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ENB:04:11 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


With assistance from several governments and the INCD Secretariat, an NGO meeting will be held 15 through 21 August in Bamako, Mali. The objectives of this meeting include: elaborating the role of NGOs in the INCD process; formulating concrete proposals for possible incorporation into the Convention; and demonstrating the linkages between desertification and development through examples that highlight the main actors and the coping strategies of local communities. KENGO will coordinate the organization for the event. Participation is by invitation only and will probably be limited to 100 NGOs, the INCD Bureau, at least six members of the African Group Bureau and several international aid agencies. The NGO funding proposal makes provision to support the participation of 60 NGOs from all of the regions effected by desertification, including 40 from Africa. Unlike the Paris NGO meeting, held during the UNCED process, it is likely that the Bamako gathering will directly address the documents under discussion and provide concrete textual alternatives to the Secretariat's documentation for the September INCD session.