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The Inter-Governmental Authority on Drought and Development (IGADD) held a subregional workshop of high level policy makers from 28-30 September 1994 in Khartoum, Sudan. The purpose of the workshop was to: pave the way for signing of the Convention and its early ratification; draw up action programmes and strategies for the implementation of the Convention at the subregional level; and agree on the activities and set up a time-frame for subregional action during the interim period. Participants recognized the need for advocacy at all levels of civil society, particularly at the national level among local communities, NGOs and other target groups at the grassroots level. Member States were encouraged to establish national coordinating bodies and promote the integration of strategic planning frameworks, across sectors and at all administrative levels.With regard to action at the subregional level, participants agreed that IGADD should play a central role in the preparation and elaboration of subregional programmes in conformity with the Convention. IGADD should also review and prioritize existing programmes and undertake specific measures to ensure the establishment of an advisory, technical and scientific network.