Inter-Regional Preparatory Meeting
for the 10-Year Review of the Barbados Programme of Action (BPoA)
Bahamas | 26-30 January 2004
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from Thursday, 29 January
Dr. Marcus Bethel, Minister of Health and Environment, Bahamas, Anwarul
Chowdhury, Secretary-General of hte International Meeting, and Jagdish Koonjul,
Chairman of AOSIS (Mauritius) | |
In the morning, delegates met in Plenary to hear statements by
Ministers, Heads of Delegation, observer States and members of Organization. An
informal ministerial and heads of delegation consultation took place in the afternoon
to discuss the draft Political Declaration and the draft Strategy for the Further
Implementation of the BPOA, which were completed by the drafting group at 6:00
am on Thursday morning. Following the high-level consultation, participants met
in Plenary and were briefed on the way forward. The drafting group met in the
evening to revise the draft Declaration and draft Strategy for consideration by
the Plenary on Friday morning.
by Ministers, Heads of Delegations, observer States and organizations
Dengo, UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Marcus Bethel, Chair of the
Meeting, and Minister of Health and the Environment, Bahamas, Anwarul Chowdhury,
Secretary-General of the International Meeting, and Jagdish Koonjul, Chairman
of AOSIS (Mauritius) |
Roundtable Discussion: A Partnership for Marine and Coastal Protected Areas in
SIDS (WWF and Nature Conservancy) |
this roundtable discussion, convened by WWF and the Nature Conservancy, representatives
of SIDS governments, NGOs, intergovernmental organizations and donor partners
strongly supported the need for the SIDS Marine and coastal Protected Areas (MPCA)
Partnership that will increase both financial and technical assistance at the
national and local levels for MCPAs in SIDS. Participants identified the following
priorities for the partnership as it works to assist SIDS and strengthen MCPAs:baseline data and information; interlinkages with existing arrangements; community-based
MPAs and sustainable livelihoods; and communication and networking. For
more information, please contact: Indrani Lutchman, WWF (ilutchman@sunbeach.net)
or Gerald Miles (pictured bottom left), Nature Conservancy (gmiles@tnc.org) | |
from the Ministerial meeting and the Drafting Group |
Nunez, Belize, chaired the drafting group | | | 
| | Duncan
Currie, Greenpeace International (left) Delegates
from Mauritius (right) | |

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Chowdhury, Secretary General of the Mauritius International Meeting meets with
ENB writer Richard Sherman to discuss his vision for SIDS
Barbados Plan of Action
SIDS+5 report
Earth Negotiations Bulletin summary and analysis of the 1994 Barbados meeting
ENB summary of the SIDS+5 meeting
2002 GA resolution calling for the 10-year review
of SIDS Pacific
Regional Meeting, Samoa, 4-8 August 2003
Indian Ocean, Mediterranean, and the South China Sea (AIMS) Regional Meeting,
Cape Verde, 1-5 September, 2003
Regional Meeting, Trinidad, 6-10 October 2003
meetings |
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