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On Friday morning, 25 June, the Commission adopted the following
- E/CN.17/1993/L.2/Rev.1: Issues relating to the future work of the Commission.
- E/CN.17/1993/L.3/Rev.1: Exchange of information regarding the implementation of Agenda 21 at the national level.
- E/CN.17/1993/L.4: Adoption of a multi-year thematic programme of work.
- E/CN.17/1993/L.5/Rev.1: Initial financial commitments, financial flows and arrangements.
- E/CN.17/1993/L.6: Progress in the incorporation of recommendations of UNCED in the activities of international organizations.
- E/CN.17/1993/L.7: Progress achieved in facilitating and promoting the transfer of environmentally sound technologies, cooperation and capacity-building.
- E/CN.17/1993/L.8: The report of the Commission on its first session.
- E/CN.17/1993/L.8/Add.1: Chairman's summary of the high-level meeting of the Commission.
- E/CN.17/1993/L.9: Draft provisional agenda for the second session of the Commission.
After the decisions were adopted and the curtains in the
Trusteeship Council Chamber were opened for the first time in years
and the sun shone in (on the suggestion of Canada), the Chair and
numerous delegations took the floor to express their thanks and
their hopes that the challenge of sustainable development and the
CSD will turn into reality.
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