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The Chair of the INCD, Ambassador Bo Kjell‚n of Sweden, opened the first session of the Committee at 3:00 pm on 24 May 1993. The Committee quickly adopted the agenda and organization of work (A/AC.241/5), which had been drafted at the organizational meeting in January.

During the course of the session all but one of the remaining officers were elected. Dr. Serguei N. Morozov from the Russian Federation was elected as Rapporteur of the Committee.

With regard to the working groups, Kjell‚n proposed that the bureaus consist of a Chair and two Vice-Chairs and that one of the Vice-Chairs will serve as Rapporteur. Jacques Alliot, the director-general of the Caisse Fran‡aise de D‚veloppement in France, was nominated by the Western European and Others Group as the Chair of Working Group II. Erwin Ortiz-Gandanillas, Minister Counsellor of Bolivia to the United Nations, was nominated as one of the Vice-Chairs of Working Group I. Kjell‚n announced that the Eastern European Group would nominate a Vice-Chair/Rapporteur for the final working group bureau post during the September session.

During the session, the INCD also accredited 173 NGOs, as listed in documents A/AC.241/9 and Add.1. Kjell‚n noted the large number of NGOs that had applied for accreditation and was pleased with the interest of the NGO community. The Committee also adopted document A/AC.241/L.5, which granted observer status to the following five intergovernmental organizations: Sahara and Sahel Observatory (OSS); Arab Maghreb Union (AMU); Intergovernmental Authority on Drought and Development (IGADD); Southern African Development Community (SADC); and the Permanent Inter-State Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel (CILSS).

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