrecks. Delegates discussed a Facilitator’s
proposal to include text on liability mechanisms
recently adopted by the International Atomic Energy
Agency (IAEA), which was supported by the US, who
noted that the IAEA is the appropriate forum for
discussions on this issue. While not opposing
reference to the IAEA text, the G-77/China stressed
the importance of including the concept of
compensation. On WWII shipwrecks, the G-77/China
highlighted the number of shipwrecks within the
Exclusive Economic Zones of Pacific SIDS. The US and
the EU opposed specifying WWII shipwrecks in the
chapeau, noting that the issue is addressed in a
subsequent subparagraph. Japan opposed mention of
WWII shipwrecks in the document, noting that this
issue should be addressed bilaterally and on a
case-by-case basis. The chapeau was not resolved.
On transboundary movement of hazardous waste
(subparagraph 20(b)), delegates agreed to refer to
the Waigani Convention, but could not agree on
specifying the principles under which relevant
regimes should operate. The text remains bracketed.
On sustainable waste management (subparagraph
20(c)), discussions focused on the G-77/China’s
request for the establishment of national
environmental trust funds. The EU questioned the
relevance of an environmental fund in this section,
and the US preferred addressing such issues in the
implementation section. The text remains bracketed.
On waste disposed at sea (subparagraph 20(d)), the
US stressed the need to strengthen existing regimes
relating to this issue. While not opposing the
strengthening of such regimes, the G-77/China
stressed cooperation. Delegates agreed on a
Facilitator’s text to promote cooperation to reduce
waste disposed at sea, including by working with
others in the international community to strengthen
relevant regimes, such as those established by the
International Maritime Organization (IMO), the
London Convention and the IAEA.
On accepting liability for rehabilitation from
pollution caused by WWII vessels (subparagraph
20(f)), Japan proposed deleting the entire
subparagraph, and the US said this issue is being
addressed in other fora.
G-77/China said its intention of addressing this
issue in the Strategy Paper was due to the failure
of bilateral and other fora to make progress on SIDS
concerns. The text remains bracketed.
On transport of radioactive materials (subparagraph
20(h)), the G-77/China proposed an alternative
paragraph that: notes the serious ecological,
economic and security risks posed by the transport
of radioactive materials and hazardous waste by sea;
urges dialogue with SIDS to further develop, comply
with, and strengthen international legal regimes to
enhance safety, disclosure, liability, security and
compensation in relation to such transport; and
calls on the Secretary-General to report to the
General Assembly at its 60th session on efforts and
measures undertaken in this regard. The text remains
Discussions focused on issues
relating to: giving priority to oceans issues; the
genuine link; and the responsibility of distant
water fishing nations. Delegates agreed to text on
the following issues with minor amendments:
the date for submitting claims to
Continental Shelf Commission
(subparagraph 22(b));
strengthening sustainable and responsible
fisheries management mechanisms consistent with
the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible
Fisheries (subparagraph 23(b));
qualifying that marine protected areas (MPAs)
are established consistent with relevant
international agreements (paragraph 25);
taking into account the work programme agreed to
at the seventh Conference of the Parties (COP)
to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)
work programme, when developing national
capacity to monitor, conserve and sustainably
manage coral reefs and associated ecosystems
(paragraph 25); and
strengthening of representative networks of MPAs
consistent with CBD decision VII/28
(subparagraph 25(c)).
On giving appropriate priority to oceans issues
(paragraph 22), the G-77/China stressed the need for
technical and financial assistance. The US and Japan
highlighted a number of existing trust funds within
the UN Division on Oceans and the Law of the Sea,
and Canada stressed the need for SIDS to prioritize
oceans issues in their economic and development
agendas. Delegates agreed to a Facilitator’s
compromise text on giving appropriate priority to
oceans issues at all levels, including in national
and regional sustainable development agendas.
On the genuine link (subparagraph 23(f)), the
G-77/China opposed reference to this concept,
stressing that it has not yet been defined and is
being studied by the IMO. He proposed replacing two
subparagraphs on the genuine link and on controlling
high seas fishing with language from JPOI paragraph
31(d) on establishing effective monitoring,
reporting, enforcement and control of fishing
vessels, including by SIDS as flag States to
implement the international plans of action to
address illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing.
