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ENB:05:12 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


During the coming months, individual governments will inform the CSD Secretariat of their plans to hold meetings that might contribute to the work of the CSD at its next session. During the CSD, the following governments announced plans to hold such intersessional meetings:

  • France will host a meeting in 1994 on water quality and public health in the most underprivileged areas;
  • The Netherlands will have a conference on drinking water in early 1994;
  • Italy said that it would sponsor a meeting on one of the issues scheduled for next year's session but was not specific on the topic;
  • Malaysia announced that it would host a meeting as their contribution and while they did not mention a subject, Finland later welcomed Malaysia's offer to host a workshop on the sustainable management of forests;
  • Norway announced two meetings: 1) a workshop on environmentally friendly technology in cooperation with UNCTAD; and 2) an expert meeting to assist in enabling the CSD to monitor developments on the availability of financial resources;
  • Canada said that the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) in Winnipeg is establishing an informal forum on environment and trade;
  • Morocco reiterated its pledge made during the Rio Conference to host a high-level meeting to deal with freshwater;
  • Sweden will host a meeting in Stockholm 25-29 April 1994 on risk assessment and management of chemicals and offered to make funds available for the costs of holding the meeting and will contribute to the participation of developing country delegates; and
  • Denmark offered to host a meeting on health.
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