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ENB:04:65 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


In November, some 50 NGOs met in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, to establish a global network on desertification called RIOD (R‚seau International d"ONGs sur la D‚sertification) and to develop an action plan for the implementation of the Convention. Governments and UN agencies have reacted favorably to the establishment of RIOD and the fact that NGOs are already taking positive action to implement the Convention. During INCD-6, NGOs had daily meetings with representatives from donor governments and UN agencies to discuss the mechanisms for getting funding for implementation of the NGO action programme, specifically for public awareness activities and the involvement of NGOs and community-based organizations in the implementation of the Convention. The establishment of this NGO network, and the interest of donors in supporting its work, is an indication of the effectiveness of the bottom-up approach.