The US and the EU agreed to replace text on
controlling high seas fishing with JPOI language,
but underscored the need to maintain a genuine link
between vessels and the countries whose flags they
are flying. Delegates agreed to include JPOI
language, but could not agree on text referencing
the genuine link. This text remains bracketed.
On the responsibility of distant water fishing
nations (paragraph 24),
the G-77/China underscored the concept of equity
with regard to how much SIDS countries and
communities are paid for catches compared to how
much distant water fishing nations profit from the
catches. On the G-77/China’s text relating to
providing SIDS with support to enhance “equitable
management of fisheries resources,” Japan preferred
“effective,” and the Republic of Korea proposed
“fair” over “equitable” management. This text
remains bracketed.
Discussions on this section focused
on text linking saline intrusion with sea-level rise
and climate change, and the fourth World Water
The US, opposed by the G-77/China and the EU, did
not agree to text indicating a causal link between
saline intrusion and sea-level rise and climate
change (paragraph 27). The text remains bracketed.
Regarding the fourth World Water Forum (paragraph
31), delegates agreed to a new G-77/China
formulation that merges existing paragraphs
outlining SIDS priorities articulated at the third
World Water Forum. The agreed formulation identifies
the World Water Forum as an opportunity to seek
international support for SIDS priority actions
namely: water resources management; water demand
management; water quality capacity building; water
governance; regional water partnerships; and
inter-SIDS water partnership.
On this section of the Strategy
Paper, delegates agreed to new proposals tabled by
the G-77/China in relation to: developing capacity
to implement multilateral environmental agreements
and other the relevant international agreements in
relation to land resources (subparagraph 33(a)); and
developing capacity for sustainable land management
and self-generating agroecosystems by building on
communal tenure systems and traditional land-use
planning and practices for crop, livestock, and
aquaculture production taking into account the
increasing competition on land resources by tourism,
urbanization and other activities (subparagraph
33(b)). The
remaining bracketed
were adopted with minor amendments. Delegates did
not resolve text concerning the Convention to Combat
Desertification and the Global Environment Facility
(GEF) (paragraph 34), which remains bracketed.
Discussion on this section focused on
text addressing integrated energy policies for SIDS
(paragraph 42). The G-77/China proposed, and
delegates agreed with minor amendment to a
reformulated text, focusing on developing
and implementing integrated energy programmes,
including: comprehensive assessment of SIDS energy
resources; current and projected patterns of energy
use, enhancing energy efficiency; and development
and use of renewable energy and advanced clean
energy technologies. The paragraph also recognizes
the role of regional development banks and supports
technology transfer and capacity building. This
section is agreed.
Delegates agreed to this section
taking on board the G-77/China’s minor amendment to
include the private sector as a relevant stakeholder
in developing and implementing sustainable tourism
development plans (paragraph 47).
This section is agreed.
Discussions on this section focused
on language concerning MPAs, and benefit sharing
from genetic resources. Delegates agreed to language
on the following issues with minor or no amendment:
addressing island biodiversity under the CBD in
a manner that responds to the unique
characteristics of SIDS and to the threats
related to climate change, land degradation and
their particular vulnerabilities (subparagraph
implementing the CBD Guidelines on biodiversity
and tourism development (subparagraph 49(d));
specifying that various actions take into
account relevant CBD decisions (subparagraphs
49(g) and (i)).
On text concerning MPAs (subparagraph 49(e)), Japan
requested using language from JPOI subparagraph
32(c) to specify that the establishment of MPAs be
consistent with international law and based on
scientific information. Delegates discussed the
G-77/China’s proposal, supported by Japan and
opposed by the Russian Federation, to amend the
reference to international law to “relevant
international agreements.” The Republic of Korea
underscored the need for MPAs to be based on the
best scientific information. The G-77/China opposed
to this reference noting that the paragraph also
encompasses ideas such as traditional knowledge,
which cannot be expected to undergo scientific
assessment. Delegates agreed to further consult on
these issues.
