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ENB:05:07 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


PLENARY: The Plenary will convene under Amb. Razali this morning to finish work on the draft decision on finance (L.5). At 3:00 pm the Plenary is expected to meet briefly to take action on the following draft decisions negotiated in Group I: Issues relating to the future work of the Commission (L.2); Exchange of information regarding the implementation of Agenda 21 at the national level (L.3); and Adoption of a multi-year thematic programme of work (L.4). The Plenary will then resume its discussion on finance.

INFORMAL NEGOTIATING GROUP I: This group will meet this morning to discuss the draft decision on Agenda Item 5, progress in the incorporation of recommendations of UNCED in the activities of international organizations. This draft decision was prepared by the Chair and distributed to the group on Saturday.

INFORMAL NEGOTIATING GROUP II: This group will meet in the afternoon to begin discussions on the draft decision on Agenda Item 6, transfer of environmentally sound technology, cooperation and capacity building.