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ENB:05:14 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


The reports of the two Working Groups will be discussed by the bureau of the CSD and presented by the Chair to the CSD at its next session. Given the very active role of the present Chair and bureau, look for some enhancement of these rather bare reports, drawing together issues upon which the CSD could agree to move forward. The technology transfer Working Group recommendations on access to information will be taken up again at a meeting convened by Canada's International Development Research Center in Ottawa from 11-12 April, 1994. Look for terms of reference and the design of a review of existing information systems on environmentally sound technologies. The US and Colombia, co-hosts of the Cartagena meeting intend to meet together in Washington, immediately prior to the CSD meeting in May, to assess the results of the meeting, how it should be reported to the CSD and possible follow-up work. The CSD session will inevitably see the announcement of new intersessional activities, some within the context of Agenda 21 follow-up and others owing their roots to other processes but linked to the CSD. Japan will host a OECD meeting to begin to develop performance standards for biotechnologies in November 1994. Also look for reports to the CSD of intersessional meetings of governments and NGOs alike.