On benefit sharing, delegates discussed Australia’s
proposal to specify that the sharing of benefits
from genetic resources be limited to benefits from
the use of “traditional knowledge” associated with
genetic resources (subparagraph 49(g)). Delegates
also focused on text (subparagraph 49(i)) concerning
the Ad Hoc Open-Ended Group of the CBD on an
access and benefit sharing regime (ABS). The US,
with the EU, urged deleting language on establishing
protocols and regulations on preventing biopiracy,
noting that it prejudges the outcome of discussions
in the CBD. Australia, supported by Canada, the EU
and the US, proposed text supporting SIDS
participation in the CBD Ad Hoc Group to
elaborate and negotiate the nature, scope and
elements of an international ABS regime. The
G-77/China underscored the need to include language
on biopiracy, the EU suggested “illegal access and
acquisition,” and the G-77/China proposed “immoral
appropriations.” The text remains bracketed.
Delegates agreed to move text on technical and
financial support for biodiversity resources to the
implementation section.
Discussions focused on the
placement of language, and on issues regarding
information communication technologies (ICT).
Delegates agreed to delete a paragraph on developing
and managing transport infrastructure from this
section, based on a G-77/China proposal to address
the issue in the context of security concerns in the
implementation section. On ICT
(paragraph 55), the G-77/China said that
while some elements of this paragraph could be
addressed in the implementation section, they
preferred language highlighting SIDS’ capacities and
requirements in this section. Following the
withdrawal of an alternative ICT-related text by
Canada, delegates agreed to the original G-77/China
text with minor amendments.
This section is agreed.
Discussion on this section focused
primarily on text placement. Delegates agreed to
move bracketed paragraphs concerning the setting up
of regional clearinghouse mechanisms for SIDS
specific technologies, and the role of the UN
Commission on Science and Technology for Development
to the implementation section. Delegates agreed to
the remaining paragraphs with minor amendments.
This section is agreed.
Discussions focused on the
appropriateness of addressing graduation in the BPOA
review process. Facilitator MacKay noted that as
graduation is being addressed in the Economic and
Social Council (ECOSOC), it may not be appropriate
to address the issue at this stage in the SIDS
negotiations. While recognizing ongoing ECOSOC
negotiations, the G-77/China said the IM needs to
address the current manner in which graduation
criteria is applied, in order to ensure that the
special vulnerabilities and characteristics of SIDS
are taken into consideration. He reminded delegates
that the Committee on Development Policy’s 2002
report recommended that the IM address graduation
issues. He proposed a new formulation for this
section, noting that graduation of countries should
be based on agreed criterion that demonstrates that
countries have made sustainable socioeconomic
progress, and that identifies the need to ensure
that SIDS graduating from LDC status undergo a
“smooth transition” strategy taking into account
their special vulnerabilities. The US, supported by
the EU and Canada, said ECOSOC is the correct forum
for addressing this, and called for the entire
section to be deleted. Australia underscored the
importance of addressing graduation issues in the
Strategy Paper. This section remains bracketed.
Discussions focused on placement of the section, and
the importance of addressing trade issues in
relation to the sustainable development of SIDS. On
placement, Facilitator MacKay proposed moving this
entire section to the implementation section; the
G-77/China said there was a need to identify some
trade elements in this section and identify actions
for the implementation section; the US proposed
addressing trade issues in the implementation
section only; and the European Commission (EC) said
there was some overlap between issues in this
section and the implementation section. Australia
said they would circulate some additional language
on trade.
On the importance of trade, the G-77/China said
trade is the only way SIDS can build their
resilience and address sustainable development. The
US expressed concerns with the orientation of the
trade language in the Strategy Paper. He said issues
concerning trade negotiations must be resolved in
the WTO and not in the BPOA review process. While
recognizing that not all SIDS are WTO members, he
opposed creating a special WTO category for SIDS.
The G-77/China said they did not want to make
amendments to the WTO categories, and stressed the
need for the BPOA review process to identify SIDS
trade-related concerns that can be addressed by the
On Monday afternoon and evening, an informal trade
expert group convened in parallel to the informal
informals to move discussions forward on the issue.
On Tuesday morning, Facilitator MacKay reported that
the trade group had drafted new proposals for text
on the special situation of SIDS and the Doha
Development Agenda (paragraphs 65 and 66), and that
text on actions required to address SIDS concerns
(paragraph 67) would be considered in conjunction
with the implementation section in Mauritius. Other
proposals were made, including an EC proposal to
open the trade section with text from Monterrey
Consensus paragraph 26. This section remains
Following some
discussion, the G-77/China agreed to take onboard
two Canadian proposals to recognize that the right
to education is a human right
(paragraph 70),
and to further strengthen the training and teaching
of the principles and practices of human rights
(subparagraph 70bis (h)).
