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ENB:04:55 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


This Article states that existing successful plans and programmes, as well as relevant subregional and regional programmes, will be the basis for the preparation of national action programmes. Parties shall notify the Permanent Secretariat in writing of their intention to prepare a national action programme. Such programmes will be updated through a participatory process and will be interlinked with other efforts to formulate national sustainable development policies.

The second paragraph states that in the provision of assistance, priority shall be given to supporting, as agreed, national, subregional and regional action programmes of affected developing country Parties, particularly those in Africa. The third paragraph says that the Parties shall encourage organs, funds and programmes of the UN system and other relevant intergovernmental organizations, academic institutions and the scientific community and NGOs in a position to cooperate, to support the elaboration, implementation and follow-up of action programmes.

ARTICLE 10 -- NATIONAL ACTION PROGRAMMES: This article states that the purpose of national action programmes is to identify the factors contributing to desertification and practical measures necessary to combat desertification and mitigate the effects of drought. These action programmes shall: incorporate long-term strategies to combat desertification and mitigate the effects of drought; allow for modifications to be made in response to changing circumstances; give particular attention to the implementation of preventive measures; enhance national climatological, meteorological and hydrological capabilities; promote policies and strengthen institutional frameworks; provide for effective popular participation; and require regular review of implementation.

The Article also lists measures to prepare for and mitigate the effects of drought and measures in the following priority fields as they relate to combatting desertification and mitigating the effects of drought: promotion of alternative livelihoods; improvement of national economic environments with a view to strengthening programmes aimed at the eradication of poverty and at ensuring food security; sustainable management of natural resources; sustainable agriculture practices; development and efficient use of various energy sources; institutional and legal frameworks; strengthening of capabilities for assessment and monitoring, including hydrological and meteorological services; and capacity building, education and public awareness. [Return to start of article]