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ENB:04:65 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


Among the provisions in the resolution, the Committee decides to establish two working groups with the following mandates:

Working Group I is responsible for the following issues: to initiate measures relating to the identification of an organization to house the Global Mechanism to promote actions leading to the mobilization and channelling of substantial financial resources, including its operational modalities; to make recommendations for the designation by the Conference of the Parties of a Permanent Secretariat and arrangements for its functioning; financial rules, programme and budget.

Working Group II is responsible for the following issues: organization of scientific and technological cooperation, in particular the terms of reference for the Committee on Science and Technology, the establishment and maintenance of a roster of independent experts, and the terms of reference and modalities of work of any ad hoc panels that the Conference of the Parties may decide to appoint; rules of procedure of the Conference of the Parties; procedures on questions of implementation; procedures for conciliation and arbitration; and procedures for communication of information for the review of implementation of the Convention and its institutional arrangements.

In addition to the supervision of the two Working Groups, the Plenary is responsible for the following issues: facilitating the implementation of the resolution on urgent action for Africa through the exchange of information, and the review of progress made thereon; the promotion of action in other regions; the agenda for the first meeting of the Conference of the Parties; coordination with other conventions; cooperation with relevant bodies or agencies; and public awareness activities.

The Committee also requests the Secretariat to prepare documentation, including, inter alia, compilation of information and Governments" views, in order to facilitate the deliberations of the Committee at the seventh session on the following issues: identification of an organization to house the Global Mechanism; financial rules; programme and budget; designation of a Permanent Secretariat and arrangements for its functioning; scientific and technological cooperation; draft rules of procedure of the Conference of the Parties; procedures for communication of information and review of implementation, as well as measures taken by Member States and relevant organizations.

The Secretariat is also requested, subject to review at the seventh session, to prepare documentation on the following issues with a view to facilitating the deliberations of the Committee at the eighth session: procedures to resolve questions on implementation and draft annexes on conciliation and arbitration.

INCD members, UN programmes and agencies as well as relevant intergovernmental organizations are invited to submit to the Secretariat updated reports on measures taken or planned for the implementation of the urgent action for Africa and action in other regions. The Secretariat is also requested to prepare a compilation of such reports for the seventh session.

The resolution also calls for two sessions of up to two weeks each in 1996 and in 1997, the venue and timing of which will be decided by the General Assembly on recommendation of the Committee at the seventh session.

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