Delegates agreed to move a paragraph on capacity
development to the implementation section, and
agreed with minor amendments to the text relating
to: promoting comprehensive and accessible universal
primary education; and working towards an integrated
gender perspective in curriculum development.
This section is agreed.
discussed text on the implementation of the 10-year
framework on sustainable consumption and production
(SCP) (subparagraph 71(b)).
The US noted that SCP was not particular to SIDS,
and that the language in the proposed text went
beyond agreements made at the World Summit on
Sustainable Development and the International Expert
Meeting on a 10-Year Framework of Programmes for SCP
in Marrakech. Delegates agreed to language on taking
appropriate measures to facilitate implementation of
the 10-year framework on SCP. Delegates also agreed
to move to the implementation section text on
mechanisms to address challenges regarding the
design and implementation of SCP strategies.
This section is agreed.
reached agreement on this section, with the
G-77/China noting that it would reflect on its
necessity and placement following discussions on the
implementation text.
Delegates discussed whether to specify areas of
public health policy and prevention programmes
(subparagraph 74bis (c)).
The G-77/China highlighted potential ethical and
moral issues associated with highlighting
reproductive health, and said specifying other areas
such as violence reduction was too prescriptive.
Following some discussion, delegates agreed to
retain reference to reproductive health and delete
reference to violence reduction. Following minor
discussion, delegates agreed to text on development
and implementation of effective surveillance
initiatives at the local, national and regional
levels (subparagraph 74bis
This section is agreed.
Delegates agreed to the section after moving text on
the Digital Solidarity Agenda to the implementation
Discussions on the introductory paragraphs focused
on: balancing the importance of the BPOA with other
international agreements; reference to the Rio
Principles; and actions to support SIDS in achieving
the BPOA and other international goals.
The G-77/China
urged prioritizing action on the BPOA before taking
in account other relevant international sustainable
development agreements. The EU opposed the deletion
of references to the MDGs, and the G-77/China
underscored the implementation of the BPOA as
necessary for achieving the MDGs. Facilitator MacKay
proposed, and delegates agreed to language
indicating that the BPOA and the MDGs are mutually
The US, opposed by
the G-77/China, could not agree to include
references to the Rio Principles, in particular the
principle of common but differentiated
Delegates agreed
to a paragraph in which
SIDS reaffirm their commitment to
meet the sustainable development goals and
priorities in the BPOA by, inter alia, more
effective utilization of available resources and
reinforcing their national sustainable development
strategies and mechanisms; and in which the
international community agrees to support SIDS’
goals and to assist in the implementation of actions
to achieve them, particularly through the provision
of financial and technical support.
The EU’s proposed paragraph that identifies a list
of priority actions remains bracketed.
Access to and the provision of
financial resources:
Discussions focused on actions to be taken by the
international community to support the sustainable
development of SIDS, including through ODA, Foreign
Direct Investment (FDI) and the GEF.
Delegates agreed to several actions, with minor
amendment, including those relating to: strengthened
country-driven donor coordination for SIDS; regional
and interregional cooperation among SIDS; broad
based partnerships that ensure involvement and
participation of all relevant stakeholders; and
actions to support the full involvement of the
private sector.
Delegates could not agree to the EU’s proposal to
include national country-driven
and country-owned plans for poverty reduction and
sustainable development. Opposing the placement of
this language, the G-77/China suggested
moving this proposal to the section on national and
international enabling environments. The proposal
remains bracketed.
On FDI flows, the US agreed to delete its proposal
on the development of well-regulated financial
systems and said it would raise the issue later in
the negotiations and in another part of the
implementation section.
On ODA, Facilitator MacKay proposed two new
subparagraphs based on agreed text from Monterrey
paragraphs 42 and 43. The G-77/China, opposed by
Canada, the EU and the US, called for deleting
agreed language from Monterrey that encourages
developing countries to build on progress achieved
to use ODA effectively to help achieve
internationally agreed development goals. He said
the emphasis on the effective use of ODA was an
unfair conditionality on SIDS. The US expressed
caution with selectively using language from the
Monterrey Consensus, arguing that in some cases it
was out of context. Noting that the US does not
share the “fixation” with ODA, he urged delegates to
recognize other sources of finance. The EU,
supported by the US and the G-77/China, suggested
creating a separate subsection for ODA issues in the
implementation section. Both paragraphs on ODA
remain bracketed.
