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ENB:05:14 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


Together with the annotated provisional agenda contained in document E/CN.17/ISWG.I/1994/1, the Working Group was presented with the Report of the Secretary-General on the transfer of environmentally sound technology, cooperation and capacity building (E/CN.17/ISWG.I/ 1994/2). This document is divided into three sections: the first lists proposals that have emerged from the Oslo and Cartagena meetings held prior to the working group; the second deals with generic factors affecting technology transfer; and the third provides a sectoral focus based on the clusters to be discussed at the CSD session later this year. Each delegation was also provided with a compendium of reference materials as background information. Significant input included the reports of the Oslo workshop and the Cartagena meeting, two papers submitted by the Tata Energy Research Institute on Technology Transfer in the Context of Global Environmental Issues and Access to Modern Energy Technologies and Their Transfer to Developing Countries, a paper by the World Coal Institute on Technology Transfer Opportunities in the Sustainable Production of and Utilization of Coal, and two papers commissioned by UNDP from the Innovative Strategies in Technology and Finance for Sustainable Development Project involving scholars at Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. E/CN.17/ISWG.I/ 1994/3 contains a letter from the Ambassador of Tunisia to the Secretary-General regarding the proposed establishment of an environmental technology center in Tunisia.