On GEF funding, discussion focused on language
concerning increasing SIDS’ access to GEF funds. The
G-77/China proposed encouraging the GEF to take into
account the special circumstances of SIDS in the
application of its rules of access. The US and the
EU preferred language reflecting facilitating access
to GEF funds, rather than changing the GEF’s rules
for SIDS. The G-77/China noted that the GEF Council
is currently revising its rules, and stressed the
need for greater SIDS’ access to GEF funds.
Delegates discussed an alternative proposal tabled
by Canada and amended by the G-77/China inviting the
GEF to consider ways of improving access and the
effectiveness and efficiency of its disbursement
procedures with regard to SIDS. The EU expressed
concern regarding the request to give special
consideration to SIDS. This text remains bracketed.
Following some
discussion on the appropriateness of
highlighting particular energy options, delegates
agreed to an EU proposal amended by the G-77/China
to address the energy vulnerability of SIDS, and
promote access to energy efficient technologies,
renewable energy and advanced clean energy
Climate change:
The G-77/China proposed language on the need to
expedite access to the LDC Fund and the Special
Climate Change Fund, and noted that discussion on
climate change issues were deferred to the IM.
Intellectual property rights and
Delegates agreed to a Facilitator’s
text on assisting SIDS in protecting intellectual
property, including traditional knowledge and
folklore, but could not agree on text concerning
facilitating access to and benefit sharing of
genetic resources.
Culture and development:
Delegates agreed with no
discussion to text on assisting SIDS to promote the
development of cultural industries, including
through cultural exchanges among SIDS and other
Delegates could not agree
on whether to use G-77/China text on facilitating
SIDS access to insurance, or the EU’s proposal to
consider the specific concerns of SIDS with regard
to disaster insurance. The G-77/China raised the
possibility of using BPOA+5 language on this issue.
The text remains in brackets.
Marine resources:
Discussions focused on
language referring to sustainable utilization of
marine resources, with the US opposing such language
noting its association with the whaling agenda. The
EU underscored the importance of conservation and
sustainable management. The G-77/China proposed text
on supporting SIDS’ efforts for the sustainable
management of their marine resources. The text
remains bracketed.
Agriculture and rural development:
Delegates discussed an
Australian proposal on assisting SIDS to promote
long-term development of efficient agricultural
industries with a reference to the global reform of
agricultural trade, and a G-77/China proposal to
promote agricultural competitiveness and
diversification and food security, with a Canadian
amendment to include reference to research and
development. This text remains in brackets.
Delegates agreed to
intensify action at all levels to prevent and combat
the spread of HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria and
other communicable and non-communicable diseases,
and to mitigate the impact of these diseases.
Transport and security:
Delegates agreed with
minor discussion to text promoting access to
appropriate technology and increased technical and
other assistance to support SIDS to further develop
and manage transport infrastructure to meet
international requirements including those relating
to security, as well as to minimize environmental
Discussions focused on the establishment of a
SIDS-dedicated Technology Transfer and Development
Facility within the UN system. The US questioned the
need for such a Facility. The G-77/China underscored
that such a framework was essential for achieving
the goals outlined in the section. Text
characterizing SIDS vulnerability and addressing the
promotion of access to technological systems
licenses and the rights of license holders remains
Discussions focused on the chapeau
language, with the EU urging for balanced text
reflecting that SIDS with the support of the
international community will enhance their
capacities. The G-77/China noted outstanding issues
with chapeau language and highlighted the
possibility of using BPOA language on this issue.
The chapeau remains bracketed. Delegates agreed to
the remainder of the section with a minor amendment.
National enabling
In this subsection
SIDS reaffirm their commitment to
establishing a domestic enabling environment for
sustainable development through the adoption of
national sustainable development strategies in an
integrated and holistic manner.
Discussions focused on balancing SIDS’
responsibilities with those of the international
community, and elaborating additional domestic
implementation measures for SIDS.
The US and EU expressed concern over the limited
scope of this section, underscoring the need for a
substantial expansion of the measures related to
national implementation. The US said the issue of
national governance deserves equal attention as
aspects of international governance. Following the
tabling of additional proposals by the EU and the
US, discussions focused on which text would
serve as the basis of the negotiations. Facilitator
MacKay proposed using the EU text, noting that it
was based on agreed language from the Monterrey
Consensus. The US supported this, but said the EU
text pays too little attention to the role of the
private sector. The EU said elements of the US
proposal covering the role of the private sector
could be added to their text. The G-77/China
proposed new text as the basis of negotiations.
Delegates could not agree on which text to base the
negotiations on, and the entire section remains
enabling environment:
This subsection addresses the role of
the international community in ensuring that
international financial institutions (IFIs) pay
attention to the needs and priorities of SIDS, and
formulate policies in relation to: the flexible
application of WTO rules; trade-related measures;
competition constraints; smooth transition; SIDS
adjustment to post-Doha trade liberalization and
long-term debt sustainability; and access to
international capital markets. It further calls for
an UNCTAD work programme on the special problems of
SIDS, including the development of integrated
framework for trade-related technical assistance.
In the discussion, the US
expressed concern regarding the prescriptive nature
of this section, noting that in some cases guidance
was being given to institutions outside of the UN
system. The G-77/China stressed the importance of
the international community providing direction to
IFIs, and reiterated that similar language exists in
the BPOA. The EU, with the US, called for deleting
references to SIDS as a special group, and replacing
it with references to individual SIDS instead. The
G-77/China opposed text referencing individual SIDS,
and said the EU proposal dilutes the special case of
SIDS recognized in Agenda 21. The EU proposed
deleting references to the smooth transition for
SIDS graduating from LDC status, noting ongoing
ECOSOC discussions on this issue. The G-77/China
stressed the need for the IM to support, in
principle, a smooth transition.
Following the tabling of new proposals by the EU and
the US, discussions focused on: highlighting SIDS
specific benefits and concerns regarding trade
liberalization; agricultural trade negotiations;
completion of the Doha Round; examining the
relationship between trade, environment and
development; the erosion of trade preferences; and
long-term financial mechanisms. Discussions were
inconclusive, with all paragraphs remaining in
brackets, except a reference to taking into account
the specific circumstances of each small island
developing state when assessing the perspective of
long-term debt sustainability.
Monitoring and evaluation:
This subsection addresses the role of the UN system
in the further implementation of the BPOA, and the
role of SIDS regional institutions in monitoring and
Discussions focused on the role of the Commission on
Sustainable Development (CSD) and other UN organs.
The US opposed language indicating that the CSD is
the only intergovernmental body addressing the
implementation of SIDS commitments, and proposed
text stating that it is the primary
intergovernmental body and adding reference to the
role of other relevant UN organs and programmes. He
also cautioned against being too prescriptive in
defining the roles of the UN Department for Economic
and Social Affairs (DESA) and the Office of the High
Representative of Least Developed Countries,
Landlocked Least Developed Countries, and SIDS (OHRLLS).
The G-77/China underscored the need for coordination
and streamlining of BPOA implementation. Facilitator
MacKay reported that DESA and the OHRLLS are
developing text on their respective roles.
Delegates agreed to text stating that the CSD will
continue to be the primary intergovernmental body
for the implementation and follow-up to the
commitments related to SIDS, and to text stating
that other relevant UN organs, programmes and
organizations also continue to have an important
role within their respective areas of expertise and
mandates, and that these programmes should
coordinate and rationalize their work in
implementing the Strategy for the Further
Implementation of the BPOA.
Delegates agreed with no discussion to text stating
the international community recognizes that SIDS
should have the flexibility to report jointly on
implementation through simplified procedures for
the BPOA and internationally agreed development
goals; and
SIDS regional institutions should play a key
role in monitoring the implementation of the
Strategy for the Further Implementation of the
Delegates did not discuss the convening of informal
consultations prior to the IM, noting that this
decision could be taken up by the Second Committee.
Mauritius informed participants that DESA and the
OHRLLS are developing the IM agenda and side events,
and said it could organize a briefing session for
delegates when arrangements for the IM were
Delegates praised
Facilitator MacKay and the Secretariat for their
patience and hard work. Facilitator MacKay closed
the meeting at 12:47 am, on Tuesday, 12 October.